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Given the the Changelings, I wouldn't be surprised if a DS9 character shows up to help out. Episode 7 is titled
So it's possible a trip to the Bajor sector and a certain space station is involved.
Really, How did you find this out? I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere.
With the Titan-A going between the pylons, and the wormhole opening and closing.
Fascist Cardassian Eyesore... :barf:...:klingon:
Yes but the creators of this season are all about nostalgia. They wouldn't outright redesign such an iconic space station.
But we do know that a lot of time has passed since we last saw Deep Space Nine on screen, so it could look a *bit* different. It may have some extra additions and augmentations such as in the cases of Earth Starbase 1, Utopia Planetia and Daystrom Station (which is an adapted familiar design). We have no idea what DS9 has been though over the past 20 years, all that we know is that Quark now has a galaxy spanning franchise like McDonalds so his bar, Dabo rooms and holosuites may have expanded to fill a larger floor space on the promenade.

If they do visit Deep Space Nine I hope that we also get to see Leeta, though she may be with Grand Nagus Rom on Feranginar and not DS9. :shrug:
I suspect the station is something of a museum maintained by the Bajorans. A new hub station identical to Yorktown has been installed by the wormhole to facilitate exchanges with the Gamma Quadrant. As much as I love Deep Space Nine, and it served its purpose beautifully, it really is too small a station to encompass the vast amount of traffic coming and going through the passage. And the canvas of streaming Trek (Stream Trek), has become a whole lot bigger--Star Bases shown are vast and luminous with a newfound wealth of real estate that befits their construction.

On screen, it is easy to visualize a ship's approach to DS9, where the station looks like the one we know and love (except you Shaxs!). The ship moves over the habitat ring and pylons, and in the distance we see a pale blue dot in the distance by the opening wormhole that becomes larger and larger as the ship gets closer. It soon fills the screen, and we see it is a gigantic multi-cultural city enclosed in a shimmering globe of green and blue reflecting the water and forests within. Millions of people from three Quadrants live inside harmoniously...
Surely DS9 must have ‘rusted’ a little bit over the decades at least, weathered by the occasional plasma storm? :shrug:
Why would it?

They may have refitted it by now, with Starfleet LCARS and Majel's voice talking to the engineers.