Mary Ann

Knitting is honourable
I've double-checked, and I'm pretty sure no one else has started a new picture thread. Let's start of with some kitties, shall we? :)

Just over two weeks ago we adopted two cats from our local Cats Protection shelter. They're either sisters, or mother and daughter. Here's 14-year-old Lizzie:


She's a very sweet little kitty who just wants a comfy couch to sleep on and the occasional scritch behind the ears.

And here's 13-year-old Lucy on my 12-year-old son's lap:


As you can see, she's made herself right at home. If there's a lap available, she's on it if she's inside. She's still quite active for an older girl, and is enjoying exploring our back garden.

Now if only they would stop hissing at our poor dog, who only wants to be their friend!

My best friend gave me this book for my birthday in June and I instantly saw how...appropriate it was for me.


My co-worker Matt and I attempt to re-create the epic handshake at the beginning of Predator. ("Dillon! You son of a bitch!")


Three weeks ago, I flew home to DC for my sister's wedding. You can barely tell here, but the name of my plane (jetBlue "names" their planes, always using the word 'blue' in the names) was "The Names Blue. jetBlue." :lol:
Since Shore-Leave in Towson MD was recently held and I just found this a few days ago, thought I would post it. It's me as G'Kar from Babylon 5, I'm standing with a friend who was doing Londo. I finished the prosthetic mask just before Shore-Leave but didn't finish the costume in time, so I wore my Klingon Ambassador costume.

Grandma could just never resist the warm comforting feeling of a cool heavy piece in her hands.
Now if only they would stop hissing at our poor dog, who only wants to be their friend!
Someone whose blog I follow is in the process of going through the same thing, only there it's the dog who's the new arrival and the cat the longtime resident. Big puppy wants to be friends and follow her everywhere and cat is not nearly so enamoured of the idea. It's making for funny stories and the odd amusing pic or video clip, though.
What a gorgeous kitty! What colour are her eyes? They look pale beige to me.

And do I spot a hand crocheted blanket? :)
I'm pleased to announce the birth of my daughter Kira Avery at 9:19 this morning, weighing 7lb 13oz with a head full of brown hair. Kira and mom are doing great!
Tom Hendricks, congratulations! I love your daughter's name.

boca, beautiful photos near the end of the previous thread.
What a gorgeous kitty! What colour are her eyes? They look pale beige to me.

And do I spot a hand crocheted blanket? :)

Her eyes are actually more of a yellowish-green; you just can't really tell from the photo too well.

And yes, my grandma made the blanket.
New ink:


Yes, I have a hand tattoo now. What of it?

All of my tattoos have meaning. This one means "I'm polyamorous," and other polyamorous people will recognize it. It's like I'm in a secret club.