Set blueprint exchange

batboy853 - I'd saved the images from that link, but I forgot to upload them. Thank you for reminding me
Starfleet logo -
Captains chair -

I'm afraid I do not have any higher resolution images of blueprints - the flickr images are copied from ebay auctions, websites (most of which no longer exist), and book scans. This attempt to archive on flickr the various images from around the web started when I tried to go back to a site only to find it no longer existed. As they are very useful for fan productions / art, we have tried to put them up before they are lost forever.

Other members have also posted their blueprint images in this topic that they saved and these too have gone onto the flickr album.

There are often gaps in our blueprint image collection, such as only 1 sheet of several or missing altogether. As a side project, I have been working on recreated the sets and drawing up blueprints based on known dims and screencaps. You can see these ones so far:

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful with your project, but the only images I have are the ones I've put up on flickr
Well, like you said, I offer some and you said "because they did not include important mesurements for us we not already know". I message about graphics, that include the monitor information used in the movie.. and props and was told that you will get back to Im waiting. As you see, I posted photos of the jefferies tubes..etc ..I have the captain's Chair, Riker, Troi, chair. You sound like it was a rush for the chair, and my stuff is being scan, so I posted the info to get the book.

When tom is ready, he can contact me...

Thank you so much for your response José,

yes you are right with what you said. We do not need the ten blueprints you offered us because the blueprints are exact the same we already have. That is the problem. But what we are still interested in are all other blueprint scans you have from the Enterprise E from First Contact or Nemesis formally from the bridge set. In that we are still interested in and we will buy blueprints of that from you if you could deliver them. We only want to have blueprints from the Enterprise E set we do not have already. So I just want to ask you if you are still interested in selling us those copy scans from the Enterprise E set? That is everything what we need at this timepoint.

I do the correspondence to you because Tom wants me to do that. He is very busy with the project and the practical work on the set. José please could you help?
?? Tell Tom to message me to let me know that I can work with you, and ask him for my Facebook info to talk.
Hi José thank you for responding. The only thing at this timepoint Toms team is interested in are scans from just blueprints of the Enterprise E set (with exception of the ten ones you sended us previews from).

We already begun with the construction of the bridge set. The buttom of the bridge will be done first. After that the wooden parts will be done with the plans we already have. Some measurements are still missing in respect to missing blueprints you have?! We need those missing plans as soon as possible. Otherwise we will work without those plans and we will try to reconstruct the measurements on the basement of the plans we already the question is what do you still have for blueprints from the Enterprise E set and do you still want so sell them? We only need Enterprise E blueprints. When you still want to sell and you could deliver I am talking to Tom.
Not sure what is up, I said contact Tom and have him message me so I know it's ok to work with you. I do not know you, I worked with Tom.He has my Facebook info get that info from him. Make sure he contacts me first. After I talked to him and I know he is with you, then I can talk to you on Facebook message about the other prints.
Hi José,

I talked to Tom and he said me that he already did write you a message on the 12. of mai and he asked you for previews in respect to the other Enterprise E blueprints you have. He will contact you first again. Then we will talk on Facebook. But I still not know what and how many Enterprise E blueprints you have and you scans are ended?
I'm afraid I do not have any higher resolution images of blueprints - the flickr images are copied from ebay auctions, websites (most of which no longer exist), and book scans. This attempt to archive on flickr the various images from around the web started when I tried to go back to a site only to find it no longer existed. As they are very useful for fan productions / art, we have tried to put them up before they are lost forever.

Other members have also posted their blueprint images in this topic that they saved and these too have gone onto the flickr album.

There are often gaps in our blueprint image collection, such as only 1 sheet of several or missing altogether. As a side project, I have been working on recreated the sets and drawing up blueprints based on known dims and screencaps. You can see these ones so far:

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful with your project, but the only images I have are the ones I've put up on flickr

Hi Redgeneral I am very happy to get your answer. It is amazing what you did so far for the fans. Thank you for that collecting screenshots of every blueprint from Star Trek available. I am sad that we do only have the chance to see them in low resolution but it is better than nothing.

Thanks a lot for your help!
The 12 was the last time we talked, when I hear from him that he knows you and gives you my Facebook info, then we can talk.
The 12 was the last time we talked, when I hear from him that he knows you and gives you my Facebook info, then we can talk.

Hi Jose,

as you suggested I registered at Facebook. Tom also has written you and I sent you a message and a friendship request but did not get an answer from you.
The 12 was the last time we talked, when I hear from him that he knows you and gives you my Facebook info, then we can talk.

Hi Jose I do not understand why I could not get an answer on Facebook. It seems so that it does not work and my messages could not reach you via chat. So we must talk again here I think.
Please, Picard1701, take it to the PMs. I keep thinking new posts in this thread are for new blueprints to ogle.

Lt. Washburn - that is Insurrection bridge/Stage 05. First Contact had the bridge on Stages 14&15. I think that is the version with the curved corridor; there were a few in that movie.
The annotated plans ( is also an insurrection plan, but doesn't have the bent corridor. I wonder which blueprint was made first.

Talking of new blueprints to ogle...

Talarian Ready Room from Suddenly Human

Brief appearance in episode:

The annotated plans ( is also an insurrection plan, but doesn't have the bent corridor. I wonder which blueprint was made first.

Yeah, I think that corridor was only in Insurrection. Which version did they actually build?

Obviously they redressed the Obs Lounge for that reception hall for the corridor to connect to, but when they further changed it in Nemesis with that big display screen, they seem to have lost the connecting doors to the bridge... odd choice. Almost suggests it's not the same room as in First Contact, though the odds of there being two largely similar rooms on the ship with the same windows, table, and a somewhat different gold ship display strains credulity. The set must have been separated from the bridge for two main reasons: one, the bridge was built on a gimble platform to shake it; second, the display in the lounge is rear projected and needs room behind it to work. That wall eventually became part of the command center on the NX-01 in season 3 of Enterprise, "The Xindi".

Cool! Did you get those other blueprints he has listed as well? Also, did you save the curved corridor one I mentioned? I didn't see it in the photostream.
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The set must have been separated from the bridge for two main reasons: one, the bridge was built on a gamble platform to shake it; second, the display in the lounge is rear projected and needs room behind it to work. That wall eventually became part of the command center on the NX-01 in season 3 of Enterprise, "The Xindi".
That looks like a big plasma screen, not rear projection. Notice the reflected greenscreen through the Obs Lounge windows that the VFX people didn't clean up in this shot:

I think your first explanation (separating the sets to put the bridge on a gimbal) was the more likely reason.
I believe it be a rear projection screen behind Plexiglas. I know for certain that when it went to Enterprise, it was a rear projection piece. It is possibly plasma, but I doubt it.
I just remember when NEM came out them making a big deal about all the CRT displays on the bridge and other sets being upgraded to plasma. Granted, that was a new part of that revised set, but...
The set must have been separated from the bridge for two main reasons: one, the bridge was built on a gimble platform to shake it; second, the display in the lounge is rear projected and needs room behind it to work.

Great point! I find that scenario quite likely.
Hello, Quickly Just to clear up some business before getting back to the topic. Picard I did not get a message from you, not sure why its not working...Its a little odd....with some red flags...No Facebook account...Message not working...and I just seen someone posting asking for Enterprise-E prints that I had a very bad encounter with...So. I am not going to hijack the thread...When and if you get Facebook to work, you can message me there..No more in the thread.

Now back to the show...
Both astrometrics and the lounge had rear projectors for nemesis. I have include the section of lounge..It includes the model of the rear projector and the monitors..

