Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

An awfully insulting way to make a point. Why would you imply that, i am a racist or misogynistic, only because i criticize 2 actors and the characters they play, who happen to be women and black?

You are completely out of line, and if you’d knew how much i have fought for social equality you’d apologize at once.

This is one of the worst insults, you could throw at anyone and i am going to report it…
I said something to him a few posts above about doing the same thing with another poster; but yes, this would be another example.
It not being a TNG reunion-ish story will diminish viewership but IMO will make the writers less likely to engage in unabashed nostalgiabaiting

Yes of course you will have some people who rage at anything and everything because of any number of reasons, so any legacy characters coming back like Kira, or Bashir, or Alexander or Ezri would invariably produce screaming, but those people either need to adapt or be ignored..they're not genuine most of the time.

I'm not sure the budget would be there in any case..the 90's were a super super rare time when you had two concurrent full scale trek shows for the majority of the decade (TNG and DS9 had a two season Overlap, DS9 and Voyager had a 4 season overlap) plus *four* major motion pictures in one decade at the same time as multiple TV series running.

That lightning isn't gonna come back

Getting back the entire TNG Cast for PIC Season 3 was a one-time thing to give them a Proper Ending. That's not happening with DS9. Not without Avery Brooks and Rene Auberjonois. Plus Niners seem to be happy to leave things with "What You Leave Behind" and I think they'd have a hard time accepting a full-on DS9 Continuation without Ira Steven Behr involved. They might do it with the VOY Cast. Might. But more likely, if Legacy has any TNG/DS9/VOY Characters (why am I saying "if"?), it'll be back to PIC Season 1 and 2 levels.
Anyway, to get this back on topic: Let's talk about Strange New Worlds... :p

... and how it relates to Legacy!

DSC Season 2 ended in April 2019. SNW was formally announced in May 2020. Active discussions about the series had begun in January of the same year. (source)

So serious discussion for SNW didn't begin until nine months after DSC Season 2 ended, and then it took another four months for a formal announcement. The two-year delay for the series premiering can be blamed on Covid, so that wouldn't apply to Legacy.

Based on that timeline, this is how things would look for Legacy if they were exactly the same as SNW...

  • April 2023: PIC Season 3 ends.
  • January 2024: Serious talks about Legacy begin.
  • May 2024: Legacy is announced. By happy coincidence TNG ended 30 years ago this month, the perfect time to make such an announcement!

The only difference now is that we have to see how much merger with Showtime will help things (or change things) for Paramount+.
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I would personally mark right now as when "serious" talks about Legacy have started. Matalas and Kurtzman are working on proposals to send to the powers that be, thats more than just idle nothingness.
  • April 2023: PIC Season 3 ends.
  • January 2024: Serious talks about Legacy begin.
  • May 2024: Legacy is announced. By happy coincidence TNG ended 30 years ago this month, the perfect time to make such an announcement!

this would be kinda late. First of all we only have the information Matalas/Kurtzman provided us with. For all we know, they could have consulted with their superiors, the moment the first hype ratings came in. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d formally announce ST Legacy within the next 8 weeks.

Right now, they can still ride on their wave of success. If they pick up talks as late as January 2024, the bean counters will give them a hard time. Squeeze the orange, when it’s still fresh…
One thing that might have played a larger role than we think is the devastating report on Paramounts profits and outlook that came out yesterday.

That might impact any potential "legacy" show
I think an announcement would come before the end of this year, within 3 months of the WGA strike ending (which can only run for about 3.5 months before union unity would fall apart according to different analysts).

Here are some of the factors I see in play:
  • Both DISCOVERY (first three seasons) and PICARD (all seasons) were largely funded by external sources (Netflix, Amazon)
  • DISCOVERY likely had a 3+2 year deal
  • SNW was the first live action NuTrek series to be solely funded by Paramount... does Anson Mount have a 3 year deal? an option to extend to 4 or 5 seasons?
  • How well will SNW season 2 perform relative to SNW season 1?
  • How well has PS3 performed compared to other STP seasons and vis a vis DISCOVERY/SNW?
  • Did PS3 bring in new viewers that hadn't watched earlier STP seasons or Disco+SNW?
  • Did PS3 viewers take up other Star Trek content? If so did they stick with seasons to the end or fail to complete them? Did they get into the Taylor Sheridan stuff or that Kiefer Sutherland project or ______?
  • There is some kind of Janeway/Seven miniseries in the pre-planning stages... could that be rolled into Legacy?
  • Is Khan going to stay a podcast, or could it get upgraded to a live action miniseries?
  • How in demand will Terry Matalas be after the strike?
Hopefully one result from the WGA stike will be public, transparent streaming numbers and we can do a lot better at reading the tea leaves...
I think an announcement would come before the end of this year, within 3 months of the WGA strike ending (which can only run for about 3.5 months before union unity would fall apart according to different analysts).

