Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

May 15, 2020.

(SNW S2 ended its original run on April 18, 2019.)
Most of the talks for SNW happened before the Quarantine. And even during the Quarantine, they could still talk over the phone or through Zoom. So I'll take 13 months from DSC S2 ending to SNW being announced to mean 13 continuous months where talks and negotiations between everyone involved could take place.

The WGA Strike lasted from May to September 2023. The SAG/AFTRA Strike lasted from July to November 2023. That knocks out six months from 2023 where either writers couldn't be involved with any discussion or where the actors needed couldn't be involved with any discussion. So, I'm not going to count those six months, because nothing could happen.

PIC Season 3 ended in April 2023. 13 months after that is May 2024. An additional six months (due to time lost because of the strikes) is November 2024. So, if we're going to be truly fair, we have until November 2024 to see if anything develops on the Legacy front. That's giving Legacy the equivalent chance that Strange New Worlds had, to see if anything comes out of the demand for it.
Most of the talks for SNW happened before the Quarantine. And even during the Quarantine, they could still talk over the phone or through Zoom. So I'll take 13 months from DSC S2 ending to SNW being announced to mean 13 continuous months where talks and negotiations between everyone involved could take place.

The WGA Strike lasted from May to September 2023. The SAG/AFTRA Strike lasted from July to November 2023. That knocks out six months from 2023 where either writers couldn't be involved with any discussion or where the actors needed couldn't be involved with any discussion. So, I'm not going to count those six months, because nothing could happen.

PIC Season 3 ended in April 2023. 13 months after that is May 2024. An additional six months (due to time lost because of the strikes) is November 2024. So, if we're going to be truly fair, we have until November 2024 to see if anything develops on the Legacy front. That's giving Legacy the equivalent chance that Strange New Worlds had, to see if anything comes out of the demand for it.

Good thinking, IMO.

When Kurtzman remarked back in mid-October that 'there are a bunch of new things now in the works', I tend to believe something tied in closer to PIC S3 than not is included in the chatter, even if it's a TV movie or what-have-you. Of course, by that same token, something being 'in the works', especially during this tumultuous (and highly predictable...) reckoning with streaming revenue, by no means confirms any of those things will see the light of day. But it's been on my mind.

...I really wish work hadn't flown me into and out of NYC on the same day on October 13th... I would have paid door prices to see that panel live. Oh well.
I think if we had SNW, LD and a Star Trek Legacy (or whatever it would be called) then I'd be happy to pay for P+ for the foreseeable future. If they go in the direction of a light Discovery continuation or a S31 movie it does not excite me.
My guess is they’ll see how the S31 movie does and if successful, do more P+ movies instead of full series. I think it will be cheaper overall and let them jump around more in the Trek universe.
Just like with a lot of companies, they have to be slow and cautious and determine next best steps. Jumping forward without a plan is ending up quite poorly.
I mean, I'm less confident than I was six months ago. But you have the dual strikes, Paramount in financial turmoil and potentially being for sale.

I'm only going to start really worrying if/when SFA actually is green lit for production (remember S31 had a writer's room going since 2019!) and begins casting, or if Terry Matalas ends up with a deal outside CBS/Paramount.

Legacy seems like the perfect pitch if an outside streamer wanted a Star Trek series.
I have reluctantly cone to terms that there will be no Legacy. Big mistake IMO.

Legacy is probably going to happen one way or another, even if its in movie form. And I believe that if they do it as a movie, it will be a two parter (i.e. Legacy, Part 1, and Legacy, Part 2), as I strongly believe that’s the only way to get the entire TNG cast, the PIC cast (Seven, Raffi, Jack, maybe even Jurati, Soji, Elnor, Rios, Kestra), and all of the desired Matalas cameos in (Janeway, Kira, Jake Sisko, Naomi Wildman, Alexander, Harry Kim, maybe even Wesley and Q etc. in) and still give them time to get their arcs completed. Note this is all without considering the antagonist, if there is one at all (I know Matalas had someone different in mind to play the Borg Queen).

The budget for all three seasons of PIC split between two 2 hour movies, released month apart, is believable.
Haven't we had enough of this era....
$25M seems unrealistic. Even PIC S1 cost $75M.

I imagine that they’ll spend what they need to let Matalas’s vision come to life on the big screen. Which would basically be S3.5, but with his desired cameos. They’ll want the best sendoff possible without breaking the bank.

It all depends on what they want to do with the Picard movie and what they want to do with Legacy.

For all we know, Legacy is one or two season tops, and then Seven and Raffi go off on separate adventures (Voy reunion movie, Raffi & Worf movie).
Didn't they just do that? At least that's what the cult of Matalas says happened.

I mean..... how many send-offs do you need?

The Who has had fewer farewell tours than this bunch! :rolleyes:

Haven't we had enough of this era....

The problem with the 22nd/23rd century is that you eventually bump up against events in TOS (which is why Disco jumped to the 32nd century).

The 24th/25th centuries still have much to offer in terms of storytelling possibilities.
The problem with the 22nd/23rd century is that you eventually bump up against events in TOS

I don't see a problem with that. Between 2161 and 2233, we've got 72 years of virtually unknown history with a solid potential for storytelling.

The 24th/25th centuries still have much to offer in terms of storytelling possibilities.

But haven't we seen enough of that era? Why not something new? Hell, if you must do the 25th century, go with the late 25th.
I don't see a problem with that. Between 2161 and 2233, we've got 72 years of virtually unknown history with a solid potential for storytelling.
I like my Federation already established.

These are the periods I'm most interested in Star Trek exploring:
The 32nd Century
The 25th Century (obviously)
The Early-24th Century (Post-TUC/Pre-TNG, but closer to TUC), a.k.a. the time-period I wanted early-Discovery to be set in.

What I'm interested in but I don't want them ever touching because I know they won't do it the way I want:
The Late-23rd Century (between TMP and TWOK) - I'd want it to look and feel like it was from the '70s/'80s cusp.

More succinctly: I think TOS should be the starting point of Star Trek not the stopping point.

EDITED TO ADD: The Early-25th Century looks like a blend of the TOS Movie Era and the TNG Movie Era. It takes place after everything else (except for later-Discovery). In other words, it looks the way I want it to look and almost everything I've already seen of Star Trek is in the rear-view mirror. All the problems I ever had with the 24th Century (i.e. humanity being too perfect) have been corrected. They can have new characters and they can have old characters without them having to be recast. No, it's not a one-or-the-other deal. It's positioned exactly where I want it to be.

So, unless you're offering more of the Disco Era, why would I want something else?
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if you must do the 25th century, go with the late 25th.
Likewise, if you have to go with the 24th century, go with the early 24th century. There's sixty-four years before TNG filled with all kinds of ground that on screen canon has only teased at through references and select flashback scenes. Hell, even the novels only visited the era a handful of times. Hell, set something in like the 2320s or 30s, where all the TOS characters have retired and moved on and with the exception of Picard, all the TNG characters are either children or not even born. There's nothing but new ground to cover here.

Which is exactly why they'll never do it.