Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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The plot of Thunderbolts is starting to sound similar to what James Gunn wanted to do in his Suicide Squad movie. Basically have the group take down Superman. I don't know about Sentry but I'm excited to see Yeun in the MCU.
Chris Evans as Human Torch didn’t impact Captain America.
Yeah, but his Human Torch wasn't part of the MCU, and Mount was Black Bolt in Multiverse of Madness.
Well, I've seen Pascal in The Mandalorian and Wonder Woman 1984, and he played two extremely different characters in those, so I'm sure he can play other types of character as well. The people who cast movies are professionals who know their job far better than we do, and who actually test the actors for the roles they're up for rather than just relying on their memory of different roles. I'm sure they have good reason for their choices. It's not like they're just pulling names out of a hat.
Oh yeah, he's a great actor and I'm sure if Marvel does cast him, he'll be good, he's just not an actor that immediately jumps to mind for Mr. Fantastic.
Well, his powers seem basic, but if his personality is interesting, it can work

Any specific comics I should check out?
The second story arc/collection of the first New Avengers series deals with him a lot, the arc is even named after him.
They also make mistakes, just like anyone. Whether or not this turns out to be one of them doesn't matter, it's something to critique while we wait to find out.
Which is why professional casting directors are better at their jobs than the rest of us. They can see potentials we don't.
Of course, but that doesn't mean we can't share our first thoughts and opinions on the choices they might be making. And like @Tosk said in the post above mine, they're not infallible and have from time to time made bad choices.
And like @Tosk said in the post above mine, they're not infallible and have from time to time made bad choices.

Yeah, but they're still far more likely to make good choices than we are, because it's their actual job that they've trained for. I'm willing to have faith that they know what they're doing. If I don't understand the decisions of someone who does a job I've never learned to do myself, I recognize that the deficiency is far more likely mine than theirs.
In which case, I would respectfully submit James Bond/Sean Connery and the various successors, some more successful than others, but still recast

As great as Connery had been in the Bond role, Broccoli, et al., felt Bond could be recast, and was not risking the perception of--in the case of Boseman's Black Panther--disrespect of one who--for some--became a the embodiment of black aspiration contrasted against generational adversity. Far different case than a spy role being recast time and again.

I agree with you about Keaton and that’s why one can’t simply assume the casting people are always right.

Most certainly in the case of Keaton, who remains the worst, wrongheaded act of superhero casting in movie history.
As great as Connery had been in the Bond role, Broccoli, et al., felt Bond could be recast, and was not risking the perception of--in the case of Boseman's Black Panther--disrespect of one who--for some--became a the embodiment of black aspiration contrasted against generational adversity. Far different case than a spy role being recast time and again.

Imo Connery isn't the best Bond

Most certainly in the case of Keaton, who remains the worst, wrongheaded act of superhero casting in movie history.

You don't like Keaton as Batman?
I'd even go so far as to say "at least" 15 years older. The 60s had a different view when it came to older men marrying younger women. Even the family friendly Dick Van Dyke show had an episode where we learned that Laura was underage when they were married and falsified her birth certificate. There was never a ethical question about the decision.

15 years is a pretty normal age gap nowadays even. It only gets really weird when Sue is depicted as a teenager, or younger..

Like the 1994 movie...


With Pedro and Kirby it works well. She comes across a lot older, especially in her flirtations with Tom Cruise in MI Fallout and Dead Reckoning.

Latest rumor is Mads Mikkelsen is one the actors the studio talked to for Doctor Doom.

They should get Oppie to be Doom. Now, while he has so much mainstream appeal.

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