Star Trek: Axanar

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I'm a little annoyed that the Enterprise looks just like it did in TOS, but the D-7s look very TMP. IMHO.
Well, I can´t tell you the solution, but it is not that hard to guess. Listen closely to what is being said and who says it. I can asure you we´re not violating canon.
Tobias! Thank you for showing up here - and fantastic work on these models - I've been an admirer of your work since I first saw your orthos of the NuTrek ships back in 2009/2010.

Would it be possible for orthos to be put up of your new ship designs on this project? The Ares is a great looking ship, but I would also be interested in seeing details on the other "Kelvin-generation" ships as well. :techman:
137th - There are plans for special perk for the next Kickstarter that would feature all the ships, so the orthos are reserved for that (for now)

tallguy - The D7 had to be upgraded a little bit. I´ve tried to do it very carefully. By no means are they as detailed as they are in TMP. The pure D7 of the original just don´t have enough detail, in fact they do not have any detail at all (I have an original studio scale model of that right here), so that´s a no go. Sorry if you don´t like it, but call it my artistic license if you will...
Well, I can´t tell you the solution, but it is not that hard to guess. Listen closely to what is being said and who says it. I can asure you we´re not violating canon.

Understood, thanks.

I'm a little annoyed that the Enterprise looks just like it did in TOS, but the D-7s look very TMP. IMHO.

The D7s to me look like the remastered versions in TOS episodes like "Elaan of Troyius"
I've always been of the opinion that the D7 and K'tinga were one and the same. IIRC, the first time we actually heard "D7" on screen, it was the K'tinga CG model which was used (in VOY: "Prophecy"), and the added detail in "Trials and Tribble-ations" and TOS-R make them indistinguishable to all but the most hardcore.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and there's ENT: "Unexpected" which gives us a D7/K'tinga in 2151, but I think it's fair to say PtA is pretending that never happened:)
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One constant in the universe: Trek fans will always, always, find something to complain about.:guffaw:

I do try to keep it to my allotted share. :)

For whatever it's worth, whatever Axanar has done so far, it has done it well. There's never a moment where you say "They were trying for X but wound up with Y."

I think those Cage uniforms look better than the originals.
Technically, the D7 in Enterprise was not suppose to happen. It was a "we just don't have time to do this anymore, what do we have on hand" moment. They had a model (what Axanar is using as the D4) made for Enterprise, but it was rejected for reasons and there wasn't time to fix it before the episode went out. So the D7 was used that one time. It didn't show up again in Enterprise, replaced with the D5.
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