So What Are you Reading?: Generations

Finally found time to read FROZEN HEAT, the new novel by "Richard Castle." Read the whole book in two days--and am curious to see where the story goes next.
I'm halfway through Afury Scorned.I'm really enjoying this book.I like how Deaana And Data and Geordi have an important role in this book.I like the sceience in this book about Novas and wormholes.It's made for some interesting reading so far.:techman:
Started reading KOLCHAK AND THE LOST WORLD by C. J. Henderson last night. Aside from the (unavoidable) oddness of seeing Kolchak in the modern world of computers and laptops, Henderson seems to have Kolchak's voice down. The book is written in first-person, which seems right for KOLCHAK since he always narrated the movies and TV episodes . . . . .
I just started reading The Lord of the Rings for the fourth time. Just finished The Hobbit in preparation for seeing the movie.
Finished Kill Decision. Now reading Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude for the second time in my life.
I got a box of books for Xmas. Just finished reading World War Z and have just started reading my way through Feist's Midkemia/Kelewan books (I'm on chapter 2 of Magican so a long way to go yet).

I'm also reading the Ender's Game books for the first time. I'm up to Shadows In Flight. Just waiting on the library to have it available.
I finished Immortal Coil a few days ago and I'm almost finished with Star Trek: The Next Generation: Cold Equations, Book 1: The Persistence of Memory.

I finished The Persistence of Memory. I'm now reading Cold Equations, Book 2: Silent Weapons.
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I've startred reading Persistance of Memory.I agree with others who said this was a nice continuatuion of Jeffrey Lang's immortal coil movel about Data.
I just finished The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek, as well as The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Now I'm reading Twilight as a joke.

It is a very bad joke.
I just finished reading Blood Rites, the 6th Dresden Files novel. TDF is one of my favorite series and this was one of the best ones yet.
My rating: 5/5.
Currently reading:
Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire by Michael Martin
Strike Zone (TNG #5) by Peter David (get well soon!!)
Reunion by Michael Jan Friedman

Since my last post, I've finished:
Probe by Margaret Wander Bonanno
Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game by David Mack
The Final Nexus (TOS #43) by Gene DeWeese
Vulcan's Glory (TOS #44) by D.C. Fontana
Survivors (TNG #4) by Jean Lorrah
Voyager: Unworthy by Kirsten Beyer
and Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind

I got Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly for Christmas - looking forward to reading these but I've got an awfully high stack of unread books calling for me already.
I just finished Passion Play by Beth Bernobich and One of Our Thursdays is Missing by Jasper Fforde. Currently reading the first issue of my new subscription to Lightspeed magazine (an e-magazine of science fiction and fantasy that is really excellent).

Incidentally, really enjoying my Kindle Fire. :)