Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

The big question is would you use your new powers for fun and profit or take over the world?

I wouldn't do either of those things, but there are some things I would take care of...

- Major shake-ups in the advertisiing industry. Ideally, I'd like to eliminate ALL ads, everywhere, but I realize that'd be hard to get away with. So I'd settle for requiring all commercials to be like the ones in Crazy People. No tricks, no loopholes, no manipulation...just blunt, honest truth.

- I'd have "Martha" (from the Medicare Advantage ad) shot.

- Actually I wouldn't rule out street executions for ANYONE convicted of having anything to do with those damn Medicare Advantage ads.

- And don't even get me started on Car Shield. :mad: :brickwall:
I wouldn't do either of those things, but there are some things I would take care of...

- Major shake-ups in the advertisiing industry. Ideally, I'd like to eliminate ALL ads, everywhere, but I realize that'd be hard to get away with. So I'd settle for requiring all commercials to be like the ones in Crazy People. No tricks, no loopholes, no manipulation...just blunt, honest truth.

- I'd have "Martha" (from the Medicare Advantage ad) shot.

- Actually I wouldn't rule out street executions for ANYONE convicted of having anything to do with those damn Medicare Advantage ads.

- And don't even get me started on Car Shield. :mad: :brickwall:

Not only do they flood tv with those Medicare Advantage adds, we get a ton of paper ads about it in the mail. They say things like "get what you DESERVE" and "hurry, before the open season closes" to create worry and fear.
Actually I wouldn't rule out street executions for ANYONE convicted of having anything to do with those damn Medicare Advantage ads.
I think probably people in every profession cringe a little at how their profession is portrayed by Hollywood… :lol:
Of course, the question was semi-rhetorical.
I also find it annoying when people expect me to like the :censored: because, you know, it's (supposedly) Navy and I was Navy. :rolleyes:
These episodic procedurals on TV, a large portion of the dialog is characters telling other characters something they already know because they have to spell things out for the general audience.
Hotch didn't tell the gang about his previous life with Dharma.. Didn't he play a prosecutor on that show? Then in Criminal Minds he was an ex prosecutor that is now an SSA and profiler?
I went to pick up my new eyeglasses today. They first came in on Oct. 19th but the frames were too wonky so they reordered them. These frames today were cockeyed too, so after messing with them and getting nowhere, one of the employees went over to the samples wall and used the original frame to put my lenses in. I'm still not so sure about them but I know I will never order from this business again.