It's nice to note that he's currently WAY down in the overall polls. Way too popular with the Repugnicans (not with 'real' Republicans though).

Somewhere around 35% of the country support him in some way but, a huge number of independent voters (not to mention Democrats) simply will not vote for him..
View attachment 36065

And still costumer service never talked to the shipping department and they really never got the right grade copper.. nothing changes if nothing changes...

Imagine the frustration of getting the wrong copper, and then having to sit down and engrave the fucking complaint letter! Still, without the right copper to work with, I suppose the complainant had a lot of time on his hands...

I just have this vision in my head of a short, balding guy in a toga hunched over a tablet with a mallet and chisel, mumbling and cursing through gritted teeth as stone chips fly up around him as he works...
Imagine the frustration of getting the wrong copper, and then having to sit down and engrave the fucking complaint letter! Still, without the right copper to work with, I suppose the complainant had a lot of time on his hands...

I just have this vision in my head of a short, balding guy in a toga hunched over a tablet with a mallet and chisel, mumbling and cursing through gritted teeth as stone chips fly up around him as he works...
nope, that guy is drinking wine while dictating to a slave - it's also wet clay in babylonia
All of this imagery in my head is totally caricaturized, coming straight out of an old volume of Asterix and Obelisk. :D

that's the roman legions doing stonework - 'can you please stop hitting him i can't hear my own stone carving' or somesuch'. the legionary who says that later finds the required data and obelix collects his boss' helmet.