Seven hasn't changed that much

That's what the woman did for eighteen years prior to coming to Voyager.
How do we know? She could have been a maintainer drone, or a science drone or any many of jobs.
Besides she did those things as a mindless drone, not as a individual.
Seven. Is. A. Soldier.

That's what the woman did for eighteen years prior to coming to Voyager. On Voyager, she a choice between being a "scientist" and being tossed out an airlock.
Seven is *not* a soldier by nature, though I am sure that she is very capable of being one as a result of all of her life experiences. The very concept of Seven’s core self being that of a soldier does not sit with me very well at all. I am a massive Seven of Nine fan and I want to see a spin-off about the character I knew from Voyager. I do not want to see a spin-off about a generic action hero soldier being used to push social agendas.

Seven has been dumbed down.

Are you saying that Seven chose her Borg life as a drone/soldier over her new post Borg life as an inquisitive explorer and scientist which resulted from people such as Janeway genuinely wanting to nurture her? Seven was never forced to become an astrometics expert, it came naturally to her so it was a path that she chose to follow until the Picard writers thought otherwise. If Seven *was* a soldier prior to her time onboard Voyager then she was *forced* to become a soldier, this was not a result of her own free will. I do not think that you can class a Borg drone as a soldier though. Seven’s 18 years as a part of the Collective were forced upon her, Seven had her childhood and early adult life stolen from her. Seven was a victim, though she was lucky enough to be rescued and ‘rehabilitated’ from her traumatic past after becoming a part of the Voyager crew.

If Jeri Ryan is going to inspire women as an actress, I would rather her inspire them to be scientists and explorers rather than soldiers. :rolleyes:

if a Seven of Nine spin-off makes Seven a soldier, then I would rather *not* have a Seven spinoff.
Borg Drones are not solders.

They are social workers.

They see someone in a shitty situation and give them to the tools to make some thing of themselves.
Because Seven of Nine could be an inspirational role model inspiring women (as well as men and others) to become the scientists and technologists of the future. If a young woman (or person) watched Seven of Nine in Picard they would only think that she is ‘cool’, I think. There is *nothing* that stands out as being inspirational about her though at present as compared to her character arc on Voyager, however dated this arc may be becoming.

One day, Jeri Ryan could front the campaign above? But only if her character is *truly* inspirational.

Seven is probably *still* recovering from her life of trauma. This is the only way that I see Seven as being a soldier. At her very core nature though, I believe that Seven is still an explorer… of both her humanity and science.
Because Seven of Nine could be an inspirational role model inspiring women (as well as men and others) to become the scientists and technologists of the future. If a young woman (or person) watched Seven of Nine in Picard they would only think that she is ‘cool’, I think. There is *nothing* that stands out as being inspirational about her though at present as compared to her character arc on Voyager, however dated this arc may be becoming.

One day, Jeri Ryan could front the campaign above? But only if her character is *truly* inspirational.

Seven is probably *still* recovering from her life of trauma. This is the only way that I see Seven as being a soldier. At her very core nature though, I believe that Seven is still an explorer… of both her humanity and science.
You’re assuming the character is only the subset of traits we see on screen. In a short form, singular story, we get a small fraction of a character, in service to that story. In a longer form, hundreds of episodes setting, with a wide variety of stories, we can get more.
You’re assuming the character is only the subset of traits we see on screen. In a short form, singular story, we get a small fraction of a character, in service to that story. In a longer form, hundreds of episodes setting, with a wide variety of stories, we can get more.
This is why we want a Seven of Nine Spin-off.
There is *nothing* that stands out as being inspirational about her though at present as compared to her character arc on Voyager, however dated this arc may be becoming.

Leadership, self-sacrifice, and a willingness to defy authority in the name of what is right are always inspirational virtues, and they're virtues Seven of Nine possesses on Star Trek: Picard.
Seven is probably *still* recovering from her life of trauma. This is the only way that I see Seven as being a soldier. At her very core nature though, I believe that Seven is still an explorer… of both her humanity and science.
This probably bothers me more than most here, but good grief do I find it a trite trope that somehow being a soldier is not inspirational. I won't bore you with all the stories of the soldiers, past and present, who inspired me, save for my former coworker who is now an officer in the US ARMY as a Mental Health Specialist for her platoon.

Never mind the fact that Kirk self-describes as a "soldier" and yet people look up to him. Is that in spite of his being a soldier?

Leadership, self-sacrifice, and a willingness to defy authority in the name of what is right are always inspirational virtues, and they're virtues Seven of Nine possesses on Star Trek: Picard.
Indeed, Sci, indeed. *takes a deep breath*.
I think it's reasonable Seven has changed in demeanour since Voyager. People change in 20 years as others have said. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I didn't like her with Raffi. (Raffi seems like she would be horrible to have a relationship with, based on her other relationships with her ex and son). I agree that Picard is about Picard and there isn't a lot of room for tons of Seven development. I would love to see a Seven spinoff.

In terms of her being a soldier - the borg drones are all technically soldiers because the borg use organized violence to assimilate people. So whether or not she identifies as a soldier, she did spend a huge chunk of her life in that type of collective capacity. Part of what I like about her character is her attachment to both duty and individuality (once she begins to feel it) - she walks a complex line between the two of them in voyager. I suspect we will see her develop a little more in season 3 of picard (or I hope so, anyway).

As for science, the options of what she could do on Voyager were not exactly many...we would all probably end up doing very niche specific things in that kind of context. Her science expertise was really needed and she aimed to be useful to the ship. Whereas in Picard we see her pursuing her own interests. Her scene with Bjayzl was great, and I think is classic seven, even if she isn't monotone. She had a ruthlessness (from trauma or borg or both) that I felt like Voyager and Janeway were always trying to rid her of and neutralize. I was glad to see that she 'came into her own', so to speak.