Lower Decks Crossover Episode

SNW is absolutely terrible at comedy (the freaky friday episode being probably the worst episode, or tied with the fantasy episode as the worst), but Lower Decks, in my opinion, is literally the best modern Trek show, so hopefully the crossover is more LD's like in its quality. If it is, I'll probably love it. Heck, just getting a few LD's characters in live action is amazing, even if the overall episode ends up disappointing.
My prediction: 23rd Century stuff will be live action. 24th (25th?) Century animated. With characters doing some time jumping. Can’t wait to see Pike’s Peak in glorious 2D animation!!!!
Depends on whether they've done the animated portion or not already. Because I believe the pike hair means appeared after the principal photography for that episode was completed; and they may have also already done the animation as well.

It would be great if we saw Pike hair joke in the animated portion, but I'm not expecting it.

SNW is absolutely terrible at comedy (the freaky friday episode being probably the worst episode, or tied with the fantasy episode as the worst), but Lower Decks, in my opinion, is literally the best modern Trek show, so hopefully the crossover is more LD's like in its quality. If it is, I'll probably love it. Heck, just getting a few LD's characters in live action is amazing, even if the overall episode ends up disappointing.
Different Strokes for different folks. I found Spock Amok to be one of the highlights of SNW's first season.
what i don't understand is why use an episode of SNW on this while it would fit a bit more as a lower deck one
what i don't understand is why use an episode of SNW on this while it would fit a bit more as a lower deck one

May have misread but is it not one of each?

I think it's a really interesting way of pushing the boat out a bit with things.

It is weird but I want to go for excited rather than trepidation - although I am dangerously blue sky with my thinking so I may not be seeing the potential pitfalls
I found Spock Amok to be hilarious. The Elysian Kingdom was also funny. The various one liners (Usually Chapel, Pike or Ortegas) tend to land quite well. I'm not worried.

"Spock Amok" was great, and "The Elysian Kingdom" was just excellent. It was fun, and the ending... I definitely shed a few single man tears. I just couldn't help but really feel for Dr. M'Benga.
I've seen LD and I've seen SNW, they're completely different looks, tones, and approaches to the storytelling and universe. They can't click together without one turning into the other or both having to sacrifice something to find a middle ground.

But, mostly, I just don't like LD, what it calls "humor" and it's need to constantly make call-backs and references to the point the characters talk like Trek Fans more than they do characters in the world (actually referencing episodes by name.) LD should just be on its own plane. But, nope, let's put it in with SNW.

That's certainly one opinion.
I always wonder when people hate Lower Decks for being "not funny" what kinds of things they do find funny. There are so many in-jokes in LD that I would be surprised if people who weren't already fans of other Trek shows found it funny at all. But the jokes assume we're all in on it, that we understand even the most obscure references.

Mariner is a difficult character to like I'll admit (and she's supposed to be difficult) but the other regulars in LD are delightful. I think LD being able to reference the new kid on the block (for both homage and mocking purposes) will be kind of fun.
I found Spock Amok to be hilarious. The Elysian Kingdom was also funny. The various one liners (Usually Chapel, Pike or Ortegas) tend to land quite well. I'm not worried.
The whole show is a joke yet still quite serious in tone at the the same time. It’s *so* funny in fact that it actually transcends humour and becomes a sci-fi drama. I don’t know quite what to make of it to be honest, but I want more. GIMME MORE!!!!!!
I always wonder when people hate Lower Decks for being "not funny" what kinds of things they do find funny. There are so many in-jokes in LD that I would be surprised if people who weren't already fans of other Trek shows found it funny at all. But the jokes assume we're all in on it, that we understand even the most obscure references.

Mariner is a difficult character to like I'll admit (and she's supposed to be difficult) but the other regulars in LD are delightful. I think LD being able to reference the new kid on the block (for both homage and mocking purposes) will be kind of fun.

