Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Well everyone might as well be dead if the TNG/DS9/VOY timeline ends here and we don't see these characters again. There's a distinct possibility of that.
I don't think Jack will die. It would be needlessly cruel on both of the hero characters and wouldn't exactly be in line with the nice send off they're getting. I think everything will end up well.
I think there will be a creative resolution that involves Jack's humanity, technobabble, the use of Enterprise-D's older computers, and Seven of Nine being a badass.
Well everyone might as well be dead if the TNG/DS9/VOY timeline ends here and we don't see these characters again. There's a distinct possibility of that.

They can live on with your action figures. Or fanfic. Or dreams.

I think there will be a creative resolution that involves Jack's humanity, technobabble, the use of Enterprise-D's older computers, and Seven of Nine being a badass.

That tracks.
Not at all. Young Gene would have loved the Jack Crusher character; a potential leading man, charming, brags about his way with ladies (an enemy to fathers of daughter's everywhere), intelligent but also an action star that wins in a fist fight etc. Jack is the perfect character archetype of a lead that Gene would have wanted.

There are other characters Gene may have killed off, it wouldn't be Jack.
This misses the point, and potentially on purpose so I will just leave it be. You have your thoughts on it and I have mine. None of which is nihilistic, nor has nihilism been present in Trek.
They can live on with your action figures. Or fanfic. Or dreams.

Yeah... no. I'm good with not supporting this franchise after this. :cool: It all ends in a great place.

This misses the point, and potentially on purpose so I will just leave it be. You have your thoughts on it and I have mine. None of which is nihilistic, nor has nihilism been present in Trek.

Nihilism can work in good Star Trek, as we've seen with the Dominion War of the 90s.

However, it just doesn't fit narratively or tonally with this hopeful ending that is coming. This is the first time a Nu Trek season has an effective finale payoff that majority audience will love. And killing Jack would just undermine that..... and would just be poor storytelling.
However, it just doesn't fit narratively or tonally with this hopeful ending that is coming. This is the first time a Nu Trek season has an effective finale payoff that majority audience will love. And killing Jack would just undermine that..... and would just be poor storytelling.
Nope, on all counts. Jack's death could carry meaning if done correctly or he could live.

It depends on the writing, not whether or not he dies. And saying that death is not effective and that audiences won't love it (ridiculous but whatever) ignores a good dramatic tool in the tool box.
Yeah, that’s yet to be seen. Not exactly holding my breath but we’ll see.
The way its talked up makes me think "No."
Yeah, that’s yet to be seen. Not exactly holding my breath but we’ll see.

Well it depends how it's received by the masses, not yourself. So far, it's doing it's job and seems to be a crowd pleaser. The social media chatter is brimming with positivity for how this narratively played out.

Nope, on all counts. Jack's death could carry meaning if done correctly or he could live.

It depends on the writing, not whether or not he dies. And saying that death is not effective and that audiences won't love it (ridiculous but whatever) ignores a good dramatic tool in the tool box.

Well no. There's no point spending so much time and effort introducing and developing this 'next, next generation' character if they're just going to kill him off when he has so much potential as the face of the new generation.

It does come off as very anti-climactic. Of course good writers could do it, but would they want to?

We've already had a depressing ending for TNG with Nemesis, "The Last Generation" aims to right that ship... and it will be a hopeful ending. That's what majority audiences will want for these characters.
Well no. There's no point spending so much time and effort introducing and developing this 'next, next generation' character if they're just going to kill him off when he has so much potential as the face of the new generation.
Yes, yes there is a point.

We've already had a depressing ending for TNG with Nemesis, "The Last Generation" aims to right that ship... and it will be a hopeful ending.
Again, ignores it and continues the claim that death must be depressing. And that a ship needed righting...SMH.
Well it depends how it's received by the masses, not yourself. So far, it's doing it's job and seems to be a crowd pleaser. The social media chatter is brimming with positivity for how this narratively played out.

With all due respect, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what social media, YouTube or anyone else thinks about anything. At the end of the day, the only opinion I care about is my own. Maybe my wife. But she doesn’t like Star Trek.
With all due respect, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what social media, YouTube or anyone else thinks about anything. At the end of the day, the only opinion I care about is my own. Maybe my wife. But she doesn’t like Star Trek.
Indeed. This appeal to the majority is wearing thin. No one is selling me on this positive story development. Just that "everyone likes it so you must too!"

Hmmm...maybe the Borg are more timely and appropriate than I realized...:shifty::borg:
The episode 10 guest stars with all the talk about family.

With all due respect, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what social media, YouTube or anyone else thinks about anything. At the end of the day, the only opinion I care about is my own. Maybe my wife. But she doesn’t like Star Trek.


I, on the other hand, do value what the majority fans and audience think.

I also care about positive word of mouth, for reasons like this;
Indeed. This appeal to the majority is wearing thin. No one is selling me on this positive story development. Just that "everyone likes it so you must too!"

Hmmm...maybe the Borg are more timely and appropriate than I realized...:shifty::borg:

Yeah, resistance isn’t futile.

We all have different opinions. And while I respect the appeal to my nostalgia which did in fact work this week on me , it doesn’t change the fact that the story in general hasn’t been great, isn’t logical and this episode, which I was really hoped would be a good turn just rang untrue to me.


I, on the other hand, do value what the majority fans and audience think.

I also care about positive word of mouth, for reasons like this;

Good for you. Good for social media. Good for the show. Don’t care about popularity. Care about my enjoyment.
I have no skin in the game. That’s personally why I don’t care.
True enough. It's impossible for me to have skin in the game. I own no stock in Paramount, have no vested interest in Matalas or other production companies. If they stopped tomorrow my life would carry on the same.

Hard for me to worry about the social media sphere when there is nothing in there that is for me, and vice versa.