Lower Decks Crossover Episode

I wonder if maybe Q will be involved. I could see turning live action into cartoon or cartoon characters into live action could be a Q trick.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this episode, given the difference in tone between the two shows, the time frame in the series etc. I can't even think of a reason to get them together in universe.
I found Spock Amok to be hilarious. The Elysian Kingdom was also funny. The various one liners (Usually Chapel, Pike or Ortegas) tend to land quite well. I'm not worried.
I liked Spock Amok a lot, and though I did not think the overall approach to Elysian Kingdom was good, there were elements to enjoy (mainly Hemmer and MBenga). And SNW has been really doing well with all their one-liners. Ortegas is the best!

...Ultimately there’s a lot of Trek I simply don’t like. There are things coming down the pike I’ve voiced my concern for and may choose to be critical of. But I make no pretense it’s the end of anything and that others can’t choose to like it.

The reaction just doesn’t need to be so damned dramatic...
Agreed. There are parts of VOY and ENT that I don't like at all, and large swaths of DIS and PIC that I feel really failed. I make the occasional critical comment on those shows, but none of those elements ruin any part of Trek.
Agreed. There are parts of VOY and ENT that I don't like at all, and large swaths of DIS and PIC that I feel really failed. I make the occasional critical comment on those shows, but none of those elements ruin any part of Trek.
Precisely so. "Ruined" as a pretty specific meaning so seeing it thrown about so casually is frustrating. As if a 50+ year old franchise would be undone by one episode...
I've seen LD and I've seen SNW, they're completely different looks, tones, and approaches to the storytelling and universe. They can't click together without one turning into the other or both having to sacrifice something to find a middle ground.

But, mostly, I just don't like LD, what it calls "humor" and it's need to constantly make call-backs and references to the point the characters talk like Trek Fans more than they do characters in the world (actually referencing episodes by name.) LD should just be on its own plane. But, nope, let's put it in with SNW.


I don’t get it. The two shows don’t seem all that different to me aside from being set on different centuries. I can see characters crossing over easily. Why he so pessimistic? SNW isn’t uber serious as you seem to make it out to be.
I love this idea. Especially if they switch love action and animation roles. Fabulous. Fun. Clever.

Soon we may see Patrick Stewart and the X-Men.
I like both shows but I'm really not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I'm happy because they are taking risks. On the other, I'm wary because they are taking risks.

I sort of like how separate all the present shows are and I'm not into crossovers generally, but okay... SNW/LDS crossover. They are doing that. Let's wait and see.
LDS was the last show I would have guessed would do a crossover.

I figured they would eventually do a crossover, but I had assumed it would feature the LD crew in live action in a larger multi-series crossover. I did not anticipate anyone from a live action show becoming animated outside of LD itself!
That was often a problem with the Berman Trek era in that they never trusted the audience enough to do a real comedy episode where yes, not everything was to be taken so drop dead seriously.

I offer Qpid, A Fistful of Datas, Trials and Tribble-ations, Our Man Bashir, Take Me Out to the Holosuite and Bride of Chaotica as a rebuttal.

And for the record… any time Trek wants to do a crossover with Futurama, I’ll be there.

I mean...they kinda' already have.

RIP Welshey.