Set blueprint exchange

Count here is a taste..Im in the middle of converting all my Paper prints, I have a ton from First Contact. Working on my project of the Enterprise-B so Im trying to get that done first.

I was lucky to also get all the Vector files from Star Trek First Contact, Labels, Iso chips, every graphics on all the sets. :D
yes Lt. Washburn but thanks a lot for your hind. Do you know people or do you stay in contact people who do have further Enterprise E blueprints? I already contacted Jose.
Count here is a taste..Im in the middle of converting all my Paper prints, I have a ton from First Contact. Working on my project of the Enterprise-B so Im trying to get that done first.

I was lucky to also get all the Vector files from Star Trek First Contact, Labels, Iso chips, every graphics on all the sets. :D

That sounds very nice. I talked to my the project leader and he said that he is very interested in the blueprints. He will contact you again on Facebook.
Ah, ok. It was really small, could barely see it.

I was hoping for the FC jefferies tube where lily and JLP were browsing over the Pacific islands. But that's cool though, Riker's final showdown.
With this message I am asking again for Enterprise E bridge blueprints. Does here anybody bought copys or originals from auctions and could help us with our project? For now we could not really get a lot of Blueprints. Still need them. Please help! Anything would help also contact persons like John Eaves who worked on the Enterprise E. Here you could see our work so far:
thank you for that hind but this picture is in too bad condition. We can not see the dimensions, sadly. Does anybody have the original blueprint of that chair? Who loads this picture up?

Try contacting Doug Drexler on Facebook, he knows everyone including John Eaves and Herman Zimmerman and he's very helpful to fans and their activities.

Back to the general interest of this thread... I don't know if this is something you guys think should go into the Flickr collection, but I found something. At the bottom of this page are technical drawings for the little rubber buttons used all over the Enterprise sets. Useful for anyone making a computer model, or as reference for drawing schematics, or just sourcing the correct product, etc.
Hi Lt.,

have many thanks for your hinds. We already contacted Doug but sadly he does not have anything from the Enterprise E set. John Eaves would help us but he has a lot of things to do so that we can not really reach him ;( Do you have the contact data to Herman Zimmerman then I will try to reach him...Do you or others here not have bought blueprints or scans of high resolution blueprints? We will really pay a lot for that. We will not give up to search for Enterprise E blueprints until it is possible to use them. Yesterday we did the foundation for the bridge so blueprints are still needed. Otherwise we have to reconstruct measurements we did not have yet. Thanks a lot for reading, support and your help ;)
Thanks a lot for all your help and fast response but I can not believe that nobody here has is own collection of blueprints or blueprint scans (copys). I mean where are all those screenshots from available in the flickr albums? Redgeneral I want exspecially ask you if you do have copys in high resolution bought or original blueprints available please?
The blueprints you see on flicker are mostly my prints that I have posted photos of, Just a small part of my collection of Enterprise-E prints
Hi José,

have many thanks for your respond. Our team is still interested in the Enterprise E blueprints (Captains Chair, stand alone consoles and bridge blueprints we still do not already have). Do you have further scans available with exception the 10 blueprints you offered Tom Jones for a while but we already have?
I contacted Tom awhile back about that and the Enterprise-E Graphics I have from First Contact, He told me he would get back to me....The Enterprise-E Chair... I know that the blueprint came as an extra in one of the books...I was thinking it was the Federation the First 150 Years, but I do not not see it in that book.
Star Trek Vault: 40 Years from the Archives is the book that has the blueprint for the chair
Hi José,

have many thanks for responding. You are right that Tom said that he will get back to you. The only thing I could say is that he really wants and he still needs the Enterprise E blueprints you have. So he waits that you contact him after ending with the scanning procedure. He hopes for further blueprints beside the ten you offered him for a while. We do not need that ten because they did not include important mesurements for us we not already know. But you said you will have tons of more blueprints. In that we are interested in and those one we would immedialtly buy after showing us previews of those blueprints from the Enterprise E you have. Are you still interested in selling us further blueprints?

Thank you so much for that hind with the captains chair blueprint. We thought that you do have this blueprints. For a while ago I talked about an auction from liveauctioneers here in this Forum and you said you got that package with also that blueprint. So I am wondering...
Well, like you said, I offer some and you said "because they did not include important mesurements for us we not already know". I message about graphics, that include the monitor information used in the movie.. and props and was told that you will get back to Im waiting. As you see, I posted photos of the jefferies tubes..etc ..I have the captain's Chair, Riker, Troi, chair. You sound like it was a rush for the chair, and my stuff is being scan, so I posted the info to get the book.

When tom is ready, he can contact me...