So What Are you Reading?: Generations

I needed to catch up on TNG and TP so I could start David Mack's TNG trilogy so on a business trip last week that involved 2 cross country flights and some nights alone in a hotel I read Indistinguishable From Magic, Plagues of Night, Raise the Dawn and Brinkmanship. I figure I'm caught up enough in that it doesn't matter I'm behind 2 Voyager books and the last Titan book.

I had taken along Rise Like Lions and barely started that when I decided I had had enough Trek for the trip and switched to Osama by Lavie Tidhar.
I finally got around to starting VOY: The Eternal Tide this afternoon. I didn't get far because I only had an hour to read today. Hopefuly tomorrow I'll get more time...
I just finished Mr. Mack's Silent Weapons and have now returned to Vanguard via Reap The Whirlwind. Loving it so far :techman:
:techman:I recently read Voyager The Eternal tide and really enjoyed it and how they portray the voyager characters in this book.I've been enjoying reading alot of the older Tos books.I'm almost reading Chain of attack. I plan on reading Firestorm by L.A.Graff.I really like their TOS books.:) Also the older TNG books where Data is in them.
Finished Wildfire by David Mack yesterday.

Currently, Hostile Waters by Gordon Kent. After that, possibly back to the SCE, Dune (again), one of the Honorverse series (it's been a while) or Eternity Base by Bob Mayer
I finished reading The Last Days of Krypton last night.
My review from Shelfari said:
I just finished reading this, and I enjoyed it. It wasn't anything mind blowing, but it was very enjoyable. I especially liked the arc following the rise of Commissioner/General Zod. My only real issue I had was the lack of Supergirl/Kara Zor-El. She's a big part of Superman's story, and her parents were two of the books main characters, so her absence was especially noticeable.
Started on an old TOS novel the other day, Ishmael by Barbara Hambly. Not too bad so far, although not the usual type of story I go for.
Just finished with Double Helix 6 - The First Virtue. A swift read, though Beverly Crusher on the cover was a bit of an overstatement of her involvement.

Tomorrow, I'll begin Distant Shores. Looking forward to CLB's "Brief Candle" which features... the Markonians. :bolian:

Still early into Invasion! 1 - First Strike. Usually I don't read Diane Carey but I'd like to read the whole crossover series. The aliens (Furies) pleasantly reminded me of the Fek'Ihri Horde from STO based on the blurbs. I'm looking forward to see how far the similarity goes.

But I was already annoyed by a ground battle description. So, there are only male security officers. No women, no aliens. On the 23rd century Starfleet flagship. And the "Spock is the first and only Vulcan in Starfleet" reared its ugly head. This was already wrong when TOS was still on the airwaves.
But I was already annoyed by a ground battle description. So, there are only male security officers. No women, no aliens. On the 23rd century Starfleet flagship.

That's consistent with what we always saw in TOS. We never saw a female security guard, or an alien Enterprise crewmember other than Spock, until the animated series. First Strike is set in the early second season, after "Friday's Child."
But I was already annoyed by a ground battle description. So, there are only male security officers. No women, no aliens. On the 23rd century Starfleet flagship.

That's consistent with what we always saw in TOS. We never saw a female security guard, or an alien Enterprise crewmember other than Spock, until the animated series. First Strike is set in the early second season, after "Friday's Child."

I admit that I cheated and added a female security officer to my next TOS book, but, yeah, Spock is clearly the only "alien" officer aboard the Enterprise in in the original series, given the way his Vulcan nature seems to be a constant source of interest and curiosity from the rest of the crew. One gets the distinct impression that Spock is regarded as something of a novelty by the otherwise human crew of the Enterprise.

That being said, I suppose it would be possible to have an alien Starfleet officer or diplomat be temporarily assigned to the Enterprise for the length of one book . . .
I admit that I cheated and added a female security officer to my next TOS book, but, yeah, Spock is clearly the only "alien" officer aboard the Enterprise in in the original series, given the way his Vulcan nature seems to be a constant source of interest and curiosity from the rest of the crew. One gets the distinct impression that Spock is regarded as something of a novelty by the otherwise human crew of the Enterprise.

