Props Re-used

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^^Wasn't it in "The Cage" as well, or am I thinking of something else?

If this thing was used in "The Cage," I'll eat my hat. You're probably thinking of something else--although I can't imagine what clunky hand-held thing you might be thinking of.
^^Wasn't it in "The Cage" as well, or am I thinking of something else?

There is a somewhat similar device with a handle, but it's not the same one and it has a box underneath the barrel:



I think that if there had been a Season 4 we would have seen the Teacher Helmet from Sigma Draconis 7 reappear as an experimental "Warp Helmet" for an experimental mind-controlled warp drive.

In the episode, they'd break the warp barrier and turn into lizards or sally-manders.

Oh wait...part of that plot was done years later on Voyager! DOH!!!

Anyway, couldn't ya just see Shatner sitting in his command chair wearing that helmet (With some minor modifications. Hey, they could spraypaint it orange!)?

The cloaking device from Enterprise Incident could be reused and put on that big thing out in the middle of the Engineering Room floor and could be part of the Mindwarp Drive.

Oh come on! You know you LIKE IT!!! Don't sit there rolling your eyes and ignoring me...get down on your knees and worship this idea!

Worship it B4 it destroys you! (Maniacal laughing)

In fact, I'm gonna start a new thread...called "How would you reuse a Star Trek prop?"
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(And I envision your hat as being a perfect replica of Captain Pike's from "The Cage"... :))

Good luck with Phase II and its wonderfully accurate props!

Well, now that you mention it....

We do see Captain Pike's hat in his quarters:


...and I do indeed have a perfect replica:



We're using it as a set dressing in an upcoming episode. (The Enterprise comes upon the starship U.S.S. Eagle--missing for ten years and now pirated by an alien race. So we see this hat in the pirate catain's quarters on the Eagle.)
(Crossposted from the Star Trek Phase II forum.)

There is a hand tool we saw periodically starting in the second season that seems to do double-duty as both an engineering tool and a medical tool.

I'm not even sure what to call this thing. It's about the size of a wrench but its shape is something like a two-pronged fork--like a tuning fork. It is studded with red crystal-like things, so I call this the "Crystal Tuning Fork Wrench-Thing."

Like so many props, it usually shows up in "if you blink, you'll miss it" contexts. But since it appeared in eight different episodes (that I have found so far), it actually has more screen appearances than some of the other props I've discussed.

The first time we see this Crystal Tuning Fork Wrench-Thing is in "Return to Tomorrow." Thalassa and Sargon seem to be making use of this tool as they start in on the project to make android bodies for themselves. Although it's not a very good picture, you can see this tool lying on the workbench tabletop:


There is a close-up a few moments later. You can see the two-tined head on the business end of this prop--with a red triangular crystal thing on each of the tines. Unfortunately, the handle is out of frame in the shot:


(It looks like the red triangular plastic crystal things at the tips might be recycled and cut from the red plastic pieces that appear sandwiched between the five tines on the Eminiar VII sonic disruptor weapons.)

At any rate, we see the tool again (barely) in "The Ultimate Computer" as Mr. Scott and Mister Spock work in the Jefferies Tube to try and override and disrupt the circuits on the M-5 computer. Scotty holds the tool in his right hand in a shot that just barely allows you to see that Jimmy Doohan is missing the middle finger on his right hand:


The tool crops up again in "The Omega Glory." Dr. McCoy has been using the tool down on the planet of Omega IV--and like in "Return to Tomorrow," the tool is lying on the workbench tabletop


It is in "The Omega Glory" where we finally get the beauty shot of this prop. It's lying on top of Dr. McCoy's medical pouch as McCoy slowly reaches for this rather dangerous-looking tool—possibly to use against his dozing Kohm guard in an escape attempt. (The Kohm guard wakes up and uses his long sword to block McCoy's hand as it reaches for the tool.)


(It's in this shot that you really get to see that not only are there the small triangular plastic crystal things on the two tines, but there is a large, bulky crystal thing on the handle, too.) The prop would appear to be just a piece of 1/8" machined aluminum.)

The next appearance of the Crystal Tuning Fork Wrench-Thing is also a pretty good look at the prop. Mr. Scott uses the tool in Engineering in "Elaan of Troyius" as he works to discover that the Enterprise has been sabotaged:


...and then a bit later as he tries to undo the damage:


Here it is lying on a (very dusty) workbench tabletop again "The Empath." It's 'way over at the corner of the table next to Mister Spock:


Here it is lying on the floor of the bridge of the U.S.S. Defiant in "The Tholian Web." In this case, its use as a prop is probably meant to convey (like in "The Omega Glory") that this pointy tool can (and probably did) make a formidable weapon.


Here it is lying on top of Mr. Scott's console in Engineering in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield:"


Here it is in its final screen appearance--in "The Lights of Zetar"--lying around again on a workbench tabletop:


So here's my Crystal Tuning Fork Wrench-Thing prop reproduction. I have a shot of it lying on top of my medical kit like in "The Omega Glory:"


And just to get a sense of the size of it, here's a handheld shot:


And just to cover my bases just in case, as I generally do, I actually had two of these props made in case one gets lost or broken during filming--so we don't hold up production:


Slideshow is here:

As always, let me know if you have any questions about this (or any) prop.

Sorry to digress; this is a great thread!

I don't think I've seen that TMP "sensor bee" still from your avatar. Do you have a larger version? If you have a bunch of unique ones (other than the ones on OTTENS' site) could you please post them in a separate thread?


Thanks very much for the kudos!

Uhm, let me see what I can do with regards to that avatar picture. It's kind of complicated, but the image comes from 2-1/2 minutes of assorted production footage of Kirk being attacked by the memory crystals in the trench. I need to get some permissions...
Any development on this, alchemist?

Also, any ETA on your excellent Star Trek History site being back?

Any development on this, alchemist?

Also, any ETA on your excellent Star Trek History site being back?


Hi Elton,

I haven't forgotten about this request, and I anticipate being able to post a picture or two soon (albeit in the movies forum). With regards to, you're probably aware that it was recently hacked so the content has been removed. No eta yet on when it will be back, but when it returns - and Curt is working on the site as we speak - it will be back with all new features, pictures, and interviews. Stay tuned.

With regards to, you're probably aware that it was recently hacked so the content has been removed. No eta yet on when it will be back, but when it returns - and Curt is working on the site as we speak - it will be back with all new features, pictures, and interviews. Stay tuned.
I'd been wondering about that. About a week ago, I clicked on a couple of links to your site and had security-software stuff jumping up announcing there was a risk and asking did I really want to go there? Hadn't had anything of the sort happen on previous visits.

oooooooookay, I've found the new screen cap for the next caption contest. :techman:


Romaine: "Scotty, quick!! Hand me the Pepto Bismol--those colored blocks of synthesized food we ate for lunch is repeating on me again!"
If you folks keep captioning it here, why should I put it in the contest?

I agree, though. For me, this thread is twice a goldmine: once for the information on props and again as fodder for the caption contest.
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