Spoilers Season 3 Trailer

Come on, his son was already adult-sized and serving in the military at the ripe old age of eight. Who says he didn't inherit his Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome from his father? Maybe it's only thanks to Federation medicine Worf even survived into his sixties.
And yet Kang, Kor and Koloth appeared hale and hearty in DS9. Klingons have longer lifespans than humans, ergo get to puberty fast due to violent nature, then age slower, I guess?

Also the video is geolocked, I can't see it, so thanks to those posting info! :)
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I'm excited!


And to add to the hype:


Praise from somebody who has spent years throwing melodramatic tantrums about modern Trek certainly doesn't add to the very little hype I had for this season.
So, Worf has four pips but is not a captain. I wonder if maybe it is a situation where Starfleet forgave him his transgression and promoted him, but his personal sense of honor didn't allow him to refer to himself by the rank or abide others doing so. Therefore, although he does technically hold the rank of captain, he is simply Mr. Worf. Alternatively, maybe he's Colonel Worf? There is a precedent in Col. West from TUC for a colonel in Starfleet, and it was never explained how or why he was a colonel. :shrug:
Here's a cool idea, what if each member of TNG crew gets their own single episode before Picard meet up? We can know what they've been doing and their current situations. The titles for each episodes could be very simple: Ep. 1 "Worf", Ep. 2 "Geordi LaForge"...
So, Worf has four pips but is not a captain. I wonder if maybe it is a situation where Starfleet forgave him his transgression and promoted him, but his personal sense of honor didn't allow him to refer to himself by the rank or abide others doing so. Therefore, although he does technically hold the rank of captain, he is simply Mr. Worf. Alternatively, maybe he's Colonel Worf? There is a precedent in Col. West from TUC for a colonel in Starfleet, and it was never explained how or why he was a colonel. :shrug:
Terry Matalas has made no secret that he is a huge fan of TOS movies and has taken huge chunks of inspiration from them, so this could be another cue from them
And yet Kang, Kor and Koloth appeared hale and hearty in DS9. Klingons have longer lifespans than humans, ergo get to puberty fast due to violent nature, then age slower, I guess?
And what were they supposed to do? Fans would complain anyway.

If they didn't have Worf, they would complain because he's a part of the crew and he should be there.
If they recast him with a younger actor, they would complain because it's not Mike Dorn.
If they digitally de-aged him, they would complain (rightly so) because it looks fake. And it costs a fortune to actually do professionally anyway (and no, "I deepfaked this test footage on my home PC" youtube videos aren't of professional quality), so it's not an option if they want to have Worf as a main character for the whole season, or even as a special guest for a single episode. CBS is not Disney, and Worf is not Luke Skywalker; it wouldn't even be worth the money as a stunt to generate media buzz.
It is *great* to see these much beloved characters again but as much as I see where the costume department are going… dressing our TNG crew up as super heroes and making them look like X-Men in their twilight years is kinda… ughhhh… aaaargh…. I dunno!? Really bad costuming yet still kind of *cool* at the same time?! I hope we aren’t in a metaverse again, I want this production to be prime!

Q: Where is Data?

A: We know that we will not be getting Data, he has been given a beautiful send off already.

I have a bit of a *bad* feeling watching this character trailer. It seems to me like the characters are coming back but they don’t *actually* want to come back… I think that they were already in a happy place and they are coming back because they *have* to? It should still be a good season none the less.

Does anybody have any idea why Worf’s Klingon sash is now black? These things are *very* traditional and ceremonial so something must have happened in his life for this wardrobe change to occur?

I also think that there could be a death… Deanna Troi says “you have to be willing to go through the door to know what is next…”, very metaphorical lol. Perhaps Troi was only counselling someone about their fears of death though and no one *actually* dies… :shrug:

There is something a bit ‘off’ about all of this, but I think it might work.

I’m worried about Raffi… I don’t know why…
They all look great. Worf looks amazing.

I was just expecting character reveals, so this hits the spot. I’m guessing next we’ll get a teaser trailer for Star Trek Day or whatever in September?
Plus New York Comic-Con in October, they've always had a presence there too.