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New Build, USS Vengeance from Star Trek XII

Hey, if they can built that insanely huge mushroom spacedock we saw in STIII, ships twice the length of the Enterprise-D shouldn't be a problem. And of course, the real-life reason is a HUGE budget increase, which led to shuttles bigger than DS9's runabouts and massive locations being used for starship engineering sections.

Technically, with the USS Kelvin being so much bigger than the TOS Enterprise (it's saucer is double the diameter and it's engineering hull longer), the question is: Why did Starfleet Prime shrink their frontline ships so much between 2233 and 2245?:vulcan:

We have a massive thread on the nuTrek ship sizes here: http://www.trekbbs.com/showthread.php?t=211333

Hey, Madman1701A, how about orthos of your finished and textured USS Vengeance?:)
I have a problem with the scale of this ship and the Enterprise (Alt). First, the alternate universe might have resulted in a different course (primarily justifying different actors in those roles and maintaining a kind of validity), but it does not justify the Enterprise in the alternate universe being 100x larger than the one in the old universe. It gives the impression that the universe is just made up, because we always have to 1-up ourselves from the previous movie in the most simplest male-competition way of making each new "design" bigger than the last even though we are going back in time. The Vengeance, in the alternate trek time would be coming out well-before the Excelsior and should therefore be smaller than it...or possibly equal to its mass, but not more. I think its more compelling to make it maybe 50% bigger than the Enterprise or possibly double, but certainly smaller than Excelsior. The Enterprise (alt) should be the same length as the original Enterprise.

The Alt Enterprise is 2x the size of the prime Enterprise not 100.

Which makes Vengeance 4x the size of prime Enterprise.
I assume Ranasaad was referring more to the volume (and using a Vengeance-sized dose of hyperbole), which is in the vague region of 8x the original Enterprise and not their lengths, which are...

TOS Enterprise: 289m (everything, ever)
ST'09 Enterprise: 725m (ST'09 Bluray, ST: Art of the Film)
Vengeance: 1460m (ILM STID scale chart)
Wow. I'd say this is possibly your best work yet, Madman.

I still disagree about the size, King Daniel, mainly due to Sulu's line about Khan jumping 30 metres which in my estimations makes the Vengeance 750 metres long.
^Remember, the Vengeance saucer came to rest at a >45° angle. Had it been horizontal, that 30m jump between the bridge and hull would have had to be 60.
I assume Ranasaad was referring more to the volume (and using a Vengeance-sized dose of hyperbole), which is in the vague region of 8x the original Enterprise and not their lengths, which are...

TOS Enterprise: 289m (everything, ever)
ST'09 Enterprise: 725m (ST'09 Bluray, ST: Art of the Film)
Vengeance: 1460m (ILM STID scale chart)

That, plus Khan's onscreen description "twice the size, three times the speed" pretty much verify the size.