Lower Decks Crossover Episode

I don't see how this can work. Could we not get a Kelvin-timeline crossover? That would make sense and be much more exciting.
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Basically, Mariner and Boimler will somehow end up on the Enterprise. I assume for the scenes on the Enterprise, Newsome and Quaid will actually be live action, or will this be some sort of Roger Rabbit style Cartoons Walk Amongst Us?

Another thing I'm wondering is will anyone from the SNW cast end up on the Cerritos? If so, will they be animated for those scenes, or some weird live action inserted into animation?

Hot damn, this is already exciting me.
I take it they mean Who Framed Rodger Rabbit style mix, with cartoon Boimler and live action Pike interacting?

Totally and utterly pointless. But should be fun.
Ugh, this sounds absurdly stupid. Both shows are on different levels of how the approach their tone and kind of story-telling. I don't see how this can possibly work and it'll hurt SNW more than anything else.

I was pleased and hopeful with SNW and then bringing Kirk into S2 on some level is enough to try and hurdle over (but possible) but this.... Can't work without damaging one or both the series.

Do you turn down LD's slapsticky, animated, over-reliance on references and call backs and low-brow stoner version of "humor" to get it to fit in SNW, or do you turn that up for SNW to bring it to LD? This is why LD is such a wreck for me it's too square of a peg in how it behaves to the round hole of everything else in Trek.

JTFC. I knew SNW was too good too last.
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I take it they mean Who Framed Rodger Rabbit style mix, with cartoon Boimler and live action Pike interacting?

Totally and utterly pointless. But should be fun.
They never explained how they're doing it at the panel.

It could also be that any shots set in SNW are live action and any shots set in LDS are animated. We don't know.
Ugh, this sounds absurdly stupid. Both shows are on different levels of how the approach their tone and kind of story-telling. I don't see how this can possibly work and it'll hurt SNW more than anything else.

I was pleased and hopeful with SNW and then bringing Kirk into S2 on some level is enough to try and hurdle over (but possible) but this.... Can't work without damaging one or the series.

Do you turn down LD's slapsticky, animated, over-reliance on refetences and call backs and low-brow stoner version of "humor" to get it to fit in SNW, or do you turn that up for SNW to bring it to LD? This is why LD is such a wreck for me it's too square of a peg in how it behaves to the round hole if everything else in Trek.

JTFC. I knew SNW was too good too last.

This seems…dramatic?
Ugh, this sounds absurdly stupid. Both shows are on different levels of how the approach their tone and kind of story-telling. I don't see how this can possibly work and it'll hurt SNW more than anything else.

I was pleased and hopeful with SNW and then bringing Kirk into S2 on some level is enough to try and hurdle over (but possible) but this.... Can't work without damaging one or the series.

Do you turn down LD's slapsticky, animated, over-reliance on refetences and call backs and low-brow stoner version of "humor" to get it to fit in SNW, or do you turn that up for SNW to bring it to LD? This is why LD is such a wreck for me it's too square of a peg in how it behaves to the round hole if everything else in Trek.

JTFC. I knew SNW was too good too last.

I think you could be overreacting just a bit...

It'll be their Spock's Brain, their Shades of Gray, their Move Along Home, their Threshold, their that one where Trip gets pregnant and grows a nipple on this arm.

You're mixing a show with a serious tone with a slapsticky/stoner comedy cartoon. It's oil and water.
It'll be their Spock's Brain, their Shades of Gray, their Move Along Home, their Threshold, their that one where Trip gets pregnant and grows a nipple on this arm.

You're mixing a show with a serious tone with a slapsticky/stoner comedy cartoon. It's oil and water.

Goldsman and McMahan haven't steered us wrong yet as showrunners. I say we give them the benefit of the doubt.