Spoilers Meet the bridge crew of the USS Titan-A

I will answer simple as possible as I see it: Raffi looks more like someone from Arkham Asylum than a Starfleet officer. That's it. Maybe she could be a great character for Cry Trek: Discovery, but for real Star Trek not

Rios was great guy and real Starfleet officer so they decided to kill him woth garbabe story about him staying in World War III past.
Raffi is fine as a character and the actor is good but the romance with Seven is barely their. In season 2 they felt like bickering sisters more than romantic partners. Plus if they do a Seven show I think they would likely want to add a new character or two not listed.

My guess is more a by the book Starfleet type for first officer that might clash with her being in command. Maybe even thinking she got promoted to early because she didn't even go to the Academy. I could see them adding a second legacy character to the show like maybe a grown up Naomi Wildman. Or maybe Picards son if that one guy in the trailers is Picards son like many have predicted. Actually I could see him being the first officer.

Everyone else listed seems pretty interesting at least on paper. Makes sense also to have Janeway, Chocatay,EMH show up at some point as well and hey if they want to bring Janeways crew from Prodigy into live action I would like that.
I will answer simple as possible as I see it: Raffi looks more like someone from Arkham Asylum than a Starfleet officer. That's it. Maybe she could be a great character for Cry Trek: Discovery, but for real Star Trek not
I will appreciate your candor if I completely disagree with this opinion. Arkham Asylum looks nothing like this, nor is it based in any way that I could find compatible with Trek. The fact that "real Trek" is a part of this conversation makes it even more difficult for me to take this opinion seriously.

The whole point of Star Trek is a big tent approach of welcoming people, not excluding them based on perceived difficulties. Because, literally that's what TNG did, and I don't even like TNG and yet somehow they made some less than typical Stafleet types feel like they belonged. That's saying something.
Everyone else listed seems pretty interesting at least on paper. Makes sense also to have Janeway, Chocatay,EMH show up at some point as well and hey if they want to bring Janeways crew from Prodigy into live action I would like that.

Neither Janeway nor Chakotay is leaving Prodigy (Paramount has said as much.)

No Star Trek: Janeway. No Janeway appearances on Picard.

Raffi is fine as a character and the actor is good but the romance with Seven is barely their. In season 2 they felt like bickering sisters more than romantic partners. Plus if they do a Seven show I think they would likely want to add a new character or two not listed.

There's going to be a five-year time jump this season. Things are bound to have cooled off slightly (what with Seven being in Starfleet and Raffi being a Fenris Ranger).

Rios was great guy and real Starfleet officer so they decided to kill him woth garbabe story about him staying in World War III past.

I agree ...

Santiago, Evan, Isa, and Alison were treated horribly. :mad:
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Santiago, Evan, Isa, and Alison were treated horribly. :mad:

I don’t think they were treated horribly. At least not Cabrera and Pill. They were both given pretty meaty storylines. You may not like the stories that they were given but treated horribly is a bit much.

the others, it does feel like they were only there out of a contract commitment. And I include Spiner in that. They may have had bigger roles envisioned before Matalas took over for S2 and it became a scramble to find a place for them once the story took shape. I’m rewatching S2 and the Kore/Adam storyline especially feels so last minute and tacked on.
There's going to be a five-year time jump this season. Things are bound to have cooled off slightly (what with Seven being in Starfleet and Raffi being a Fenris Ranger).

Where have they said Raffi joined the Rangers?
She's wearing civvie clothes and a belt that might be Seven's. Could be that's standard Ranger issue, or could indicate the opposite of her and Seven having cooled off.

Who knows? :shrug:

Seven is now in Starfleet. That much we know.

And it would have the added advantage of making some sort of sense, since Seven has the accumulated knowledge and experience of God knows how many Starfleet personnel. So in effect she's already BEEN to the Academy, probably tens of thousands of times

Gene Roddenberry based Starfleet on the U.S. Navy.

The Navy grants direct commissions to people who possess certain skills that are valuable to the service (i.e., physicians, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, chaplains, and unconventional warfare experts -- like Seven ;) ).

Newly commissioned direct-commission officers attend a program called Direct Commission Officers School (DCOS). There, the newly commissioned officers learn the nuts and bolts of being in the U.S. Navy (history, traditions, protocols, basic seamanship, etc.).

