Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

How about...
Borg have assimilated changelings but somehow it didn't work right and we have these weird hybrid mechanical bio changelings everywhere

This is exactly what I am thinking as it would fit with the interview of "keeping watching to find out" and link the voices in Jack's head plot and current bad guys plot quite well.
Please no. We've already had more than enough Borg -- and afaik the only reason people keep bringing them up is because of some overzealous caption writer who mislabelled Jack's voices as "Borg Queen". :lol:

Picard's journey with them was nicely resolved in S1 anyway, tbh (one of the few positive things I can say about it lol). He doesn't need raking over the nano-coals yet again. :borg:
Admiral Janeway referenced AGAIN. Not a huge spoiler but Picard seems well acquainted with her.

Kurtzman teased we would be seeing her in live action a few months ago, said they were 'in discussions' but I reckon Kate Mulgrew's filmed at least a cameo.
Admiral Janeway referenced AGAIN. Not a huge spoiler but Picard seems well acquainted with her.

Kurtzman teased we would be seeing her in live action a few months ago, said they were 'in discussions' but I reckon Kate Mulgrew's filmed at least a cameo.

I would bloody love this, it's been far too long.
Think i figured out why
...the changeling infiltrators were already on the Titan before Picard and Riker were coming aboard.

Think it's because these changelings are possessed by Pah Wraiths, who like the Prophets experience time in a nonlinear way and knew because of this Picard and Riker would come. Which would set up a chain of events which they need to change or influence to be successful at all.
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The Dominion isn’t in the show, and these Changelings aren’t the same as the ones from DS9.
The Dominion and the war were already mentioned, we saw a picture of Odo and most importantly the changelings we saw so far originated from the original batch.

Edit: According to spoilers a future episode is titled "Dominion"...
Maybe Picard's son is posessed by a Pah Wraith/Prophet as well... I wouldn't be surprised if Dukat or Sisko is going to make an appearance later this season...
Admiral Janeway referenced AGAIN. Not a huge spoiler but Picard seems well acquainted with her.

Kurtzman teased we would be seeing her in live action a few months ago, said they were 'in discussions' but I reckon Kate Mulgrew's filmed at least a cameo.
I bet...
We know from the trailers that Team Picard steals the Titan in a version of Star Trek III's heist (beyond them running from Today's episode). I bet they end up trashing the Titan by the end to save Picard's son, also a Star Trek III callback kinda. Maybe the Enterprise D crew dies in the process, or some of them anyway.

But anyway I bet the show ends with a new, Constitution-III class USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G. It's why I think they're "early retiring" the Odyssey class 1701-F. On the Enterprise-G, either Seven will be Captain or Shaw ill be (and the Titan crew, including Seven, will transition to it) and Janeway will make her cameo there, to see Seven off. This is how I think the show ends.

Enterprise G. Captain/Commander Seven of Nine, and Admiral Janeway in the ready room telling her star pupil how proud she is of her.
...the changeling infiltrators were already on the Titan before Picard and Riker were coming aboard.

Think it's because these changelings are possessed by Pah Wraiths, who like the Prophets experience time in a nonlinear way and knew because of this Picard and Riker would come. Which would set up a chain of events which they need to change or influence to be successful at all.

Doubtful, to say the least. This episode's guest star clearly stated that they were already infiltrating vessels across the fleet. One being aboard Titan was merely coincidence.
Doubtful, to say the least. This episode's guest star clearly stated that they were already infiltrating vessels across the fleet. One being aboard Titan was merely coincidence.

Think there are not enough changelings to infiltrate every Starfleet vessel or Installation.

So they may need to choose. Nonlinear time might be a factor in their decission making. Why else infiltrate a ship like the new Titan, which apparently wasn't one of the best and brightest vessels with no new and exciting technology and no important mission we know of?
You don't know that...

Steven Barton, composer of season 3, just Tweeted this:

"It's been agony. And it's far from the biggest secret. There's way bigger. If you think this one is peaking in episode 4 and 5, believe me...it isn't."


I do, actually. Brooks has no interest in returning as Sisko. He has no interest in attending Trek-related events, conventions, etc. His Star Trek days are done.
Think there are not enough changelings to infiltrate every Starfleet vessel or Installation.

So they may need to choose. Nonlinear time might be a factor in their decission making. Why else infiltrate a ship like the new Titan, which apparently wasn't one of the best and brightest vessels with no new and exciting technology and no important mission we know of?

I never said anything about every vessel. There are plenty of factors that could have influenced things, such as mission profile, likely spatial location, etc... Again, it could quite easily be bad luck -- something we see all too often for the convenience of plot. But, we shall see. ;)