One of the best of Star Trek.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
Out of the 5 new series this one really works for me as well as SNW. This show could go super far and I hope it does.

What I really wanna know is what happened to
Out of the 5 new series this one really works for me as well as SNW. This show could go super far and I hope it does.

What I really wanna know is what happened to
While he doesn't appear, we learn a little bit more of the Captain from his memento's in the USS Protostar captain's room in the Supernova game.
What do we learn?
We learn indirectly about Captain Chakotay from the memento's he kept in his captain's room. On the Protostar, this space combines the ready room with the captain's quarters.

Primarily, Chakotay kept a life-sized Evolved Janeway plushie in his bed. That's both of a showing of "rubbing it in" and personal affection.
Other elements include Uhura's earpiece (TOS), a model of the Phoenix (TNG: First Contact), a model of Deep Space 9 (VOY/Maquis), a Red Angel suit piece (DSC), a P-88 tool (LDS), a bedside photo of Porthos (ENT) and an irregular item I haven't unlocked yet. That tells us that he very much embraced Starfleet and its history, despite having previously been forced to turn his back on Starfleet to join the Maquis.
Prodigy's storyline had the huge benefit of making sense and being preplanned (mostly, the time travel aspect is sus and people seem to have been looking for the ship too long?), in a world where Discovery season 2 was made up as they went along.
Prodigy's storyline had the huge benefit of making sense and being preplanned (mostly, the time travel aspect is sus and people seem to have been looking for the ship too long?), in a world where Discovery season 2 was made up as they went along.
Keeping the same showrunners has that effect.
Prodigy's storyline had the huge benefit of making sense and being preplanned (mostly, the time travel aspect is sus and people seem to have been looking for the ship too long?), in a world where Discovery season 2 was made up as they went along.
I think the time travel is what makes the “searching too long” make sense. Chakotay goes through an unstable time anomaly and is sent 50 years forward in time, lands in a post-apocalyptic Solum where the Protostar is captured, loaded with a future Trojan horse weapon, then sent back in time through the same anomaly but gets lost, landing a little too far in the past.
I think the time travel is what makes the “searching too long” make sense. Chakotay goes through an unstable time anomaly and is sent 50 years forward in time, lands in a post-apocalyptic Solum where the Protostar is captured, loaded with a future Trojan horse weapon, then sent back in time through the same anomaly but gets lost, landing a little too far in the past.
Ah, you just explained it far better than the actual show has until this point. I thought there was only one backwards time travel, and couldn't make sense of Chakotay's vanishing and Janeway's persuit within that context.
I just rewatched the first 9 and enjoyed it even more. I do think Prodigy is the best nutrek series right now, even over Lower Decks (which had a bit of a meandering 3rd season) and Strange New Worlds (which screwed up the Gorn and killed its best new character, not to mention a dose of representation not discussed enough, which is disability).
Ah, you just explained it far better than the actual show has until this point. I thought there was only one backwards time travel, and couldn't make sense of Chakotay's vanishing and Janeway's persuit within that context.
The show hasn't explained it yet, it's also possible that the Diviner went back in time to Chakotay and then he and the Protostar (and maybe Chakotay) went even further in time. Though the difference with first being send forward in time by an anomaly may be academic, it merely would change the means employed by the Diviner, for much the same results.