There's probably some of the jokes that got a chuckle out of me but, largely, the humor in it isn't on par with the humor I prefer and I find the focus character (Mariner) annoying and I'm annoyed by the trope of the "nerd" character (Boimler (or whatever it is) being the primary butt of jokes. Really. I thought that was a trope that was exhausted.
There's probably some of the jokes that got a chuckle out of me but, largely, the humor in it isn't on par with the humor I prefer and I find the focus character (Mariner) annoying and I'm annoyed by the trope of the "nerd" character (Boimler (or whatever it is) being the primary butt of jokes. Really. I thought that was a trope that was exhausted.
Mariner's the only one who thinks of Boimler that way and he's proved her wrong a number of times. The nerds are the heroes of Lower Decks.
Ugh, this sounds absurdly stupid. Both shows are on different levels of how the approach their tone and kind of story-telling. I don't see how this can possibly work and it'll hurt SNW more than anything else.

I was pleased and hopeful with SNW and then bringing Kirk into S2 on some level is enough to try and hurdle over (but possible) but this.... Can't work without damaging one or both the series.

Do you turn down LD's slapsticky, animated, over-reliance on references and call backs and low-brow stoner version of "humor" to get it to fit in SNW, or do you turn that up for SNW to bring it to LD? This is why LD is such a wreck for me it's too square of a peg in how it behaves to the round hole of everything else in Trek.

JTFC. I knew SNW was too good too last.

Yup. Totally agree. Snw while not perfect was the best so far of the new shows. I always think of the cartoons as seperate. Especially a cartoon that is almost at Futrama level humor and surrealism. If they do an actual crossover.
Yup...RIP SNW...lol

But I'm guessing its gonna be a dream of some sort or alien mind games...
And that's...bad and harmful?

Sorry, but I grew up with Scooby-Doo and Batman and Robin, and Clue Jr. And other such things. SNW has demonstrated a willingness to be a broad sandbox like TOS/TAS. If I don't Ike it I move on. No harm, no foul. No runs, no hits, no errors.

Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek?? Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect. Merging a Futurama style cartoon with a serious live action show is completely stupid. I don't know maybe it will be a dream. But if it's not I'm guessing some of you will be defending it on your deathbeds.

Other shows have done it to varying success. SUPERNATURAL had a Scooby Doo crossover. Which even though it was of supernatural origins, I still found it extremely dumb and one of the worst episodes of the series. Farscape did it as well but it was Crichton in a coma dreaming everyone was Cartoons. Out of those two, Farscapes worked best.

This is just a bad idea. They are going to kill Trek off again quicker this time around. With all the stuff they are planning have already reached a stage of Oversaturation and just plain bad material. (Mostly Discovery and Picard)

But whatever. Maybe this is what needs to happen. I dont know. They have made a dozen bad moves since Discovery and I wont be surprised (or sad) when it eventually crashes and burns.
Why are couple of you always defending these bad decisions on new trek??
Defending? No. Questioning supposed harm done to a show because of one episode?
Some of us grew up with this show and want to see it treated with a bit of respect. M
I see. And I guess my growing up with it and not thinking any show deserves respect means...what? And why does longevity matter?

TOS is TOS. It requires no respect by future shows. And if the franchise can endure 50 years it clearly doesn't require vapid respect concepts of respect but sustain its accomplishments.
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Lower Decks took Riker, Troi, Q, Tom Paris, and Sonya Gomez and translated them to an animated medium with hypercharged characteristics. I don't think it's hard to fathom them going in the opposite direction with Boimler and Mariner in live action. Do I expect them to still be comedic, yes to an extent. But it won't be as zany as their animated counterparts. Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome aren't simply voice actors. They've both done live action comedy and know how to reign in and translate to that medium just fine.
I hate Lower Decks with everything I have. If I was granted Q powers for one day and could erase any Trek from existence, it would be all of Lower Decks.

There are .. many, many other Treks that would have made a better crossover.