So What Are you Reading?: Generations

I did read "Dragon's Honor" last month and enjoyed it. A fun read, this one. And we learn that the Borg seem to have left Picard with a stainless steel stomach :guffaw:

Also read "the weight of worlds" and loved it, the way Sulu is treated in this one made me want to see more.

Now I just begun "The shocks of adversity"
I just fined reading the TOS novel The Shocks of adversity by William Leiner excellent writing in this book.I really liked the focused on the characters was well done. I'm now reading TNG Dragon's honor by John Peel.

Er, Dragon's Honor was by Kij Johnson and myself. Are you perhaps reading a John Peel novel with another title?

If you're actually reading Dragon's Honor, I hope you like it! :)
Yes Greg I'm really enjoying it .Sorry for any confusion the titles sound a lot alike.;)
I just fined reading the TOS novel The Shocks of adversity by William Leiner excellent writing in this book.I really liked the focused on the characters was well done. I'm now reading TNG Dragon's honor by John Peel.

Er, Dragon's Honor was by Kij Johnson and myself. Are you perhaps reading a John Peel novel with another title?

If you're actually reading Dragon's Honor, I hope you like it! :)
Yes Greg I'm really enjoying it .Sorry for any confusion the titles sound a lot alike.;)

No problem. With 700-plus Trek books, it's easy to get the titles mixed up.

True story: My Voyager book, The Black Shore, was originally titled Paradise, but my editor asked me to change it in order to avoid confusion with another Voyager book, The Garden, which was coming out the same year. It was a good call; The Black Shore is a much better title than the rather generic Paradise.
Halfway through Full Circle now. I listened to the Literary Treks podcast with Beyer when it fist came out, and can tell she's trying to get a lot of the Golden stuff wrapped up in preparation for her own stories. I was highly amused by a certain Golden created character that was disposed of.

I've also been reading Roadside Picnic by Boris & Arkady Strugatsky. It's alright. I have the version with the updated English translation, but the dialogue never really feels natural.
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Breezed through TNG: Q & A last night. I rather enjoyed it, especially the conceit of the story, but I couldn't help feeling that the book was padded. As if it were meant to be a short story and a lot of superfluous scenes were added to get it to ~300 pages. I hate saying that, as it was a well written book, but a lot of it felt unnecessary. Indeed, I rather enjoy KRAD's work.

Anyway, I'm on to TNG: Before Dishonor. I'm about 120 pages in right now and rather enjoying it. I like PAD's writing, but I've noticed some overused turns of phrase ("dire straits," "primly") and some out of character writing (Janeway is way more frigid than she ever was, Seven seems immature in a way that doesn't relate to the story). Having been spoiled on this story for nearly 6 years, I'm more along for the ride than anything else. I don't quite understand why its so reviled, but we'll see.
Currently reading "Firestarter" by Stephen King.

Pretty good, actually.

I've seen the movie a few times, and owned it on DVD years ago...but reading the book for the first time.

I was also reading the "Star Trek" novelization (the first time I opened it since buying it in 2009) but it doesn't go into why Nero waited for 20 or 25 years (or what he was doing) and I'm sure it doesn't go into why Kirk became Captain on a whim. Hence, I had to set it aside....putting it in a "book exchange" area. I'll pick up a library copy to finish it at a later date, even thought I'm very particular about plot holes in general.
I am reading the Lost Era book The Sundered by the team of Martin and Mangels. I like this version of the Excelsior senior staff.
Just finishing the first Typhon Pact book, Zero Sum Game. I like the authors explanation of the Breen society. Also making me realise how much I miss DS9!
Stayed up later than I should to finish out Before Dishonor. I'm a little conflicted on it. I ended up liking it, but there's some weirdness throughout. Some people who I haven't been caring for in the past two TNG novels really end up being pretty unlikable by the end of this book and I'm curious about why they're still around. However, I think the biggest issue I have is that the book sort of just ends. Sure the plot's resolved but a lot of things seem unfinished or left open for no real reason. Even the climax feels rushed. Not bad just very muddled.

Also quickly read through Doctor Who: Tip of the Tongue. Probably the shortest of the 50th Anniversary eBooks so far and the one I was most disappointed with. Davison's Doctor seems a background character for much of the story and never really gets a chance to be The Doctor. Not bad, just odd.

Now I'm onto Titan: Sword of Damocles. Quick Question Though: The Short story "Revenant" from Seven Deadly Sins, should I read that before or after Greater than the Sum?
Just finished Carrie by Stephen King, first read this years ago and I didn't enjoy it this time around.
Back onto TOS now with The Three Minute Universe by Barbara Paul.
Finally finished Cold Equations: The Body Electric last night. A few too many "Why don't/aren't they..." moments for it to be outstanding, but I enjoyed it well enough. Plus it was a treat to see that I'm still alive and on the Enterprise. Yippee!!!

Back to City of Bones now, I think. :)
Stayed up later than I should to finish out Before Dishonor. I'm a little conflicted on it. I ended up liking it, but there's some weirdness throughout. Some people who I haven't been caring for in the past two TNG novels really end up being pretty unlikable by the end of this book and I'm curious about why they're still around. However, I think the biggest issue I have is that the book sort of just ends. Sure the plot's resolved but a lot of things seem unfinished or left open for no real reason. Even the climax feels rushed. Not bad just very muddled.

Also quickly read through Doctor Who: Tip of the Tongue. Probably the shortest of the 50th Anniversary eBooks so far and the one I was most disappointed with. Davison's Doctor seems a background character for much of the story and never really gets a chance to be The Doctor. Not bad, just odd.

Now I'm onto Titan: Sword of Damocles. Quick Question Though: The Short story "Revenant" from Seven Deadly Sins, should I read that before or after Greater than the Sum?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter when you read "Revenant". As far as I remember there is no real connection between it and other stories. The only reason it was set where it was was so it could involve the Borg at the latest point in the timeline possible.
Finished Full Circle and am already well into Unworthy. I've been trying to not so many Star Trek books in succession but I just can't help it. I was very impressed by the way the way Beyer managed to wrap up the first phase of the relaunch and get the ball rolling getting Project Full Circle launched and getting familiar crew together.

I found it weird that Irene Hansen pretended to be sick in Spirit Walk and then actually a deadly syndrome in Full Circle. And I'm getting a little tired of the Akoochimoya stuff, but I'm enjoying relaunch a lot.
Nancy Springer's The Case of the Missing Marquess, the first book in her Enola Holmes mystery series for young readers.

Enola is Sherlock Holmes' sister -- and twenty years his junior. On her fourteenth birthday, her mother, sixty-four years old, vanishes from the family's ancestral estate. Enola informs her brothers in London, Mycroft and Sherlock, and they travel to the estate they haven't seen in a decade to unravel the mystery.

Then Enola discovers that Sherlock has atrocious interpersonal skills and Mycroft has plans for her, so she decides that she's going to make a run for it and solve the mystery herself.

Some of my enjoyment comes from knowing who Sherlock and Mycroft are from thirty years of reading (and even writing) Sherlock Holmes stories. Enola, even though she's their sister, doesn't have that benefit. To her, they are nothing more than strangers who share some history and a name.

Yes, it's a book for the junior high school crowd. Nonetheless, if you like Sherlock Holmes and plucky heroines, it's a hugely enjoyable book.