So What Are you Reading?: Generations

Finished the first Slings an Arrows book, which was somewhat disappointing.

Now I'm reading The Body Electric.
Just finished the first book in the Han Solo trilogy, The Paradise Snare. Today I'll be starting Book 2, The Hutt Gambit. Up on deck is Book 3, Rebel Dawn. Reminds me why I enjoyed Ann Crispin's books so much!
Leaving on a trip the day after Christmas so I picked up something short and sweet: Terrance Dicks' novelization, Doctor Who And The Abominable Snowmen. If I don't finish before I leave, I'll take it and Doctor Who And The Enemy of The World with me.
Was half-way through Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez, when I got Star Trek The Next Generation: Cold Equations: The Body Electric. Starting on it now!
The third book in the series, Judgment of Tears, is good, too.

At first I thought I was missing one, but over here, it looks like it's called Dracula Cha Cha Cha. I think I prefer the US title though. It's on the list of books to read:)
Finished 11.22.63 - mostly King's best book in years, more a candidate for "the great American novel" than anything else he's done, but it loses a point or two from what would have been an 11/10 for the utterly predictable obligatory "the present is now Hill Valley in BTTF Part II" sequence.

I think if I'd been editor, I'd have strongly recommended ending at Little Rock, maybe in the bus station, on Jake having a big decision to make about where he goes from there.

But, then, King's a rich legend and I'm a nobody whom no-one will work with twice, so probably best to ignore that opinion as it's probably wrong, and I'm the only one who can't see it.

Oh, one other thing I found odd was the number of apparent Britishisms used by the 1958-63 characters - fag for cigarette, for example - and I wonder if that's changes for the UK edition, or if they were actually common in the US back then
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Published my review of the third book in the Errand of Vengeance trilogy, River of Blood by Kevin Ryan.

Currently reading Chain of Attack by Gene DeWeese, Cold Equations, Book III: The Body Electric by David Mack, and a recently-received gift of Federation: The First 150 Years. Looks like the holidays will be Trek-filled for me!
Yesterday, I started reading Indistinguishable from Magic by David McIntee. It's been a fast, enjoyable read, but Georgi knows everyone he runs into throughout the novel. It's Geordi's "This Is Your Life."

I also received Federation: The First 150 Years for Christmas. I haven't started reading it yet. I just stare at how beautiful it looks on display.
I finished up the first Kate Daniels novel, Magic Burns last night and I loved it. Kate was a great character, she was sarcastic without being annoying and she kicked ass, two things I love in these kinds of characters. I love the world that was created around her, it was definitely one of the more unique urban fantasy universes I've come across yet. My rating: 5/5
I just finished reading The Further adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Titanic tragedy.It was quite an interesting read.I hope to start reading Startrek A fury Scorned and then Persistance of memory.