Spoilers Season 3 Trailer

Ooh, interesting. Holodeck?
Maybe. There's also a possibility it's the actual saucer taken from Veridian III. The plaque for the ship on display at Starfleet Academy in Season 2, while not legible on screen, there's production art of it out there and the description says the saucer was retrieved and made into a museum
On the one hand, I'm glad to see them back; on the other hand, I'm still a bit sad over retooling the story this much... but to be fair, other than the cast, the previous two seasons have been self-contained as well, so it's not much a problem. As for the teaser itself... it's a character reveal teaser, as generic as it gets. Nothing really exciting.

I do like however how they updated Worf's forehead wrinkles to look old and, uhm, wrinkly.
It's been said it was always the plan to bring back the cast in Season 3. So it wasn't a decision made after Season 1.
Though maybe the amount of Season 1 cast remaining in Season 3 could have been made after.
I can’t wait to see both the Enterprise-D again and the new Enterprise-F. I hope we also get some new cool ship designs besides STO background ships. And the Starfleet Museum? I’m almost creaming in my jeans.
Work is Klingon and is supposed to age slower than humans yet he looks older than everyone except maybe Picard. WTHeck. Other than that I'm glad they got a new show runner. Still I'm not getting my hopes up.
Come on, his son was already adult-sized and serving in the military at the ripe old age of eight. Who says he didn't inherit his Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome from his father? Maybe it's only thanks to Federation medicine Worf even survived into his sixties.