Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

I'm leery of Terry Matalas.

He's a little too eager to recreate Berman-era Trek (and all its faults). :shifty:

I'd like to have someone keep him in check.

Nothing wrong with the Berman era continuing in one show. Pic S3 proves that there is clearly an audience for it. As long as SNW still exists to keep the Kurtzman-era fans in tow.

Best of Both Worlds.

The more different the two shows are, the more potentially successful they could be.
It doesn't matter what the audience thinks. It only matters what CBS/Paramount thinks. That's why online petitions are meaningless. If CBS thinks making a show like Legacy will make them spend more money than they earn, they won't make it. It doesn't matter if it's 'what the fans want.' And as soon as the bean counters tell CBS that SNW isn't making enough money to justify its cost, they'll cancel that show too.

Lol not necessarily. We now know that P+ hasn't been making money on these projects either way. They are spending heavily in the hopes they will one day see a turnaround. It's a strategy (not a good one) that most streaming platforms have been going for.

It took a long while for Netflix to see a return. Recently, HBOMax/Max finally saw one I believe.

SNW is safe in that regard. It will get it's 5 seasons. They've already invested too much in it to just abruptly cancel it.
Nothing wrong with the Berman era continuing in one show. Pic S3 proves that there is clearly an audience for it. As long as SNW still exists to keep the Kurtzman-era fans in tow.

It wasn't perfect (Women and POC being pushed to the sidelines. Women being adjuncts to the guys.)

Women were reduced to being eye candy for the guys (Seven of Nine, T'Pol, etc.).

SNW is safe in that regard. It will get it's 5 seasons. They've already invested too much in it to just abruptly cancel it.

WBD cancelled "Batgirl" when it was all but complete just for the tax writeoff. P+ may or may not air Prodigy S2.

Spending money on a show is no guarantee of longevity (Disco was a test case. I don't see it going five seasons.)
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From a production standpoint, I think the 5 years are a safe bet. They aren't tearing down the Mississauga studio anytime soon.

If Mount decides not to do his 5 years on contract and peruse other opportunities, they have a built-in lead replacement with Paul Wesley.
It wasn't perfect (Women and POC being pushed to the sidelines. Women being adjuncts to the guys.)

Women were reduced to being eye candy for the guys (Seven of Nine, T'Pol, etc.).

Where was that in Picard Season 3? If Sidney was in a catsuit, I would have remembered.
Where was that in Picard Season 3? If Sidney was in a catsuit, I would have remembered.

Seven of Nine spent most of the season confined to quarters (she had to sneak out in order to get anything done).

If you want Berman-era Trek back, be careful what you wish for.

From a production standpoint, I think the 5 years are a safe bet. They aren't tearing down the Mississauga studio anytime soon.

If Mount decides not to do his 5 years on contract and peruse other opportunities, they have a built-in lead replacement with Paul Wesley.

What makes you so sure he's signed for five years? That's a major commitment for the studio.

Kirk is a major draw. Paramount is saving him for the movies (TV division doesn't have the rights to the movie characters -- and vice versa).

P+ probably had to pay an arm, a leg, and their firstborn to get Kirk.
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Seven of Nine spent most of the season confined to quarters (she had to sneak out in order to get anything done).

If you want Berman-era Trek back, be careful what you wish for.

It wasn't her show. She featured in the season appropriately. Anything more and you'd be taking time away from the TNG crew and Jack.

Even Shaw (Mr. Popular) was taken out of the game for a lot of the season, to accommodate the other characters.

What makes you so sure he's signed for five years? That's a major commitment for the studio.

Standard 5 year contracts. It doesn't mean that the studio has to honor them and do the show. And if he wants out, there's ways to make it happen.

I think the only thing that could pull him away is if he gets a very tempting prestige project where he would be the lead on.
Seven of Nine spent most of the season confined to quarters (she had to sneak out in order to get anything done).

If you want Berman-era Trek back, be careful what you wish for.
Yeah, we definitely saw a lot more back seat taking which wasn't a good look for the supposed lead or secondary character.
It wasn't her show. She featured in the season appropriately. Anything more and you'd be taking time away from the TNG crew and Jack.

I just didn't like the execution.

Even Shaw (Mr. Popular) was taken out of the game for a lot of the season, to accommodate the other characters.

That's a matter of opinion.

Standard 5 year contracts. It doesn't mean that the studio has to honor them and do the show. And if he wants out, there's ways to make it happen.

That's the old 1970's-1980's system (Netflix is notorious for cancelling shows after two seasons).

They cancel shows just to maintain a stream of new content. Why make a major commitment to someone if you have no intention of honoring it?
I'd treat Picard and Legacy as a combined run. Legacy, I imagine, would basically be continuing Picard except without any of the TNG Cast as regulars.
I just didn't like the execution.
That's a matter of opinion.

Terry and Jeri are close friends. They're literally still posting about their gatherings during the strike.

There probably isn't anyone else that could write the character in a way that Jeri would be on-board with.

Matalas didn't write the character like the way she was presented during the Berman era.

That's the old 1970's-1980's system (Netflix is notorious for cancelling shows after two seasons).

Like I said, just because there is a 5 year contract in play doesn't mean that the network has to do those 5 seasons.

It's like when superhero actors sign for three-picture deals. They are called options in the trade. Studio doesn't have to make the sequels if the first movie doesn't work.
Terry and Jeri are close friends. They're literally still posting about their gatherings during the strike.

I know. I've seen them on Twitter.

She played Dungeons & Dragons at Todd Stashwick's house.

Matalas didn't write the character like the way she was presented during the Berman era.

The catsuit needs to stay in the nineties where it belongs. :shifty:
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New here, but not a new Terry Matalas fan. I do hope he does get a chance to show run <I> Legacy</I>, I feel like if he was given an opportunity to build a show from the ground up, he'd do great with it.

12 Monkeys was a really impressive, and under-appreciated sci-fi/time-travel show and the women in the show are some of my favorites from Dr. Katarina Jones, and Dr. Cassandra Railly, to Jennifer Goines even the villain -- it was also such a tightly written show. The first season was a bit slow since they were still finding their feet but the moment season 2 hit, it hit the ground running and the ending of the show deftly leads into the beginning of the show I can't help but loop back and watch the first season because of how much richer the last season made the first.

TLDR this is why I'm hoping he gets to run his own show. Seven is my favorite character (after Kira), so I'm willing to wait if/ when Legacy happens because he's earned my trust with how he ran his previous show. I hope he brings Kirsten Byer and the person who wrote the Ro and Picard scenes with him too.

Unfortunately, with Paramount acting the way it's acting right now and taking a page from Zaslav, my optimism for a Legacy show is getting battered.