Shuttlepod Show on YouTube

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Michael Westmore was interviewed for the Shuttlepod show he told really interesting stories about working on Classic Hollywood movies and Star Trek movies and tv shows too.
I don't know why it was privatized .You can watch it on shuttlepod show youtube channel . This week Connor and are taking sometime off this weekend .Connor was on the trek cruise last week.
The new Shuttlepod show interview is Robert O'Reilly talking baout playing Gowron and his other acting roles.
This Sunday Gates McFadden will be on the Shuttlepod show. I really like Gates and am looking forward to seeing this interview.
So, I have watched and enjoyed three or four episodes of the Shuttlepod Show and I’m wondering, do they ever really focus on specific episodes of Enterprise? I’m a Delta Flyers fan and I got used to that level of insight into episodes and it’s not that I don’t appreciate Connor and Dominic’s interplay (although, agreed @fireproof78, I do find myself chiding Dominic because I feel like a fair number of guest’s stories never get finished due to his exuberant interjections), but I would like more insight into the episodes themselves.

The poll on what Robbie and Garrett should watch next didn’t include Enterprise because they didn’t want to step on any toes but I’m kinda wondering, would they actually be stepping on toes?
So, I have watched and enjoyed three or four episodes of the Shuttlepod Show and I’m wondering, do they ever really focus on specific episodes of Enterprise? I’m a Delta Flyers fan and I got used to that level of insight into episodes and it’s not that I don’t appreciate Connor and Dominic’s interplay (although, agreed @fireproof78, I do find myself chiding Dominic because I feel like a fair number of guest’s stories never get finished due to his exuberant interjections), but I would like more insight into the episodes themselves.

The poll on what Robbie and Garrett should watch next didn’t include Enterprise because they didn’t want to step on any toes but I’m kinda wondering, would they actually be stepping on toes?

I've listened/watched most of the episodes of Shuttlepod Show, and its mostly the two hosts talking to a specific guest, about the guest's life, career, and their Trek experiences. I honestly really enjoy what they're doing, but its definitely not an episode viewing show, although at least Dominic has mentioned that he's rewatching Enterprise and I think watching episodes was their original intention for the podcast. They may eventually go to that format if they run out of guests, but as of right now its a Trek actor/crew focused interview show hosted by former Trek actors, not a rewatch podcast.
Sumire if you want good good discussions of Enterpise Trek fm has the warp 5 podcast. They have a back catalog of interviews with writers and actors who worked on the shows and reviews that are in depth.
Last weeks Shuttlepod show was Robert B.Moore who did special effects for alot of Star Trek Tv shows and Movies he told really interesting stories. This week Bonnie Gordan will be interviewed on the show.
Yes the interviews have been really good. Jonathan bashed the Enterprise finale and I agreed with everything he said about it. And the stuff about Picard season 3 too it was an awesome season to see the Tng crew return again. Levar Burton is going to be next weeks guest to be interviewed.
Just discovered this podcast on YouTube and I have the opposite feeling about the interviews. I feel like they don't do much research beforehand and aren't prepared, and Keating likes to interrupt the guests.
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