Night Court revival

Been watching S3 of the original over dinner this week. There was a Halloween episode where Harry fell in love, but she turned out to be a practicing witch, so he had to dump her or ruin his career. I kept thinking "So she's a Wicca, so what's wrong with different religions?" The next ep features one of Dan's high school buddies coming to visit, but he'd had a sex change and Dan couldn't accept it (and Bull couldn't understand the whole darn process, no matter how much they tried to explain it). Again, now we go "so what?"
Ground breaking subject matter for the 80s!
Been watching S3 of the original over dinner this week. There was a Halloween episode where Harry fell in love, but she turned out to be a practicing witch, so he had to dump her or ruin his career. I kept thinking "So she's a Wicca, so what's wrong with different religions?" The next ep features one of Dan's high school buddies coming to visit, but he'd had a sex change and Dan couldn't accept it (and Bull couldn't understand the whole darn process, no matter how much they tried to explain it). Again, now we go "so what?"
Ground breaking subject matter for the 80s!
And the very next ep dealt with Dan's raging bigotry against his new boss, who is a little person. Dang, they're on a roll!
And it was great. Comedy, and a society, that could laugh at itself and not get offended at everything. I too have been doing a rewatch of the original and laughing out loud more times in any three episodes than the entire first season of the reboot.

I realize that Night Court in 2023 can't be like Night Court in 1986. I get it, even if I don't agree with the reasons why. Today's culture feels the need to place soft bumpers on all of life's sharp edges so no one is forced to run screaming to their safe space and hide from life instead of taking it head on and learning how to deal with it, but this new Night Court has been stripped of just about everything that made the original so damned funny.

There is also the underlying slapstick wackiness that permeated the original Night Court. That element is almost completely missing in this new version.

Funny that no one is trying to remake Married With Children either. Sadly, I know why and I dearly hope that no one ever tries because it will be a lifeless neutered version of the original, just like the new Night Court is.
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Today's culture feels the need to place soft bumpers on all of life's sharp edges so no one is forced to run screaming to their safe space so they can hide from life but this new Night Court has been stripped of just about everything that made the original so damned funny.

Which is why I like the comedian Matt Rife. He can be funny and then when he interacts with the crowd, his mind goes everywhere. No one is safe. And he's not being mean, he's just making fun of the stereotypes.
He didn't die until a few years ago and was going strong up until the very end. I imagine he'd still do well since he made context king.
As well as the struggle with the rest of the cast with his bigotry but also they accept him as he is.

It's an interesting balance back and forth.
But they certainly called him out on it strongly, and ... encouraged? ... him to change.