So What Are you Reading?: Generations

After getting derailed by work, I was finally able to close out Titan: Orion's Hounds. Really liked it, nice to get a Trek tale about exploring alien cultures. I have to say, the Titan novels certainly scratch a particular Trek itch.

Next up on the plate is TNG: Q & A and the Fifth Doctor 50th Anniversary eBook.
Not reading anything ATM but starting the Titan Series soon :D
Have a massive list of all the books I want to read at some point.......
Currently reading the second volume of Robert Kirkman's Thief of Thieves as well as the first volume of Dan Slott's Superior Spider-Man. So far so good..
Well Dawn of the Jedi wasn't amazing but it seems to be setting up more exciting things to come. Especially when they get to the Force Wars arc. Today I will finally start the Clone Wars Vol. 9. I'll finally get to see the fate of Quinlan Vos.
I finished Star Trek: New Frontier: Gods Above by Peter David the other day.
I then read Chapter 3, "The Federation: 2160-2245", of Federation: The First 150 Years.
That was followed by the Doctor Who comic arc, The Forgotten, written by Tony Lee.
I'm now reading Star Trek: New Frontier: Stone and Anvil by Peter David
Stone and Anvil is a great novel. I'm currently reading "Typhon Pact - Zero Sum Game". Nice to see some more DS9 characters turning up in the modern continuity.
Finished Black Butterfly by Mark Gatiss, the third Lucifer Box novel. Not bad, and does a decent job of being a Fleming piss-take, but not as good as the previous two Box books. This one feels a lot more like it exists purely to be a pisstake with references rather than a story in its own right with a character who has his own identity, which the first two did succeed at.
I just finished Guises of the Mind by Rebecca Nean and The Long Night by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I am now beginning Chrysalis by Davil Niall Wilson.
I just finished "A Singular Destiny" trying to get caught up on the main Typhon Pact stuff. So I've skipped over the TTN "Over a Torrent Sea" and "Synthesis", going into book 1 of the Typhon Pact. I'm hoping to get all the Typhon Pact books and Cold Equations trilogy read, before The Fall starts up in Sept.
I just fined reading the TOS novel The Shocks of adversity by William Leiner excellent writing in this book.I really liked the focused on the characters was well done. I'm now reading TNG Dragon's honor by John Peel.
I just fined reading the TOS novel The Shocks of adversity by William Leiner excellent writing in this book.I really liked the focused on the characters was well done. I'm now reading TNG Dragon's honor by John Peel.

Er, Dragon's Honor was by Kij Johnson and myself. Are you perhaps reading a John Peel novel with another title?

If you're actually reading Dragon's Honor, I hope you like it! :)