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Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

I wonder if Worf will have white hair like in All Good Things, especially as Picard Season 3 is already something like 7 years after AGT's timeframe.

Klingons definitely seem to go grey/white just like humans, e.g. K'mpec, Kor.

We just see fewer of them that old (at least in the warrior caste) as they either die in battle or retreat from society if they don't die in battle.
Maybe Amazon, who are likely footing a high portion of the production budget?
If Amazon were contributing to the budget of this show in any way, shape or form, they would be listed in the credits and would have their logo with all the other production company logos. Since they don't have either, they are not "footing" any portion of the production budget.
RMB did a mini-podcast and stated there was pressure for change regarding Picard from high up people not from CBS or Paramount, after they were especially unhappy with season 2. Maybe Amazon, who are likely footing a high portion of the production budget? If so, that could indicate a pivot could take place within Lower Decks as well.

Maybe the leaker was with Amazon?
RMB has a slant, so that must always be taken into consideration. Since S2 and S3 were shot back-to-back and developed at the same time, there wouldn't be much or any time to react to S2 before radically changing S3. The timing doesn't add up

The thing that makes the most sense is that they always wanted to eventually show all the TNG main characters before the end of PIC. Once it became clear PIC would only go three seasons, they figured out S3 was the only place to do it and there was only so much room for PIC characters, so they decided most of them wouldn't be back for S3 and wrote them out. Which meant they could have more permanent things happen to Rios and Jurati.
They did always plan to bring in the TNG crew. Sir Patrick has said this multiple times, the goal was to have all of the TNG characters on the show at some point. This isn’t anything new. And yeah, seasons 2 and 3 were shot back to back, there simply wasn’t time for a complete overhaul. And they had to negotiate with and hire the TNG cast way before season 3 was ever shot. The whole “someone demanded changes after season 2” claim therefore doesn’t add up - it sounds like the usual nonsense the RMB worshipping corner of the fandom yells about whenever there’s a new season of a current show coming up. Only this time it makes even less sense, but then, this has never stopped them, they love their little “the show is hated by everyone” narrative.

In general, RMB is not a reliable source of ANY kind. I’d find it hilarious if it turns out he was handed fake season 3 scripts written by a 4chan fanboy who knows exactly what RMB wants to read and Matalas is just playing along pretending he’s got the real scripts. :devil: (If I were Matalas this is exactly what I would do, given how rude and obnoxious and insufferable RMB has been regarding PIC in the past few years.)
They did always plan to bring in the TNG crew. Sir Patrick has said this multiple times, the goal was to have all of the TNG characters on the show at some point. This isn’t anything new. And yeah, seasons 2 and 3 were shot back to back, there simply wasn’t time for a complete overhaul. And they had to negotiate with and hire the TNG cast way before season 3 was ever shot. The whole “someone demanded changes after season 2” claim therefore doesn’t add up - it sounds like the usual nonsense the RMB worshipping corner of the fandom yells about whenever there’s a new season of a current show coming up. Only this time it makes even less sense, but then, this has never stopped them, they love their little “the show is hated by everyone” narrative.

Yes! Seasons 2 and 3 were plotted and planned virtually at the same time. Akiva Goldsman was largely responsible for S2 and Matalas S3. Looking back now, it's fairly clear the TNG cast were in negotiations to come back while season 1 was still airing. I remember Gates McFadden and LeVar Burton strongly hinting they were returning around that time and they played that down shortly after (likely because they signed NDAs).

Unlike what were being told back at the beginning of the show, it seems a TNG "reunion" of some sort was always in the cards for the final season of the show.

As for RMB, maybe he has seen scripts, maybe he hasn't. He is all over the place, and his latest tweets he's taken back some of the praise he heaped earlier. So as others have said, he's not a reliable source.

That being said, I hope we get some kind of trailer soon.
RMB did a mini-podcast and stated there was pressure for change regarding Picard from high up people not from CBS or Paramount, after they were especially unhappy with season 2. Maybe Amazon, who are likely footing a high portion of the production budget? If so, that could indicate a pivot could take place within Lower Decks as well.

Maybe the leaker was with Amazon?
Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed back to back. By the time this stuff aired to have a product to react to, the next season was already filmed.

I call bullshit. The guy will spaz or spooge over anything to get clicks. Remember his reaction to Carl?
That two parter was amazing, and then the season capped off with a great finale. But, Georgiou's exist is still one of my favorite arcs in Trek.
I actually loved that two-parter, thought it was the best of a slightly underwhelming season.
On its own it's not bad, my main problem had more to do with the fact they essentially put all the show's ongoing storylines on pause for two weeks for a romp around the Mirror Universe, thus bringing the narrative momentum the season had been building up to that point to a screeching halt with no way to rebuild it with the remaining episodes left of that season.
RMB spilled more stuff on his stream last night.
He said the show begins with Picard packing to leave the cheateu picard. He hears a noise and starts searching for it and he finds his old TNG uniform and commbadge. Then cuts to a scene where he's in a bar with Riker and he brings up his old communicator sent a signal he didn't understand. Riker explains that it was a secret signal they developed way back while he was assimilated by the borg so he couldn't interpret it as a borg. The signal is coming from Beverly. Dr Crusher has been providing aid to war-torn areas in a non Starfleet ship or something. She hasn't spoken to Picard in 20 years. Picard and Riker discuss how they could get a ship to look for her. Riker's old ship the Titan has just been refitted. Much of the fleet is returning for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Federation and maybe they can sneak away in a ship then. The spacedock starbase form Star Trek III is now a museum and RMB says we will see lots of old familiar starships. There's also some kind of throw away line about how it was hard to find the Bounty (the klingon bird of prey from star trek IV) because the cloaking device activated as it sank in the san francisco bay. He says all this occurs in about the first 15 minutes of the first episode. He said the scenes with Picard and Riker are very entertaining and funny as they try to find a ship. He said the entire season is like a "greatest hits of star trek" and that something from DS9 will play a major part of the show. He also said that the show begins with a title card "In the 25th century.." in the same blue font as the one at the start of Star Trek II.
If that's accurate, and considering it's RMB I'm skeptical as fuck, but if it's accurate that would mean
it takes place in 2411. a whole decade after season 2 since the Federation's 250th anniversary is being celebrated.

