Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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Sentry is basically 'What if Superman had his heart in the right place but was also a really mentally fragile person who is incredibly easy to manipulate and happens to have an evil alternate personality that loves to 'balance out' any good that Sentry has done recently by killing tons of people.' Also the only thing that can keep him reasonably centered is his wife which is unfortunate since she ultimately tries to kill him because she's so terrified of his instability.

Steven Yeun is a great actor - based on his work on The Walking Dead and Minari, which is what I've seen him in. Sentry would be a different kind of character for him, but I think he has good range. And I think TWD proved he can do well as a man pushed to extreme situations and in deep emotional pain, as well as that he has the charisma to make the audience really care and want things to turn out well for him. And both TWD and Minari show he can do a great romantic relationship, though Sentry's marriage is way less happy and healthy. I'd say he's got most of the ingredients already and I expect he should easily be able to fill in the gaps and bring everything together for a good performance.
His power set is akin to superman's?

Pretty much... Super strength/speed, invulnerable... Can fly including through space... Can fire energy blasts from his hands... Has super hearing that can hear anything happening on the entire planet if he focuses.

I'm not sure about x-ray vision. He also has telepathic abilities that are some of the best of any other powered character with them on the Earth.

Pretty much a ridiculously overpowered character TBH.
Pretty much... Super strength/speed, invulnerable... Can fly including through space... Can fire energy blasts from his hands... Has super hearing that can hear anything happening on the entire planet if he focuses.

I'm not sure about x-ray vision. He also has telepathic abilities that are some of the best of any other powered character with them on the Earth.

Pretty much a ridiculously overpowered character TBH.

Telepathy? Damn

Tbh I like telepathy and think thre Avengers could use it more instead of flying and punching and lasers most of the time
Actually reading up a little it sounds like Sentry is basically borderline omnipotent. The Superman power level most often shown is apparently him (subconsciously?) holding back. And The Void apparently doesn't always hold back as much
Actually reading up a little it sounds like Sentry is basically borderline omnipotent. The Superman power level most often shown is apparently him (subconsciously?) holding back. And The Void apparently doesn't always hold back as much

The void is the bad guy, though, right?
Well, his powers seem basic, but if his personality is interesting, it can work

Any specific comics I should check out?

I mainly know him from Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers during the Dark Reign period.

He first appeared in his own miniseries, though, and was later brought back to be a member of the New Avengers and then the Mighty Avengers before he wound up working for Osbourne.

The void is the bad guy, though, right?

I read some t bolts but not the one with him

I don't remember how often he was in Thunderbolts. He was only ever a member of Osbourne's Avengers but during most of the dark reign era Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers were basically one story spread across two books with people popping back and forth.