Night Court revival

That's also the closet where Dan made out with some of his classic ladies.
And used the fire hose to...douse his flaming loins, no?

This was my second favorite episode after Abby's mom's visit. I was wondering if we'd ever actually see Rand, or if he'd end up being like Vera or Maris.

Lots of great Dan & Gurgs scenes. Those two are still the best parts.
I just wish the humor went further. Most of the time it just falls flat. I would have gone crazier with the bench story with their antics.
Abby is adorable as ever, and of course for me Gurgs steals the show. We finally get to meet Rand! He is very underwhelming.
Have you watched Ghosts? That's a real good show. Animal Control is a kind of dumb funny show, but pretty decent.

That's my entire range of standard broadcast TV shows.
Have you watched Ghosts? That's a real good show. Animal Control is a kind of dumb funny show, but pretty decent.

That's my entire range of standard broadcast TV shows.

Animal Control... It's just Jeff Winger being Jeff Winger.

I did like it that the Jeff Character tried to attract the pretty unobtainable woman, missed, slept with the heavy set awkward woman instead, and still counted himself blessed for the experience.

Meanwhile for just a second, forgetting the extreme age difference, I thought Gurgs was trying to pull Dan, by trying to save his stool... But this show is lacking sex.

Neal, your unrequited shit is creepy.

Woman up and tell her, or move on.
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Not bad. I like how they're carrying forward the arc of Abby trying to make friends with Olivia. And I can absolutely empathize with Dan's unwillingness to lose a piece of furniture he's comfortable with. There was a lounge I hung out in when I was in college, and I was very upset when they got rid of my favorite couch. Not only was it the most comfortable piece of furniture I ever sat on, but I just generally don't like losing the places where I feel content or secure.

This show is pretty good at classic self-contained joke writing. The bit about allowing horses to run in the marathon upstate, and how it motivates the humans, was mildly amusing, but then they brought in the wolves and it elevated the joke to a whole new level.
And I can absolutely empathize with Dan's unwillingness to lose a piece of furniture he's comfortable with.
I have literally had the same bed and dresser, and the same bedroom table lamp, since I outgrew my crib. The woodwork has been refinished exactly once, and the mattress set (and some of the working parts of the drawers) have been replaced, and the lamp has been re-plated, but they are the same. One of my two desks, and one of three identical chairs, has been with me since (I believe) 7th or 8th grade, and the other two of those chairs were procured, many years later and with some difficulty, because I liked the first so much.
I have literally had the same bed and dresser, and the same bedroom table lamp, since I outgrew my crib.

I still have the same bedroom dresser I've had all my life (I really hope there isn't lead in its paint), and behind me as I type this is the table that was our original dining room table in my first home. I also have a bedside table and several bookcases from same.

The same bed, though? I hope you just mean the frame, since mattresses should be replaced every so often.