New Build, USS Vengeance from Star Trek XII

This looks great. The Vengeance has quickly become one of my favorite Star Trek ships for reasons completely unknown to me. At first, I thought it was ugly as sin. But it grew on me.
This looks great. The Vengeance has quickly become one of my favorite Star Trek ships for reasons completely unknown to me. At first, I thought it was ugly as sin. But it grew on me.

Garak: It's *vile*!
Quark: I know. It's so bubbly, and cloying, and *happy*.
Garak: Just like the Federation.
Quark: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to *like* it.
Garak: It's insidious!
Quark: *Just* like the Federation.
Thanks guys. :)

A bunch of new updates today... I got all of the main parts built, and put in the right spots; now it's time for tons of little details. :)

Lots of pics...







More updates later. :)

What do you guys think? I'm trying to blend together what we can see in screencaps with the HotWheels model, and the QMX model that we see on Admiral Marcus' desk in the movie. All three are pretty different, of course. :)

Such a great saucer profile.

Where do you think the two big guns were on Vengence that were trained on Enterprise in the distance?
Nice work! Looks great from a lot of angles, but the design just falls on its face in the forward view (not your fault). Of course, most ships seem to have one angle that just doesn't work for it.
^The front view is actually my favourite, where is looks the most monsterous (in the way it's intended to)
Thanks guys. :)

A bunch of new updates today... I got all of the main parts built, and put in the right spots; now it's time for tons of little details. :)

Lots of pics...







More updates later. :)

What do you guys think? I'm trying to blend together what we can see in screencaps with the HotWheels model, and the QMX model that we see on Admiral Marcus' desk in the movie. All three are pretty different, of course. :)


Wonderful work, thank you very much!:)
Although I'd think the saucer on the movie version is more heavily built up around the aperture on the topside.
Awesome work as always, good sir!

Huh -- I didn't notice those two smaller primary cut-outs both times when I saw the movie. Interesting... wonder what the heck they're for/about? Other than, of course, 'artistic flair'. :lol:

Thanks guys. :)

I think the best angle is from the front corner... They seem to have put so much more detail on the bottom of the model for some reason.

Daniel, you're correct about the opening in the top of the saucer... I just had to change it though. :) It looks like the Bridge Window is covered up from the front in the movie, except at the end when we see out of it. I figured it would be useless unless you could see out of it, so I lowered that top tier a little, and raised the Bridge up some.

More later, guys. :)

Trying to figure out if this thing even has a shuttlebay.

Maybe detachable packages to go into the saucer would have them.

I can almost see the faceted aft boat-tail of the secondary hull opening up like a flowere to uncover a huge emitter...
Such a great saucer profile.

Where do you think the two big guns were on Vengence that were trained on Enterprise in the distance?

There's some big hatches on the underside of the saucer that look like they might fit the bill. If that's where they're held, then Vengeance has more than two of the things.

Trying to figure out if this thing even has a shuttlebay.

Maybe detachable packages to go into the saucer would have them.

The airlock Scotty opens up so Kirk and Khan can come inside was inside a shuttlebay. I'd hazard a guess that its in the secondary hull, since it looks a lot like the bay Khan beams his torpedoes into, which subsequently explode and gut the secondary hull.
The model is looking really good. But everyone is ignoring the most important issue, are you going to model an Enterprise version 7?
The model is looking really good. But everyone is ignoring the most important issue, are you going to model an Enterprise version 7?

Hehe. :) I probably will... but I'll wait a while. I wasn't too happy about the new Impulse Engine design, so I want to wait and see what else they changed. I bet they change it again, before the next movie.

Are you gonna make a "demilitarized" version?

With NCC-1701-A or NX-2000 on it? ;)

I was definitely thinking about that... and NX-2000 would be a good name for it! If I do, I will probably restructure most of the secondary hull, though. Hopefully I get time to finish this one first, before I head off on a tangent though. :)

You know, I thought I wasn't going to like this ship, but I actually did! And your mesh is looking fantastic!!
Are you gonna make a "demilitarized" version?

With NCC-1701-A or NX-2000 on it? ;)

I was definitely thinking about that... and NX-2000 would be a good name for it! If I do, I will probably restructure most of the secondary hull, though. Hopefully I get time to finish this one first, before I head off on a tangent though. :)

Hopefully you put both on because personally, ever since I first saw Search For Spock and The Voyage Home I always thought the A should've been an Excelsior class. But that's just my crazy! :lol: