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Contest: ENTER TV & Media Avatar Contest: Love is in the air

the G-man

Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Thanks for the votes in the last contest. :)

It's February and, therefore, it's almost Valentine's Day. Hence the contest theme: Depictions of romantic love. It can be a Rom Com like "When Harry Met Sally," a doomed romance like Jack and Rose in "Titanic," or a "Will they or won't they (they will)" like Friend's Ross and Rachael. It could also be a healthy, loving, relationship like Mr and Mrs. Brady.

You may enter up to 3. Standard av rules apply: 200 x 200 pixels max, 1 MB max and keep it Google/work safe.

SF/Fantasy allowed but not Trek, just because. No shipping (that is, the characters had to be in an actual relationship, not one we wished they were in [so, no House and Wilson, for example]).

Per my personal rule, I will not enter to allow everyone else more possible ideas.

I'll keep the contest open until Friday or thereabouts.

Good luck everyone!
Lady and the Tramp


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