Contest: ENTER Misc. Avatar Contest: How Sweet It Is!


Professional Geek
Premium Member
The theme of this contest is those sugary guilty-pleasure foods we eat as desserts, snacks or just sweet treats. Since we've already done "Candy From Around the World," let's exclude confections that would be considered "candy."

No media images, please. Usual rules: maximum dimensions 200 by 200 pixels, maximum file size 1 MB. You may enter as many times as you like.

I'll start off with three classics:


The much-maligned Hostess Twinkie

The Great American Ice Cream Sundae
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Bumping this to the top. I'd like to get a few more entries before posting the voting thread.
I'm actually surprised there haven't been more entries. (Or maybe I just have an unhealthy obsession with this topic...)

OK, let's put out a few more:


Apple Crisp. I love this stuff. And it's got apples in it, so it's healthy... right? :rofl:


Nanaimo Bars. A Canadian classic, named for the community in BC. TBF, I think these exist outside of Canada, too; they're just probably called something else.


Chocolate Lava Cake. Yes, another cake. TBH, I could probably have limited my entries just to cakes, and still not run out! :D


The classic Chocolate Brownie. So easy to make, and yet so, so delicious... a chocolate lover's dream come true!

I could keep going (and going, and going), but I should probably stop here to leave some options for others in case they want to enter more too! :)