Nichelle Nichols has died

Sorry for the loss of Nichelle. She was a talented woman. Death after dementia is a release though, as it's a cruel disease.

I have that lovely memory of her wanting to hold my baby (obviously MANY years ago). My daughter liked her and especially a pretty ring she was wearing.

Rest in Peace, Nichelle.
Another has gone to the eternal stars.. Loved her body of work (examples below)
RIP Nichelle. You will long be remembered. Here a pic I took with her in 2019 at a convention in Miami...
RIP Nichelle. You will long be remembered. Here a pic I took with her in 2019 at a convention in Miami...


My son and I took a picture with her in 2018, but I look so bad in it, it will never see the light of day.
May rewatch "Of Gods and Men", a Star Trek fan film starring Nichelle. It's... not great. But it's the only time (that I know of) that Nichelle got to play Uhura as one of the story's movers, rather than a supporting character, and she does have a few good scenes.

Thank you for posting this. It's one I overlooked, and have just watched it.

So... T'Pring gives up Stonn to become a priestess and Stonn and Uhura marry? There's an interesting story there...

Everyone has already said what I could say about Nichelle Nichols, other than that I read her autobiography and realized that most of us never knew even a fraction of what her life and career entailed.

What an amazing person.
I posted similarly in General, but one of the comforting things about the Journey is knowing that when some cherished person dies, we get another 55 years to enjoy them.

From the Journey perspective, this scene was filmed *today*, which is kind of neat. Makes it a little easier...

Like many of us, I'm a rationalist guy, but if indeed of late her mind and spirit flew beyond what most of us consider possible ... good for her!
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A trailblazer and true inspiration for millions of of People of Colour. Because of Nichelle, so many got to see themselves on the bridge of a Starship and dream of what could be possible.

May she fan dance forever among the stars.
Oh, how sad. I loved Nichelle and was always glad of the episodes that gave her more to do that usual.

RIP. :weep::(:wah:
RIP. I saw her on stage a few times and once with the 5 other TOS actors who were still alive then. Shame we won’t see her again. I rewatched Gamesters of T… last night. Sigh.