It's the closest real-world analogue to Seven's "accelerated training program."

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Raffi is fine as a character and the actor is good but the romance with Seven is barely their. In season 2 they felt like bickering sisters more than romantic partners. Plus if they do a Seven show I think they would likely want to add a new character or two not listed.

I have to agree, like, I get we're apparently pushed for time with needing to spend so many episodes doing nothing in 2024's LA with the Mexico Filter on, but why was it so rushed? Like, if they had this idea back in Season 1 then tease us, build it up a bit. Half the fun of a romance on screen is watching it build. Perhaps they have a moment where their hands touch while repairing something. etc etc.

Like, I get a rising suspicion that we're probably running out of road with LGBT representation in absolutely everything, but it seems to mostly be because the writing is absolutely crap and frequently feels like a Hollywood Box ticking exercise. Like they got most of the way through Picard, and someone shouted "WE FORGOT THE GAYS!" leading to mass panic, thrown script sheets and suddenly shoving Rafi and Seven together like a pair of dolls and going "NOW KISS! KISS!" It feels rushed, cheap and badly portrayed.

Like, compare this relationship with that of Dr Culber and Stamets (why don't they have the same last name again?) their relationship appeared on screen without a whisper, screaming twitter thread or anything else and it's also hilariously realistic in its portrayal. You see them occassionally together in their quarters, brushing their teeth together while sharing an intimite conversation together, they become basically adoptive parents to Adria and Gray and its hilariously sweet and real in its portrayal.

Terry tweeted that they were going to do a time jump:

If we're going with 2405 that'd probably make a bit more sense, as it lines up with the Coalition of Planets' foundation.
I'm not so sure about Seven-Rafi love drama spin-off while we still have actors who served as Dr. Bashir, Garak, Quark, Sisko, O'Brien... 25. century should be theirs. Master actors, master rolls. Who wants to watch that psycho junkie Rafi while we have these big names? Give us back DS9 legacy!!!

See Lower Decks Season 4. S'all you're getting.

Plus, even if DS9 came back, they'd hate it.

Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Ron Moore, and everyone else in that Writer's Room could come back, they could write all the episodes, and they'd say, "What happened?! They lost their touch!" And they'd weigh what they want against what they'd actually get.

The problem is, fans shouldn't always get what they want. Remember how we all wanted more episodes exploring the Mirror Universe and the Terran Empire? Remember when we got a whole half season of it in Discovery?

Remember how it dragged out too long doing so?

They could simply be highly advanced 3D holo buttons you can not only push, but squeeze, turn, shear, pull, rub,... :D

Like, if they had this idea back in Season 1 then tease us, build it up a bit. Half the fun of a romance on screen is watching it build. Perhaps they have a moment where their hands touch while repairing something. etc etc.

There was the Kaltoh scene at the end of S1.

Like, I get a rising suspicion that we're probably running out of road with LGBT representation in absolutely everything, but it seems to mostly be because the writing is absolutely crap and frequently feels like a Hollywood Box ticking exercise. Like they got most of the way through Picard, and someone shouted "WE FORGOT THE GAYS!" leading to mass panic, thrown script sheets and suddenly shoving Rafi and Seven together like a pair of dolls and going "NOW KISS! KISS!" It feels rushed, cheap and badly portrayed.

Look at Hemmer on SNW.

They got the blind guy, ticked off the box,
and then killed him to make room for Carol Kane's new character. :rolleyes:

Like, compare this relationship with that of Dr Culber and Stamets (why don't they have the same last name again?) their relationship appeared on screen without a whisper, screaming twitter thread or anything else and it's also hilariously realistic in its portrayal. You see them occassionally together in their quarters, brushing their teeth together while sharing an intimite conversation together, they become basically adoptive parents to Adria and Gray and its hilariously sweet and real in its portrayal.

Disco has the luxury of time (something Picard does not have). :shifty:

That’s only 4 years :nyah:

Season 2 was set in 2401 ;)

Whatever ...

Picky, picky, picky. :p
and then killed him to make room for Carol Kane's new character.

He's going to be in Season 2. They killed off the character, but the actor isn't leaving.

It was said they planned on killing him off from the very beginning, the actor knew when he was called in. None of the Season 2 was written when they decided on that plot point, so he wasn't killed off for anyone.