Set blueprint exchange

What a great find! I'm impressed to see that the shuttlebay space doors are included too, even though they were always seen as a special effect on the show.
Yea, also you can see the dotted line for the cargo bay wild wall as well.

The physical shuttlebay did appear a few times (Alice springs to mind). But they used it more and more as a CG replacement in later seasons. Seems to me they built the set expecting to get more use of it ala TNG, only to go with CG replacement later.

I can't really thing of any episodes where the _entire_ shuttlebay set was shown in the earlier seasons, and the later seasons it was definitely CG by the time the Delta Flyer came along.
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I think there is a shot of the shuttle in Voy Counterpoint

Some new prints in my collection. Enterprise-B Bridge, corridor/Deflector room and Sickbay or and a bonus...What do you think it is? :D




Speaking of repurposing, Voyager's sets get a whole new facet once you realize that the pattern strips all over the place actually come from the leach line for a septic tank:
So I'm curious where I can find this stuff. It would be cool to use. Any ideas?
I think this question has come up before in separate threads, the company that produced it I want to say is no longer producing it....
A lot smaller than I expected! Do I recall some sort of freestanding console as well?
Matron when they would do a viewscreeen shot, they never build a full set. Most of the time is just one wall.