So What Are you Reading?: Generations

Just published my review of Star Trek: Errand of Vengeance, Book II: Killing Blow by Kevin Ryan.

Just finished reading The Calling by David Mack and Star Trek #36: How Much for Just the Planet? by John M. Ford.

Now working on finishing up Black Swan Green by David Mitchell.
I started Substitution Method, the first tie-in novel for Eureka. I'm about 2 chapters into it, and so far I'm really enjoying it. I've been looking forward to reading this and getting a new Eureka story since the series ended.
"John Wayne: The Legend and the Man". This is a great book filled with hundreds and hundreds of previously unseen Wayne and studio family photos. If you are a Duke fan, I can't recommend this one enough. (Nope, I'm not shilling this - not getting a dime - it's just a great photo book).
I just finished reading Firestorm by L.A.Graf I really enjoyed the science and geology about the volcanism in this book.The alien lifeforms discovered living in the volcano were really interesting.I just startres The Romulan Prize by Simon Hawke.I've really enjoyed reading these older Tos and TNG the last few weeks.
Currently reading:
Probe by Margaret Wander Bonanno
Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game by David Mack
The Final Nexus (TOS#43) by Gene DeWeese

Over the last week, I finished:
The IDIC Epidemic (TOS #38) by Jean Lorrah
Memory Prime (TOS #42) by Gar and Judith Reeves-Stephens
Titan: Over a Torrent Sea by Christopher L. Bennett
Titan: Synthesis by James Swallow
VOY: Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer

(I had to do some traveling last week so I had lots of extra reading time.)
Finished Infinite Crisis (I had stopped it when book 2 of Cold Equations came out). Definitely enjoyed it, but for a DC newbie like me there certainly where some "Who are those people?" moments. :lol:

Started the first book of Slings and Arrows today.
Finished Infinite Crisis (I had stopped it when book 2 of Cold Equations came out). Definitely enjoyed it, but for a DC newbie like me there certainly where some "Who are those people?" moments. :lol:

To be honest, even I had a few "Who?" moments when reading the original scripts. And I've been reading DC Comics since they were only twelve cents apiece.

Thank God for wikipedia and the official DC Encyclopedia.
Am reading "My Brother's Keeper" finished Book 1: Republic and currently reading Book 2: Constitution and soon to read Book 3 which I cannot recall the name of again. All by Michael Jan Friedman (1999 at least the first two are that year).

Interesting quote from second book: "As you know, Vulcans do not weep." (p. 23). It was nice to see it shared in a temporally appropriate manner.

As for non-fiction reading: I am attempting to go through "Policraticus" by John of Salisbury:
Books 1 - 3 with selections from 7 & 8 with English translation title: "The Frivolities of Courtiers and the Footprints of Philosophers" (transl. by Joseph B. Pike).
Books 4 - 6 with selections from 7 & 8 with English translation title: "The Statesman's Book" (transl. by John Dickinson).
I note that John of Salisbury was one of the better writers of letters. I wonder if J.R.R. Tolkien studied John of Salisbury and whether Hobbits' habits of writing letters and indeed his fantasy characters might have been enriched by characters from medieval times. Would John of Salisbury have survived well in the e-mail age?
Am reading "My Brother's Keeper" finished Book 1: Republic and currently reading Book 2: Constitution and soon to read Book 3 which I cannot recall the name of again. All by Michael Jan Friedman (1999 at least the first two are that year).

That name you can't recall would be Enterprise. ;)
Work's been insane this year (teaching 8th grade for the first time - phew!) and I haven't read anything since Fallen Gods. I'm incredibly excited for Christmas break, to catch up on Brinkmanship, The Eternal Tide, and Cold Equations.
Picked up a Kolchak novel, The Lost World, today. Not sure when I'll find time to read it, even though it's only about 175 pages long.
Work's been insane this year (teaching 8th grade for the first time - phew!) and I haven't read anything since Fallen Gods. I'm incredibly excited for Christmas break, to catch up on Brinkmanship, The Eternal Tide, and Cold Equations.
You're in for a treat !
Currently working on Stargazer: Oblivion by Michael Jan Friedman. A HUGE step up from SGR: Three. Yech.

I love Guinan's musings on how she immediately recognizes Picard.
Thanks for the heads up about the elephant in the room. "Enterprise" how does one remember it? Of course, it is also a TV series that I shall have to see sometime. I am still going through Season 4 of DS9. Much else to do. Anyway, still reading "Constitution" and shall be reading "Enterprise" soon. My Brother's Keeper trilogy by Jan Michael Friedman (1999). Very enjoyable to revisit much material prior to the 5 year mission.
My Brother's keeper trilogy is agreat series of books.I think you'll like the Enterprise books some of the stories are really good.There's going to be a new Enterprise novel coming out next year.:)