Night Court revival

One of the greatest scenes in the entire series.

Art: I tested the coffee maker using that herb tea.
Harry: That wasn't herb tea. That was Herb
Scene cuts to a shot of Dan drinking a cup of Herb :guffaw:
Along with the episode where Dan had to abstain when his sperm count was low. Best scene was near the end of the show and they're all in the cafeteria.
There are so many great Dan Fielding scenes. The one where they find out his name is not Dan but Reinhold is a classic. The Teri Hatcher episode is amazing (and not just for Teri, although va-va-VOOM!) because of the way Dan interacts with her character. I just watched the episode with Nana Visitor as a psychotic woman fixated on movies and Dan trying to imitate Yosemite Sam is hilarious. And there are so many more.

Dan Fielding - One of the greatest TV characters of all time.
Along with the episode where Dan had to abstain when his sperm count was low. Best scene was near the end of the show and they're all in the cafeteria.
My wife and I are convinced that the Sperm Bank lady does that on purpose to get some action.

There are so many great Dan Fielding scenes. The one where they find out his name is not Dan but Reinhold is a classic. The Teri Hatcher episode is amazing (and not just for Teri, although va-va-VOOM!) because of the way Dan interacts with her character. I just watched the episode with Nana Visitor as a psychotic woman fixated on movies and Dan trying to imitate Yosemite Sam is hilarious. And there are so many more.
Oh, that was Visitor. I was only listening to it because I find the whole psychiatric patient portrayal troublesome but the voice sounded familiar.

Though, Harry's reaction to Dan not seeing the "Maltese Falcon" made me laugh.

BleedingCool has pics from the special episode "A Night Court Before Christmas", as well as the season 2 premiere (mildly spoiler-ish)
Hmm... I don't see Neil in those photos. Are they continuing the Night Court tradition of not keeping the entire season 1 cast in season 2?
Hmm... I don't see Neil in those photos. Are they continuing the Night Court tradition of not keeping the entire season 1 cast in season 2?

Based on what I saw in season one, it would be no big loss if he goes.
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What the living $uck happened?

The entire tone has changed, and Dan has regressed back to 1984 Dan.

Loud back ground music.

Incredibly loud laugh track.


Neil turned into a 60 year old man.
Yep, Dan was definitely a little more old-school Dan. Not quite as bad as 1984 Dan. 1984 Dan would have been in the closet with the Ghost Of Christmas Present before the halfway point.

Flobert was 1000 times more entertaining than Neil ever was. I hope he sticks around.

So, I'm guessing this episode was meant to be further into the season?
So there replaced Neil with a street wise older black man?

They definitely meant this to be played later in the season and with the strikes pushing the show back to mid season released it on its own
Flobert was 1000 times more entertaining than Neil ever was. I hope he sticks around.

Gary Anthony Williams first appeared as Judge Flobert in "Train Court" back in February. He was the substitute judge who filled in while Abby and Olivia were stuck on the subway. So this might be another guest appearance instead of a regular gig, unless he was in the main titles. (I haven't seen the episode yet because NBC's website is still doing that weird thing where it arbitrarily locks some shows' new episodes for a week after airing but not other shows. Last season, new Night Court episodes were available the next morning, but now this one is locked. I should really subscribe to Peacock, but I don't want to pay for too many streamers at once and I just started Apple TV.)
Gary Anthony Williams first appeared as Judge Flobert in "Train Court" back in February. He was the substitute judge who filled in while Abby and Olivia were stuck on the subway. So this might be another guest appearance instead of a regular gig, unless he was in the main titles. (I haven't seen the episode yet because NBC's website is still doing that weird thing where it arbitrarily locks some shows' new episodes for a week after airing but not other shows. Last season, new Night Court episodes were available the next morning, but now this one is locked. I should really subscribe to Peacock, but I don't want to pay for too many streamers at once and I just started Apple TV.)
Shoot. I knew I remembered him from somewhere.

And no, not in the main credits.