Here are some of the factors I see in play:
  • Both DISCOVERY (first three seasons) and PICARD (all seasons) were largely funded by external sources (Netflix, Amazon)
  • DISCOVERY likely had a 3+2 year deal
  • SNW was the first live action NuTrek series to be solely funded by Paramount... does Anson Mount have a 3 year deal? an option to extend to 4 or 5 seasons?

Studios always have an out. Even if Anson has a contract, P+ can opt to not renew the show.

  • There is some kind of Janeway/Seven miniseries in the pre-planning stages... could that be rolled into Legacy?
  • Is Khan going to stay a podcast, or could it get upgraded to a live action miniseries?
  • How in demand will Terry Matalas be after the strike?
Hopefully one result from the WGA stike will be public, transparent streaming numbers and we can do a lot better at reading the tea leaves...

The Screen Actors Guild contract expires in June.

The last thing the studios need right now is a double whammy of WGA AND SAG going on strike.
I wonder what the nature of the contracts Mount, Peck and Romijn signed were? Also when they were signed. I assume Ryan, Hurd and Speleers must have some sort of agreement in place. Maybe just a “handshake” as this stage. In watching the Shuttlepod Show I’ve discovered many things about the industry. Like actors being paid not to take on another job, in case a particular role or show comes up.
this would be kinda late. First of all we only have the information Matalas/Kurtzman provided us with. For all we know, they could have consulted with their superiors, the moment the first hype ratings came in. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d formally announce ST Legacy within the next 8 weeks.

Right now, they can still ride on their wave of success. If they pick up talks as late as January 2024, the bean counters will give them a hard time. Squeeze the orange, when it’s still fresh…
It's basically the same timeframe between the end of Disco S2 and the announcement for SNW was made.
Wasn't Matalas already signed on to do a show for one of the other streaming services? Maybe Amazon Prime? I'd assume he's still obligated to that, and combined with the strike, it could be a while before he even has a chance to get to Legacy.
According IMDB he has one upcoming credit with "Witch Mountain" which I am assuming is a Disney+ show but could be wrong.
Matalas said at the end of the new All Access Trek Podcast that he has a deal at Paramount/CBS now (or maybe he's had one for a while and this is the first time he's mentioned it) to make shows for them and wouldn't say or commit to what it he's doing over there. Obviously the strike means everything is on hold though.
How in demand was he before the strike?
He's been busy with something the last ten years give or take. TERRA NOVA, NIKITA, then 12 MONKEYS. He was a consulting producer on a SyFy series, wrote some potential pilots for CBS, then signed a deal with CBS. Instead of immediately ending up on a Star Trek, he ran MACGYVER for 2/3rds of its fourth season. An upcoming project is co-writing the screenplay for a Bewitched project at Sony.

According IMDB he has one upcoming credit with "Witch Mountain" which I am assuming is a Disney+ show but could be wrong.
Yes, this pilot filmed in Toronto last December.

Matalas said at the end of the new All Access Trek Podcast that he has a deal at Paramount/CBS now (or maybe he's had one for a while and this is the first time he's mentioned it) to make shows for them and wouldn't say or commit to what it he's doing over there. Obviously the strike means everything is on hold though.
This deal started around 2019 and runs until sometime this year.

PICARD season 3 has apparently been well received by MCU head Kevin Feige and the President of 20th Century Studios, so he'll be on many people's radars moving forward.
Terry also mentioned in the Trekmovie interview that since the writers strike that he can't work on the plans he had for tv shows he wanted to work on and he can't say anything about working on any shows right now.
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