So What Are you Reading?: Generations

I finished Supernatural: Fresh Meat by Alice Henderson a few days ago.

I then read Chapter 2 of Federation: The First 150 Years, titled "The Romulan War: 2155-2160."

Then I read the Doctor Who comic, Black Death White Life.

I'm now reading Star Trek: New Frontier: Gods Above.
Breezed through Spirit Walk Book Two over the weekend. At least twice as good as Book One. Some things got a little silly at times, but it was enjoyable. Will probably start Full Circle as soon as I finish Pandora's Star...or maybe before.
Bought another book on the finer points of how they made everything in Lord Of The Rings. Digging in, the time to make things approaches.
Just starting The Entropy Effect - Vonda N.McIntyre - hooked already.
Just posted my review of Alan Dean Foster's novelization of Star Trek Into Darkness. It kind of turned into an analysis of the idea of novelizations rather than a strict review of this particular novel...

Right now, I'm reading William Leisner's The Shocks of Adversity.
I enjoyed reading your review of Startrek in to darkness. I just finished reading this novel and liked this novelization of the movie and how the characters were written in this book. I startred reading the Tos nove Shadoe lord by Lawrence Yep.
Just finished Martin's Game of Thrones books 2, 3 and 4. Great stuff, although I was a little disappointed with book 4.
Just started Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama. Great concept. So-so execution thus far.
I also picked up David Brin's Uplift War used but I may wait to get first book before reading this one.

Since I've started playing Star Trek online again with the Romulan expansion I may start reading the Typhon Pact books as I have a Trek book hankering.
Read (Colin) Bateman's Mystery Man, which started off feeling like "Bernard Black as a Private Eye" - but evolved once it became clear that the mystery man is a depressive, aspie, unreliable narrator with lots of other conditions. In fact he has so many conditions (basically, *everything* from allergies to a pacemaker) that it might almost be too much to believe - if not for the fact that I know several people who really are like that!

Anyway, it was great, very touching, clever, funny, didn't handle the POV character's conditions too badly, and there are sequels to look forward to!
Finished Diane Carey's novelization of Flashback over the weekend. I've been reading Star Trek: Log One by Alan Dean Foster. Good take on the TAS so far.
Over a Torrent sea is one of the better Titan novels. I just finished reading Firebird by Jack Mcdevitt. I hope to read the TNG Dragon's honor by John Peel next.
Now 50% through with Pandora's Star. It's finally getting beyond interesting and into exciting territory. Just 450 more ePUB pages to go. Yikes.

25% through Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer. What a shock it was to go from Golden's writing into Beyer's immediately. I enjoyed the Literary Treks podcast and I can tell she has an amazing grip on the Voyager characters.
Reading Deep Domain by Howard Weinstein. I hope its better than Death Count was. Read Romulans: The Pawns of War last week too.
John C. Wright's Count To A Trillion. It's interesting so far, though very hard to describe. I've never read Wright's work before.

Also indulging my current Doctor Who phase with the audiobook of Target's Fury From The Deep novelization.