Set blueprint exchange

I've always thought that they redressed part of the Enterprise C Bridge set for his bridge, but now looking at the prints and the screen caps I can see I was wrong!
I'm currently working on the TNG shuttle bay and I'm having trouble finding reference for three of the wall sections (marked below as A, B, C).

Any reference pics of these sections would be a great help
The ABC wall was originally angled differently in Season 2 (and possibly 3) to match the line on the floor. I take it you are modelling the later version (when the extra length of permanent corridor was built)
This episode is very cargo bay friendly, should have a few angles, in fact I'm pretty sure that Geordi walks past the walls in question during the pan and scan at the start:

Also this one has a lot of cargo bay heavy shots, cap 192 in particular seems to be the walls you need:
Later shot 330 has ALL the walls you want in perfect focus.

Also here:
Screenshot 444, behind the SFX of the transporter, but it seems clear enough to get the entire walls.
RedGeneral, I don't know if you are interested in this, but I noticed on the Voyager Turbolift prints that a material called for Formica metal laminate #2032 which corresponds with Brushed Pewter Aluminum at Formica's site:

They have an image of it, that you can use to texture a model and will also ship free samples, if you want.
I was wondering if a lot of the silvery details on the sets are the same or similar material. Could be useful info.
Count - Thank you for finding all the references of the wall sections
I've beening working down a mental list of episodes with the shuttlebay and completely forgot about The Mind's Eye - the one episode that had every shot I needed.

Lt. Washburn - well spotted with the material. Its very possible that the silvery detailing elsewhere is also made of the same stuff.

Progress so far on the shuttlebay -
Hello everybody. It is very nice to be onboard this very great forum now. I took an eye over many month on this forum and it is very nice what you reached here so far in this thread. Wow!

The reason I wrote you is because we plan something very great. Our goal is to do a reconstruction of the Enterprise E bridge set but as a non commercial product just only made by fans for the fans. We know that is a very bold project but we want to make it come true. Our goal is to to it also as authentic as and professionell as possible with very small modifications. For that reason we plan to work with original set plans also used for the different Enterprise E film sets. The reconstruction will occur in nearby Berlin in Germany.

The work has already begun but we still need every support we could get. So our team and me saw you postet here a lot of blueprints so far. We need everything we could get in respect to blueprints from the Enterprise E bridge and other stages from Nemeses, First Contact (...) but formally the bridge set. We need blueprints in high resolution to read out the correct dimensions and measurements. So everything could us help. Perhaps you have bought blueprints, copys of blueprints or know somebody who does have blueprints we need. We will also pay for that.

...this is a message to all fans missing the sets we love and know from lots of different Star Trek films and series. Sadly most complete sets are scraped and the professionell work from the set artists is forever lost. Our goal is to make this unhappen ;)

Thanks for reading and your help! Become part of something very great and keep on trekking ;)
Picard1701 you go under the name Tom also? A lot of the prints of the Enterprise-E where prints from my collection.
The Flickr ablum of Enterprise E set plans so far

I've just gone through each of the bridge plans and found the numbers to be hard to read or absent. Through using filters to clean up the images and then measuring the plan, I've managed to figure out most of the numbers. The annotated plan is listed below:

Previously posted stuff that you might also find usefull:

To get the original sized images from the flickr pages, click the downwards arrow icon on the right hand side, click "view all sizes", and then click "Original".

I hope this helps your project
Hi Redgeneral,

thank you so much for your respond and your help in respect to the bridge reconstruction project. I saw many screenshots of original Enterprise E set blueprints here so far. Problem is really the very bad resolution of those pics. Thank you for your effort and the numbers and dimensions.

Some blueprints and dimensions are still missing. In this forum I hoped also to find people who did already buy copies of Enterprise E set blueprints or do have copies of that and will share. That will also help a lot.

Problem is that many many plans are auctioned off and are sadly then forever lost. For example those plans are forever lost:

Or do you know in which way we could get in contact to the bidder of that auction?

Thanks a lot for your help! kind regards!

P.S.: you did very amazing work to collect all blueprints right here on this platform which in other way are perhaps never seen again anywhere...

Hi did you get the Blueprint set from that auction you find on the link above? Would it be possible to see previews of what you get there? I saw in the previews on the auction site that there is the captains chair in the set of the blueprints!?
Wow, Joe, you won that?

Are you going to put some lowerish def versions up on your website eventually? that's pretty much all the outstanding E-E blueprints left from the collection. Airlock, corridors (at least the way they join together in that twin horseshoe shape) and the Jefferies tubes, would love to take a peek at their layout, even if they're low quality :)
Picard1701, great to hear about this project. Can you tell us more about it? Is there a place online where the work is being documented? I have a few suggestions you may or may not be already doing.

First, if you're really going to put all this time, money, and resources into the project, I'd recommend getting the set built virtually before actual construction. This will allow you to work out all the details and directly compare them to screen caps and other images to ensure accuracy.

Second, some set pieces survive in private hands. I believe I've seen the command chair, crew chairs, those little side consoles, the helm/navy console, and a stand-up console all in people's collections. I would try to find these people so they can help in recreating these elements believably.

Third, I'm pretty sure the crew chairs are reupholstered boat seats that can be found either used, or a smaller chance, still for sale.

Finally, if you can demonstrate that this is a serious project, you might even enlist the aid of production personnel who were involved in the set and production design, like Herman Zimmerman and John Eaves.

I look forward to learning more about your project.
Hi Lt. Washburn,

it is very nice that somebody is such interested as you in that project. I am also very happy for lots of suggestions for our project from you.

"Picard1701, great to hear about this project. Can you tell us more about it? Is there a place online where the work is being documented?"

Yes of course. It is a Enterprise E bridge restoration project. You can read a lot of further more in this thread (details you will find over is from friday). Yes we do have a site were everything would be documented but it is in german. You will find it right on here:

"First, if you're really going to put all this time, money, and resources into the project, I'd recommend getting the set built virtually before actual construction. This will allow you to work out all the details and directly compare them to screen caps and other images to ensure accuracy."

We do a CAD reconstruction before with all the material we already have. Thanks for that hind!

"Second, some set pieces survive in private hands. I believe I've seen the command chair, crew chairs, those little side consoles, the helm/navy console, and a stand-up console all in people's collections. I would try to find these people so they can help in recreating these elements believably."

We also stay in contact to many of those people but we are very thankful if you know further people we do not know already...

"Finally, if you can demonstrate that this is a serious project, you might even enlist the aid of production personnel who were involved in the set and production design, like Herman Zimmerman and John Eaves."

That is also a very great hind! Thank you!

But what we search for know are still Enterprise E set blueprints. We are still missing some details formally from the bridge set. So I thought that I could find people in this very great thread who could support us with Blueprints of the Enterprise E set they bought. Perhaps you also have bought copys or know people who bought Blueprints on auctions!? That will really help a lot!

Thank you so much and thank you so much for your interest in our project!