Spoilers Ready Room with Wil Wheaton

If Terry wrote that expository dialogue in to explain it, it's accurate.

Plus Picard did"the math." He knows (as confirmed onscreen) when Jack was conceived.
I don't particularly care that things don't add up quite right if he's 23-24, but the fact remains, that'd mean he was born around 2377-2378, which doesn't mesh with Nemesis being set in 2379.
I don't particularly care that things don't add up quite right if he's 23-24, but the fact remains, that'd mean he was born around 2377-2378, which doesn't mesh with Nemesis being set in 2379.

Or Pic S3 takes place later than some suggest.

The other thing is Jack was drinking at that bar 5 years before Pic S3. It certainly implies that he was an adult 5 years ago, and possibly 23-24 now.
Or Pic S3 takes place later than some suggest.

The other thing is Jack was drinking at that bar 5 years before Pic S3. It certainly implies that he was an adult 5 years ago, and possibly 23-24 now.
Why does that imply anything. We have no reference of a drinking age in the 24th or 25 century. Or even if Jack would have been drinking real alcohol. Certainly we know they have alternatives to real alcohol.
To put the age question to bed.

Jack is 23-24. Confirmed by episode 3x04.


I could buy that. Chris Pine played a Mid-20s Kirk just the same.

Same here. The movie Picnic had a 37 year old William Holden playing early to mid 20's. Holden was a very Hard looking 37 at the time. He could have passed for 40's easily. The movie went on to be nominated for several academy awards. Even best picture.

Ed most definitely can pass for 23/24

I love that this is bothering so many people yet I heard less complaints about the stupid funhouse Turbolift and the 4 Nostril, Golden, Bald headed Klingons dressed like Asgardians. :guffaw:
If Worf's handler has to be someone that we already know, then I would think that the best bet would be Bashir. Given his experiences dealing and working with Section 31, I can totally see him being recruited by Starfleet intelligence.