Lower Decks Crossover Episode

It'd be like.... I dunno, taking the characters from the Police Academy TV series and throwing them into an episode of Hill Street Blues or NYPD Blue or something.
Dammit, now I want to see Andy Sipowicz partnered with Lavelle Jones (Michael Winslow), and have Jones drive Andy crazy by constantly making sound effects with his mouth, like a tuba sound when he walks, and then a Wilhelm Scream when Andy finally beats him with a phone book.
Dammit, now I want to see Andy Sipowicz partnered with Lavelle Jones (Michael Winslow), and have Jones drive Andy crazy by constantly making sound effects with his mouth, like a tuba sound when he walks, and then a Wilhelm Scream when Andy finally beats him with a phone book.

Damn, Winslow was in that series, wasn't he?
The LD characters go to the holodec and create the SNW characters in there. Supposed to be a valentine to the fans.

I am not a big fan of LD, but I still look forward to this episode. It should be fun.
I just really dislike LD and don't think it fits with the rest of the franchise and don't see how something like this can work. It'd be like.... I dunno, taking the characters from the Police Academy TV series and throwing them into an episode of Hill Street Blues or NYPD Blue or something. They're different tones or shows and don't fit together.

I think one of the advantages of Trek is that it's not bound to a particular tone. Geez, DS9 jumped from Magnificent Ferengi to Waltz to Who Mourns for Morn to Far Beyond the Stars. A few episodes later In the Pale Moonlight was followed by His Way. The tone and style was all over the place - and for the most part, it worked.

If anything, I hope it's like the Darin Morgan episodes of The X Files.
If anything, I hope it's like the Darin Morgan episodes of The X Files.

A damn shame he didn't stay as part of the writing staff longer. ALL of his episodes were just pure gold... "Humbug", "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose", "War of the Caprophages", "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'", "Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster".

Home runs, every time.

(He also did 2 MILLENNIUM episodes, both were fantastic, especially "Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me".)
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This sounds so ridiculous it just might work.

I remember them discussing live action LDS a while back and saying they would use the voice actors if it happened. I wonder if they had this in mind at the time?

It will be interesting to see how they frame the story as getting that right is going to be the hardest part (I think) as I can imagine that if the set up is not spot on we might end up with a TATV on our hands and people complaining that it was too much of one over the other.

Regardless I am just buzzing for S2 of SNW and S3 of LDS and can't wait to see how they do this
It'll be their Spock's Brain, their Shades of Gray, their Move Along Home, their Threshold, their that one where Trip gets pregnant and grows a nipple on this arm.

You're mixing a show with a serious tone with a slapsticky/stoner comedy cartoon. It's oil and water.

They did an entire episode around Spock and his fiancee body-swapping and an entire episode where the whole cast cosplays children's fantasy characters. I'd say Strange New Worlds is uniquely suited to do a wacky comedy like this.
You see humor and fun, I see a bunch of characters constantly shouting, fast talking, and beating me in the head by making out-of-place references.

Can we get an episode written by Aaron Sorkin then, please?

Do we know if this is going to be an LDS episode or an SNW one, primarily? Or will they do one of each like Arrow/Flash used to do?


This sounds so stupid. I fucking LOVE it!

But srsly, it's my favourite two modern Trek series, and just the idea of crossing them over is bonkers. I can't wait for it.

Now let's get a musical episode for season 3, a Halloween one for S4, and a Christmas special for S5!

It's all canon folks.;)
This sounds so stupid. I fucking LOVE it!

But srsly, it's my favourite two modern Trek series, and just the idea of crossing them over is bonkers. I can't wait for it.

Now let's get a musical episode for season 3, a Halloween one for S4, and a Christmas special for S5!

It's all canon folks.;)

A musical one in the style of Buffy's Once More With Feeling would be pretty dope.

Halloween needs to be a Community styled episode with Starfleet Logistics having sent dodgy rat packs that turn you into zombies.
This sounds great. It'll be an episode in the spirit of the Trouble With Tribbles, etc.... Of course the LDS characters will be live action. I don't get why more people aren't itching to see this. We already know the "cartoon" is just a filter, because we've seen Riker and Troi in LDS (and they're live action people, I'm pretty sure).
This sounds great. It'll be an episode in the spirit of the Trouble With Tribbles, etc.... Of course the LDS characters will be live action. I don't get why more people aren't itching to see this. We already know the "cartoon" is just a filter, because we've seen Riker and Troi in LDS (and they're live action people, I'm pretty sure).
The episode is going to feature Boimler and Mariner as both animated and live action. That is, when they're on the Cerritos they'll be animated, when they end up on the Enterprise they'll be live action. Pike is also going to end up animated when he ends up on the Cerritos.