On the other hand, various novels over the years have given the Enterprise more alien crew during the TOS era -- the most recent one I can think of being A Choice of Catastrophes, IIRC.
I admit that I cheated and added a female security officer to my next TOS book, but, yeah, Spock is clearly the only "alien" officer aboard the Enterprise in in the original series, given the way his Vulcan nature seems to be a constant source of interest and curiosity from the rest of the crew. One gets the distinct impression that Spock is regarded as something of a novelty by the otherwise human crew of the Enterprise.

On the other hand, various novels over the years have given the Enterprise more alien crew during the TOS era -- the most recent one I can think of being A Choice of Catastrophes, IIRC.

True. I guess it just depends on how flexible you wanna be when it comes to adhering to the letter of the original eps, as opposed to taking advantage of the unlimited makeup budget of the novels!
True. I guess it just depends on how flexible you wanna be when it comes to adhering to the letter of the original eps, as opposed to taking advantage of the unlimited makeup budget of the novels!

Indeed. And with a ship that visits starbases every few months I don't see a reason why there can't be regular fluctuation among the crew. The First Adventure had some Caitians among the crew, for example.

However, Memory Beta explains the Human-only ship that each of the four founding species was given a Constiution-class vessel, e.g. the Intrepid for the Vulcans and the Eagle for the Andorians.
But I was already annoyed by a ground battle description. So, there are only male security officers. No women, no aliens. On the 23rd century Starfleet flagship.

That's consistent with what we always saw in TOS. We never saw a female security guard, or an alien Enterprise crewmember other than Spock, until the animated series. First Strike is set in the early second season, after "Friday's Child."

I admit that I cheated and added a female security officer to my next TOS book, but, yeah, Spock is clearly the only "alien" officer aboard the Enterprise in in the original series, given the way his Vulcan nature seems to be a constant source of interest and curiosity from the rest of the crew. One gets the distinct impression that Spock is regarded as something of a novelty by the otherwise human crew of the Enterprise.

That being said, I suppose it would be possible to have an alien Starfleet officer or diplomat be temporarily assigned to the Enterprise for the length of one book . . .
That's sounds really neat your going to have a female security officer on board the Enterprise.I'.ve been reading the older novels and they had Ingrid Tompson as the security chief featured in several of the older Startrek books.I definitely will be buying this book.:techman:
That's consistent with what we always saw in TOS. We never saw a female security guard, or an alien Enterprise crewmember other than Spock, until the animated series. First Strike is set in the early second season, after "Friday's Child."

I admit that I cheated and added a female security officer to my next TOS book, but, yeah, Spock is clearly the only "alien" officer aboard the Enterprise in in the original series, given the way his Vulcan nature seems to be a constant source of interest and curiosity from the rest of the crew. One gets the distinct impression that Spock is regarded as something of a novelty by the otherwise human crew of the Enterprise.

That being said, I suppose it would be possible to have an alien Starfleet officer or diplomat be temporarily assigned to the Enterprise for the length of one book . . .
That's sounds really neat your going to have a female security officer on board the Enterprise.I'.ve been reading the older novels and they had Ingrid Tompson as the security chief featured in several of the older Startrek books.I definitely will be buying this book.:techman:

Great! My new security officer actually has big part in the book. She's not just a random redshirt.
Somebody needs to bring back Anne Nored. After all, we don't know how long she served on the ship before "The Survivor," or after it.
Having finished Vanity Fair (and you can read my thoughts on it here) I've moved into Middle-earth mode by listening to the Complete Recordings of Howard Shore's score for The Lord of The Rings -- accompanied by Doug Adams' analysis and commentary in the book The Music of 'The Lord of The Rings' Films.