So What Are you Reading?: Generations

Took me a few seconds to get the title of the new thread, but I like it. :techman:

Just finished up Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. Just amazing.

Started Mainspring by Jay Lake. Not that far into it but I'm not sure it's going to do a lot for me. And also a little way into The Kingdom of Shadows by K.W. Jeter. Can't judge it yet.
:lol:I love the thread title!

I'm currently reading "Double Helix #5: Double or Nothing". Before that, I read "Captain's Table: Once Burned" and loved it. It really warmed me to Calhoun, who was my least favourite NF character.
Just started the Epilogue of TNG: Q&A and will be moving on to TNG: Before Dishonor later today. I'm closing in on Destiny and can't wait!

- Byron
Gonna wrap up Watching the Clock and Paths of Disharmony before the end of the year. I have Christmas Day - New Year's Day off so I ought to get a lot of good solid reading time in.
I just finished Stephen King's 11/22/63. I picked it up from the library on Tuesday afternoon, began reading it yesterday morning, and that's how I've been spending my free time since then. I don't read a lot of King (horror isn't a genre that attracts me), but this -- utterly captivating. I have a perverse attachment to the 50s/60s (was raised on that music and television from the era), so the sheer amount of immersive detail King threw in would have thrilled me, even if the storytelling wasn't so compelling. There's a subtle shade of horror and anticipation throughout the book, and the ending...

Suffice it to say, I think it tops my list of King books. I wonder if Christopher has read it, given the time-travel angle.
Suffice it to say, I think it tops my list of King books. I wonder if Christopher has read it, given the time-travel angle.

I'm not a King fan, and it's not like I go out of my way to seek out time-travel fiction all the time, just when I was in the process of developing and writing Watching the Clock.
Ha, excellent thread title! Nicely done! Glad I wasn't the one to start it, I wouldn't have come up with that.
I just finished Stephen King's 11/22/63. I picked it up from the library on Tuesday afternoon, began reading it yesterday morning, and that's how I've been spending my free time since then. I don't read a lot of King (horror isn't a genre that attracts me), but this -- utterly captivating. I have a perverse attachment to the 50s/60s (was raised on that music and television from the era), so the sheer amount of immersive detail King threw in would have thrilled me, even if the storytelling wasn't so compelling. There's a subtle shade of horror and anticipation throughout the book, and the ending...

I'm about 3/4 of the way through and I'm really enjoying it so far.
Picked up Kim Harrison's The Hollows graphic novel, Blood Work. I'm almost done with Paths of Disharmony (300/371 pages into it) and I'm think about working on it and some of the other GNs I've got piled up. The pile includes the second SW: Knights of the Old and Buffy Season 8 collections, and the SW:Mara Jade and SW:Union collections.
Ilona Andrews' Magic Slays. After finally giving up on the Anita Blake series it's nice to find a decent urban fantasy series with a likable female lead. I just hope Andrews doesn't screw the shark the way LKH did later on.

I'm also starting Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick. So far, awesome read.
Reading Star Trek: Enemy Unseen...Should be done with it before my ST: Destiny trilogy arrives in the mail.
Finished up Attack of the Clones. JD, I heartily agree, the extra material with all of the families really pushed that one over the top. Scenes like that are what I used to read novelizations for.

I started The Future of Us, and so far it's been a really fun read. Turns out it's a YA book so I'm going through it fairly quickly, but I think that might also be because it's a great wish fulfillment story for me. As I mentioned earlier, it's about two teenagers who install AOL for the first time in 1996, but find themselves looking at their 2011 Facebook pages when they log in. I remember when I completed my Trek DVD collection, and thinking "Wow, I'd love to show this to my 12-year-old self." (For reference, at 12 I was eagerly awaiting the release of Wrath of Khan.) This book really plays in to that feeling.

Next on deck is Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions!

And I agree with everyone, great title for the new thread. It took a second for it to click, and made me literally lol when it did.
I started reading New Jedi Order, since I have a few of the earlier books from the series.

Whether I'll read the entire series remains to be seen, considering there's like, 20 or so books.
I've read:

*Indiana Jones Omnibus, Vol. 1...where Indy actually has some racist lines towards Asians, and an Asian woman was named "Lotus Flower" during the course of the story. (Yes, the era is the 1930s, but come on...)

*Indiana Jones: The Further Adventures, Vol. 1 - A bit better, quicker stories, passable art...

*The Last Unicorn graphic novel

*Indiana Jones Adventures, Vol. 2 - pretty good

*Tales from the Crypt - a modernized graphic novel

*That Man Bolt by Peter Crowcroft - novelization of the 1970s film; still as convoluted/heavily plot-holed as the film...but interesting, nonetheless..
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