Lower Decks Crossover Episode

Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek??
I'm thinking it's because they don't think this (or those) decisions are bad. I think it's great.
Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect.
Some of us grew up with the show and think they respect it just fine.
Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek?? Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect. Merging a Futurama style cartoon with a serious live action show is completely stupid. I don't know maybe it will be a dream. But if it's not I'm guessing some of you will be defending it on your deathbeds.

Other shows have done it to varying success. SUPERNATURAL had a Scooby Doo crossover. Which even though it was of supernatural origins, I still found it extremely dumb and one of the worst episodes of the series. Farscape did it as well but it was Crichton in a coma dreaming everyone was Cartoons. Out of those two, Farscapes worked best.

This is just a bad idea. They are going to kill Trek off again quicker this time around. With all the stuff they are planning have already reached a stage of Oversaturation and just plain bad material. (Mostly Discovery and Picard)

But whatever. Maybe this is what needs to happen. I dont know. They have made a dozen bad moves since Discovery and I wont be surprised (or sad) when it eventually crashes and burns.
Because in all honesty, those of us who look forward to this crossover don't see it as a "bad idea".

It's one episode. If you don't like it don't watch.

( and sorry but if one Bad episode causes you to drop an entire series, I'm amazed you watch TNG beyond TNG S1 The Naked Now <-- talk about a horrible episode and a crap idea out of the gate of remaking a classic TOS episode as your first aired episode after the 2 hour pilot. If that doesn't prove gr with senile in 1987 I don't know what does.)

And yeah if you could stomach The Naked Now don't tell me that the episode after it Code Of Honor was a great Trek episode.

So yeah again if bad ideas cause you to abandon a Star Trek series, how the hell did you ever finish watching Star Trek The Next Generation?:whistle::wtf:
I mean, if you don’t love the humor of LDS, that’s cool. I can respect that not every Trek is everyone’s cup of tea. You choose not to watch the series. Cool by me. You can also choose not to watch the episode of SNW. That’s also an acceptable solution. It’s not the death knell of anything. It’s not the end of the world. It’s simply a concept you don’t like. Accept that it’s coming and move on with your life.

Ultimately there’s a lot of Trek I simply don’t like. There are things coming down the pike I’ve voiced my concern for and may choose to be critical of. But I make no pretense it’s the end of anything and that others can’t choose to like it.

The reaction just doesn’t need to be so damned dramatic. And I’m the guy who did community theater for 20 years. I fucking know drama.
Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek?? Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect.
A lot of us are old here. Like, we saw the first episode when it originally aired. Like, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty regularly appear as archetypes in our dreams. Like, we have time to fuck around on forums like this whenever we feel like it, day or night.
Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek?? Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect. Merging a Futurama style cartoon with a serious live action show is completely stupid. I don't know maybe it will be a dream. But if it's not I'm guessing some of you will be defending it on your deathbeds.

Other shows have done it to varying success. SUPERNATURAL had a Scooby Doo crossover. Which even though it was of supernatural origins, I still found it extremely dumb and one of the worst episodes of the series. Farscape did it as well but it was Crichton in a coma dreaming everyone was Cartoons. Out of those two, Farscapes worked best.

This is just a bad idea. They are going to kill Trek off again quicker this time around. With all the stuff they are planning have already reached a stage of Oversaturation and just plain bad material. (Mostly Discovery and Picard)

But whatever. Maybe this is what needs to happen. I dont know. They have made a dozen bad moves since Discovery and I wont be surprised (or sad) when it eventually crashes and burns.

I agree. If it's just a dream like farscape or something fine. If it's the cartoons meeting a cartoon pike in a wheel chair fine. If they take the cartoon versions and make them real snd more serious fine. If I see a real canon story with the cartoon characters interacting with the life action snw characters on either ship via a Roger rabbit type deal i will not be on board. I doubt they'll do that though.
Because in all honesty, those of us who look forward to this crossover don't see it as a "bad idea".

It's one episode. If you don't like it don't watch.

( and sorry but if one Bad episode causes you to drop an entire series, I'm amazed you watch TNG beyond TNG S1 The Naked Now <-- talk about a horrible episode and a crap idea out of the gate of remaking a classic TOS episode as your first aired episode after the 2 hour pilot. If that doesn't prove gr with senile in 1987 I don't know what does.)

And yeah if you could stomach The Naked Now don't tell me that the episode after it Code Of Honor was a great Trek episode.

So yeah again if bad ideas cause you to abandon a Star Trek series, how the hell did you ever finish watching Star Trek The Next Generation?:whistle::wtf:

A crossover with "futurama" is much different than a bad episode like The Naked Now.

Again we dont know what they are doing. It could be a medically induced dream. I don't know. But if it's an actual crossover. I'm with Trekker on this one. If its a serious shared universe episode with the cartoon. Again I'm with Trekker on this one.
It would be beyond stupid.

But I'm hoping its not that. I dont think the producers have gone that far off their rockers..Have they??? I would hope the turbolift funhouse of horrors was as bad as it gets.
A crossover with "futurama" is much different than a bad episode like The Naked Now.

Again we dont know what they are doing. It could be a medically induced dream. I don't know. But if it's an actual crossover. I'm with Trekker on this one. If its a serious shared universe episode with the cartoon. Again I'm with Trekker on this one.
It would be beyond stupid.

But I'm hoping its not that. I dont think the producers have gone that far off their rockers..Have they??? I would hope the turbolift funhouse of horrors was as bad as it gets.

Is it that hard to skip the episode?

And for the record… any time Trek wants to do a crossover with Futurama, I’ll be there.