But as I said, I'm extremely skeptical.
RMB spilled more stuff on his stream last night.
He said the show begins with Picard packing to leave the cheateu picard. He hears a noise and starts searching for it and he finds his old TNG uniform and commbadge. Then cuts to a scene where he's in a bar with Riker and he brings up his old communicator sent a signal he didn't understand. Riker explains that it was a secret signal they developed way back while he was assimilated by the borg so he couldn't interpret it as a borg. The signal is coming from Beverly. Dr Crusher has been providing aid to war-torn areas in a non Starfleet ship or something. She hasn't spoken to Picard in 20 years. Picard and Riker discuss how they could get a ship to look for her. Riker's old ship the Titan has just been refitted. Much of the fleet is returning for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Federation and maybe they can sneak away in a ship then. The spacedock starbase form Star Trek III is now a museum and RMB says we will see lots of old familiar starships. There's also some kind of throw away line about how it was hard to find the Bounty (the klingon bird of prey from star trek IV) because the cloaking device activated as it sank in the san francisco bay. He says all this occurs in about the first 15 minutes of the first episode. He said the scenes with Picard and Riker are very entertaining and funny as they try to find a ship. He said the entire season is like a "greatest hits of star trek" and that something from DS9 will play a major part of the show. He also said that the show begins with a title card "In the 25th century.." in the same blue font as the one at the start of Star Trek II.
CBS/Paramount C&D in 3... 2....

This lines up with some stuff Terry has posted on Twitter and interviews. He mentioned Spacedock would be returning, he posted a picture of a Starfleet console in VOY coloured LCARS, which wasn't in Season 2, could be Beverly's ship, or an old ship they steal from Spacedock. He also said some love to the TOS movies. Spacedock being a musuem lines up with them filming on a recreation of the Ent-D bridge. Production Art made for Season 2 said the Ent-D's saucer was salvaged and made into a museum

If that's accurate, and considering it's RMB I'm skeptical as fuck, but if it's accurate that would mean
it takes place in 2411. a whole decade after season 2 since the Federation's 250th anniversary is being celebrated.

But as I said, I'm extremely skeptical.
Well Terry confirmed on twitter that he has access to Season 3 stuff, though that doesn't mean what he said here is real.
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RMB spilled more stuff on his stream last night.
He said the show begins with Picard packing to leave the cheateu picard. He hears a noise and starts searching for it and he finds his old TNG uniform and commbadge. Then cuts to a scene where he's in a bar with Riker and he brings up his old communicator sent a signal he didn't understand. Riker explains that it was a secret signal they developed way back while he was assimilated by the borg so he couldn't interpret it as a borg. The signal is coming from Beverly. Dr Crusher has been providing aid to war-torn areas in a non Starfleet ship or something. She hasn't spoken to Picard in 20 years. Picard and Riker discuss how they could get a ship to look for her. Riker's old ship the Titan has just been refitted. Much of the fleet is returning for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Federation and maybe they can sneak away in a ship then. The spacedock starbase form Star Trek III is now a museum and RMB says we will see lots of old familiar starships. There's also some kind of throw away line about how it was hard to find the Bounty (the klingon bird of prey from star trek IV) because the cloaking device activated as it sank in the san francisco bay. He says all this occurs in about the first 15 minutes of the first episode. He said the scenes with Picard and Riker are very entertaining and funny as they try to find a ship. He said the entire season is like a "greatest hits of star trek" and that something from DS9 will play a major part of the show. He also said that the show begins with a title card "In the 25th century.." in the same blue font as the one at the start of Star Trek II.

Well I'll take it with a grain of salt
Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden did confirm in their various comicon interviews that Bev/JL have not spoken in over 20 years and that Beverly has been out saving lives.
Yeah, RMB is a heaping grain of salt.
For me, i'd rather be surprised, and no nothing, rather than reading everything and be spoiled.

As with S2, I'm looking forward to S3, hopefully they wont nerf it like the past 2 seasons.
She's in most of the episodes based off what Gates said about ADR so the search might not be long. But Maybe we'll be seeing things from her perspective as well.
RMB is not a reliable source of ANY kind. I’d find it hilarious if it turns out he was handed fake season 3 scripts written by a 4chan fanboy who knows exactly what RMB wants to read and Matalas is just playing along pretending he’s got the real scripts. :devil: (If I were Matalas this is exactly what I would do, given how rude and obnoxious and insufferable RMB has been regarding PIC in the past few years.)

I LIKE the way you think. :D :devil:
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