Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

they yoink the Bounty's cloaking device calling it now. That would explain the B'Rel cloaking device in the end credits
I actually think they might use the ship itself. The episode is called "The Bounty", which I'd originally assumed would be just related the bounty on Jack. However, I have a feeling the BoP is the reason for the visit to Athan Prime after seeing these pics, and a clip of the next episode on This Morning (with Phil and Holly, and in this case Sir PStu) this morning.
You know preachers with rank insignia?
Any officer in any branch of service that's a chaplain (or rabbi maybe?).

Note the cross above the sleeve rank stripes.
Any officer in any branch of service that's a chaplain (or rabbi maybe?).

Note the cross above the sleeve rank stripes.
Well, yes, but I didn't think @The Wormhole was referring to a uniform service preacher. I am fully aware and knowledgeable of the US Navy's uniform standards, rank insignia, and service insignia for line officers, and support officers and administrative departments. But, those are not on the lapels save for in the khakis or whites generally.
I actually think they might use the ship itself. The episode is called "The Bounty", which I'd originally assumed would be just related the bounty on Jack. However, I have a feeling the BoP is the reason for the visit to Athan Prime after seeing these pics, and a clip of the next episode on This Morning (with Phil and Holly, and in this case Sir PStu) this morning.
I doubt they'll take the actual Bounty, that would require making more sets and they seem to be very conservative with those this season. More likely they're just stealing the cloak.
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We're not going to see DS9 in this season. At best, it'll be referred to. They wouldn't stop at just showing the outside. And they won't re-build the inside just for a few scenes. Picard likes to get mileage out of its sets.

Before someone points out Ten Forward in "Remembrance", that was an Enterprise-D set. This is still "TNG", even if by another name. They'll save the "one-time use" money on recreating TNG, not DS9. Like later on, when we'll see the Enterprise-D bridge.

I think we will see the station but your right that they wouldn’t rebuild the Promanade, Ops or Quarks. But just Sisko’s (or now Kira’s) office…maybe, that’s a small enough set. They could also show the outside of the station and then ops or something in the background during communication. And that wouldn’t require set building.

Given the threat, seeing the station and wormhole just seems like a fair assumption.
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Well, yes, but I didn't think @The Wormhole was referring to a uniform service preacher. I am fully aware and knowledgeable of the US Navy's uniform standards, rank insignia, and service insignia for line officers, and support officers and administrative departments. But, those are not on the lapels save for in the khakis or whites generally.
Yeah, it looks like the Navy only puts pins on the lapels with the khakis but not the duty whites (if that's the proper term).

Army is another story depending on the uniform. Crosses on the lapels, rank on the shoulders for the dress uniforms.
Yeah, it looks like the Navy only puts pins on the lapels with the khakis but not the duty whites (if that's the proper term).
I've heard different terms, but the "summer whites" was the one I was most familiar with. But, they are different because they still use the shoulder boards, which have the rank sleeve and division or specialization marking, like the cross for a Christian chaplain, or star for line officers.
I actually think they might use the ship itself. The episode is called "The Bounty", which I'd originally assumed would be just related the bounty on Jack. However, I have a feeling the BoP is the reason for the visit to Athan Prime after seeing these pics, and a clip of the next episode on This Morning (with Phil and Holly, and in this case Sir PStu) this morning.

Ohhh, that is a good call. There was a scene released with Riker and Troi that I assumed was on Vadek's ship, but the Color scheme would also fit a BOP. Would have preferred they steal the Enterprise-A but hey.
Ohhh, that is a good call. There was a scene released with Riker and Troi that I assumed was on Vadek's ship, but the Color scheme would also fit a BOP. Would have preferred they steal the Enterprise-A but hey.
There is a shot in a trailer of Riker tied up on the same set, pretty sure it's Vadic's.
Ohhh, that is a good call. There was a scene released with Riker and Troi that I assumed was on Vadek's ship, but the Color scheme would also fit a BOP. Would have preferred they steal the Enterprise-A but hey.

What if they take all of them? Picatd in the Enterprise D, Seven in Voyager and Riker picks the NX-01 because he loves playing fictional holonovels set based on their adventures.
What if they take all of them? Picatd in the Enterprise D, Seven in Voyager and Riker picks the NX-01 because he loves playing fictional holonovels set based on their adventures.
"Sir, someone is stealing the Enterprise! And the other one! And Voyager!..."

So there's what looks like a Klingon Bird of Prey in the image of what I would guess is the fleet museum behind Geordi, is it the ship from Star Trek 3&4, the HMS Bounty?
I actually think they might use the ship itself. The episode is called "The Bounty", which I'd originally assumed would be just related the bounty on Jack. However, I have a feeling the BoP is the reason for the visit to Athan Prime after seeing these pics, and a clip of the next episode on This Morning (with Phil and Holly, and in this case Sir PStu) this morning.
I do remember reading spoilers that said
they've recovered the Bounty from the bottom of the bay