Star Trek: Axanar

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There are NO PLANS to shoot any part of Axanar, or any vignettes at The new Phase II studios in N.Y.. I found out second hand that they would not be coming here a few days ago.
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^^^ Well that kind of makes sense, especially since it could be assumed that the Phase II sets are all Kirk-era in look & feel, and Axanar sets will have a distinctly older-looking Pike-era (or even Robau-era) appearance.
137th, the stated plan was for the vignette to occur a short time after the TOS episode ''Whom Gods Destroy'', and not during the Four Years War period.
Most of the Axanar people are sleep deprived. They finished the Kickstarter, and moved their offices over the weekend. And many of them have jobs, too! I wouldn't draw any conclusions from what any ONE of them says. Give them a few days to catch their collective breaths. They have updated their 'donate' button on their website, but I suspect that this is not the 'final' version of continuing donations. I'm "press" in this community, I have sources, and I am not at liberty to share everything I have heard. I strongly advise against jumping to conclusions right now. I believe things are in flux.
I don't know what conclusions you think I am jumping to? I own the Phase II sets and project and I can assure you that there are no plans for them to shoot here.
As a kick starter contributor, thank you for the digital download of the Holiest Thing. I see no other entry on this, so I want to thank you and the crew for this again!

Enjoyed it and think all cast and crew did a bang up job! I rate it 5 Starships out of 5.
I don't know what conclusions you think I am jumping to? I own the Phase II sets and project and I can assure you that there are no plans for them to shoot here.

James, not to speak for Barb, but I definitely got the feeling those comments were aimed elsewhere.

All the best to you and the crew!
One thing is, that in additon to the Ares-class, Constitution-class, and the four Kelvin based ships, there is the tease that we will see a FASA based ship. USS Xenophon (a Marklin-class destroyer). This ship was only see as a top view in the Four Years War suppliment by FASA for their Star Trek roleplaying game.

It is almost certain this ship will be in Axanar as a CG ship.

"Almost certain"? Just out of curiosity, is this based on inside information? In Prelude Garth mentioned that he was captain of the Xenophon earlier in the war, but I guess I just assumed the full film would take place after he had taken command of Ares. Like I said, though, that's just a guess, so I was just wondering what you were basing this on.

They have been teasing stills of the CG of the Marklin-class Xenophon on their main public Facebook page. It could show up in Axanar itself, or perhaps on the DVD or BD of Prelude. They did just barely get that to the release date, so perhaps they decided to do cleanups.

Also there is the old "show not tell" to film scripts. Instead of just having Garth tell us where he was when he heard Admiral Ramirez speech, instead show it.

Oh, OK, thanks for the info. I'm not on Facebook, so I haven't seen that.

In a related vein... does anyone know if Michael Hogan is still associated with this project? I read the announcement that he had joined in this very thread, but he wasn't in Prelude, and he's not mentioned as part of the cast on the Axanar website. I suspect that if he left, it was mentioned on Facebook, but like I said...
Seems pretty passive-aggressive to throw in "second hand," but an interesting update nonetheless. I suspect whoever suggested these vignettes were designed to drive subsequent Kickstarters is correct.
Michael Hogan is still listed as being on for Axanar, but was not availible for the two day shooting for Prelude to Axanar.
I don't know what conclusions you think I am jumping to? I own the Phase II sets and project and I can assure you that there are no plans for them to shoot here.

I wasn't specifically addressing you, James. Sorry. I'm sure you wouldn't speak without knowledge. I just hear a lot of churning from them and people jumping to conclusions. I know that the Axanar people have been running around without sleep. Obviously, they are very happy about the Kickstarter, but I created trouble on Facebook by restating their posts... I substantially repeated two from the Kickstarter and one from the post that started the thread in which I paraphrased it. I started a big fight! I took the posts down but ... this leaves me feeling they are not thinking things through yet.

Obviously, they can't use your crew or sets without your clearance. I apologize. My comment was based on the following, not your comment:

Parallel from the Joe and Sally Show:

Joe: Red is green!

1. reply comment

2-45 reply comments.

46. Me: I believe they are going on the theory that Red is green. Also... [two paraphrases from the Joe and Sally Show Kickstarter Updates Page].

47. Sally: Who in heck told you THAT? Where did you get that from?

That's a simplification (and obviously, Axanar is not the Joe and Sally Show and nobody said red is green) but it is almost exactly what happened. This leaves me with the belief they need to sleep and talk to each other... after they sleep. And comment 46 has been deleted, along with the comments that followed in which I changed my paraphrases to quotes and got into even MORE hot water.
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I want the sweater-wearing, fuddy-duddy British pacifist April from the novels (incidentally, the novels from which the movie version of George Kirk was derived). Not that he'd be much use in a space war film.
Hogan will likely base his performance on the avaliable material on Robert April, while sticking closer to his TAS appearance over his novel appearances. His personaloty will likely come from the novels to suppliment the limited TAS material.
Hogan will likely base his performance on the avaliable material on Robert April, while sticking closer to his TAS appearance over his novel appearances. His personaloty will likely come from the novels to suppliment the limited TAS material.

Or he'll come up with his own interpretation that's solely based on the script, April's dialogue and the direction he's given.
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