MLB 2023 Season: Rangers are going hunting for Snakes

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I hate the new playoff system (because my team lost). The several day long vacation plus only having 1.5 MLB starting pitchers killed the Braves. Having a runaway win in the division meant nothing. It's going to be very hard for the league to have my attention for a while. I don't typically watch random playoff games, and I'm going to be skeptical about winning any division from here on out until we have 5 Cy Youngs.
The League Championship Series begin tonight with Game 1 of the ALCS in Houston.

Man, it's hard for me to have a dog in the race. Fuck the Astros always and forever, and the Rangers made ground beef out of my Orioles, so, nothing going there (edit: and, also, fuck Aroldis Chapman getting another ring). The Diamondbacks are just kind of there. My boy biggles is a Phillies fan, though, and I kind of have to admire their Ship of Theseus lineup full of big, beefy lads.
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Marlins GM Kim Ng has left the team. They exercised a mutual option for 2024, but she declined, citing philosophical differences. It's being reported that the Marlins wanted to hire a president of baseball operations who would be her boss and drop her to the No. 2 position for decision-making.
Marlins GM Kim Ng has left the team. They exercised a mutual option for 2024, but she declined, citing philosophical differences. It's being reported that the Marlins wanted to hire a president of baseball operations who would be her boss and drop her to the No. 2 position for decision-making.

I imagine the conversation between Ng and Bruce Sherman went something like:

: "Congratulations! You built a roster that took us to the postseason for the first time since 2003!"

: "Thanks, boss. If we spend a little this winter, we can really position ourselves to be a strength in the divisio--"

: "We aren't spending."

: "Well, we have some excellent prospects from our last few drafts. As they devel--"

: "By the way, I'm demoting you, you're no longer in charge of baseball decisions."

: "Then I resign."

: "And I just had your dog run over with a steamroller."


Trevor May announces his retirement while ripping the A's owner.

"Sell the team, dude. ... Sell it, man. Let someone who actually, like, takes pride in the things they own, own something. There's actually people who give a shit about the game. Let them do it. Take mommy and daddy's money somewhere else, dork."

"If you're going to be a greedy fuck own it. There's nothing weaker than being afraid of cameras. ... Do what you're going to do, bro. Whatever, you're a billionaire, they exist, you guys have all this power -- you shouldn't have any because you haven't earned any of it, but anyway, whatever."
Trevor May announces his retirement while ripping the A's owner.

"Sell the team, dude. ... Sell it, man. Let someone who actually, like, takes pride in the things they own, own something. There's actually people who give a shit about the game. Let them do it. Take mommy and daddy's money somewhere else, dork."

"If you're going to be a greedy fuck own it. There's nothing weaker than being afraid of cameras. ... Do what you're going to do, bro. Whatever, you're a billionaire, they exist, you guys have all this power -- you shouldn't have any because you haven't earned any of it, but anyway, whatever."
I've said this re: the McCaskeys for years. A few good seasons were the exception.
The Brewers' extortion attempt seems to have worked; a bill that would provide $546 million in public funding for renovations of Miller Park has passed the Wisconsin Assembly and now goes to the Senate.

$546 million in public money (plus a paltry $100 million from the Brewers) for a stadium that's 22 years old. This is bullshit.
As much as it pains me to say this :lol: I gotta agree with @Timby on this one. Hell, that stadium doesn't NEED renovations. It's fine the way it is.

I also agree with him on the Jerry Reinsdorf thing (re: the Trop). I wouldn't have supported that either. Old Comiskey was good enough. :shrug:
As much as it pains me to say this :lol: I gotta agree with @Timby on this one. Hell, that stadium doesn't NEED renovations. It's fine the way it is.

I also agree with him on the Jerry Reinsdorf thing (re: the Trop). I wouldn't have supported that either. Old Comiskey was good enough. :shrug:
So I'm guessing you think the Yankees should have kept the Original Yankee stadium.
^ The thought had crossed my mind, yes.

But I also understand George Steinbrenner's logic. The Mets were getting Citi Field, and the Boss was not about to let them have the advantage. The Yankees got a new stadium because the Mets got one. I'm not sure I agree with the reasoning, but I do uderstand it.

I admit I do miss the old Yankee Stadium. But no amount of bitching and moaning on my part is going to bring it back. :shrug:

(Not that it matters, really, since the Yankee Stadium that came out of the 70's renovations was a completely new ballpark. The old one was pretty much destroyed. So in a very real sense, the Yankee Stadium we have now is the THIRD with that name, not the second.)
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But I also understand George Steinbrenner's logic. The Mets were getting Citi Field, and the Boss was not about to let them have the advantage. The Yankees got a new stadium because the Mets got one.

Steinbrenner had been bellyaching about getting a new stadium since the late 1980s.
Hello, Rangers, whaaaaaaaat's happening? Ummm, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and HIT tonight. So if you could start HITTING around 7:00 that would be great, mmkay?
I'm glad these series are being extended. Would have been a drag to wait a week for the World Series.
Benches clear in Arlington..Abreu, Dusty and Adolis all ejected.

Guess the ASS-tros just don't like Ranger hitters showing any emotion whatsoever after hitting a HR.
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