Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

^ You guys are aware there's no one forcing you watch any of this, right?

If they make more series set in the early-25th Century, just don't watch it.
The Early-24th Century (Post-TUC/Pre-TNG, but closer to TUC), a.k.a. the time-period I wanted early-Discovery to be set in.

What I'm interested in but I don't want them ever touching because I know they won't do it the way I want:
The Late-23rd Century (between TMP and TWOK) - I'd want it to look and feel like it was from the '70s/'80s cusp.
Granted the Space 70's would be very cool for a one off, but yeah they'd never do it... unless somehow Quentin Tarantino was involved.

Even with Post-TUC/Pre-TNG you run into late 80's/early 90's production design if you want it to be an in continuity period piece... which would be tall odds. The only thing I could see happening here is some kind of Young Picard on the Stargazer series that manages to contradict half of what had already been established...

^ You guys are aware there's no one forcing you watch any of this, right?

If they make more series set in the early-25th Century, just don't watch it.
We can always bring back TOS vs TNG, with a full on post-SNW TOS reboot trading off with a TNG continuation.

My whole thing comes down to rebooting Star Trek just makes it into a generic space sci-fi show. With no past continuity to anchor it, it has to be damn good on its own terms... in which case why not make it into its own IP? While THE ORVILLE does scratch an itch, it probably wouldn't even fall into the top 5 genre series of the last decade.
So why can't a reboot do that too?
Because none of the people that have been involved in the franchise since 2005 could likely do a better job? Because I'm a fan of the pre-existing lore and (non-revisionist) characters, and not just the format? Because many new things could just as easily be accomplished by a 25th century continuation instead of throwing out decades worth of world building?

Rebooting concepts like Battlestar Galactica and V that never reached their full potential made sense. One worked, the other not so much. Rebooting Star Trek would be like rebooting Star Wars.

And, yes, ST09 made money... but it was unsustainable in the long run.
We can always bring back TOS vs TNG, with a full on post-SNW TOS reboot trading off with a TNG continuation.
I would've been fine with that before they started shoving SNW down my throat for the past several years and telling me everything else I like sucks or that they shouldn't be doing it. First it was Section 31 they were trying to stop, then it was Discovery they trashed non-stop once they had SNW, then they moved on to trashing Picard, and now they're trying to stop Legacy. Doesn't matter what anyone might think of those projects, the point is every time there's been something I've looked forward to or wanted to see, they've been like, "Nope! Nope! Let's have Strange New Worlds!"

And what's their pitch? "Why watch more of something you like when there are gaps in history to fill?!" Gaps in history. Like it's school or something. And they don't realize the quickest way to make me not interested in something is to say, "Hey! That thing you like sucks! Come watch our show! Come watch our show! Come watch our show!" No, I think I'm good. "Come watch our show!" No, really, I think I'm good. "Come watch our show!" Umm, can I go now? "Come watch our show!"
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It hasn't stopped Disney.

How many prequels/sequels has SW had so far? :whistle:
But would they go all out and remake the OT?

I would've been fine with that before they started shoving SNW done my throat for the past several years and telling me everything else I like sucks or that they shouldn't be doing it. First it was Section 31 they were trying to stop, then it was Discovery they trashed non-stop once they had SNW, then they moved on to trashing Picard, and now they're trying to stop Legacy. And what's their pitch? "Why watch more of something you like when there are gaps in history to fill?!" Gaps in history. Like it's school or something.
All I can say is I really really liked the Pike series... when Marvel did it in the 1990's with Star Trek: Early Voyages.
But would they go all out and remake the OT?
I sure hope so.

Because none of the people that have been involved in the franchise since 2005 could likely do a better job?
Because many new things could just as easily be accomplished by a 25th century continuation instead of throwing out decades worth of world building?
The lore is not as important. TOS built lore from the ground up and people engaged because of characters, not just imagined history.
And, yes, ST09 made money... but it was unsustainable in the long run.
Was it? Or was it crippled by a need to repeat lore because that was the expectation?